,ss&r^?L "*« *• nt P»' ;"°**_. po»’ **, v%\i CHECK IT OUT!! Look for it in today’s Classified section! INTERNATIONAL BRIEFS Drug agent wounded 1.A PAZ. Bolivia (API - A U S. Drug Enforcement Agency agent was wounded when anti* drug policemen and DEA agents were ambushed by drug traffickers in the heart of Boliv ia’s cocaine-producing region, U.S. Ambassador Robert Gelbard said Tuesday. Police and agents were on a routine patrol in the Chapare coca-producing region when at least 20 heavily armed traffick ers fired on them, the ambassa dor told The Associated Press. The Chapare is in the center of Bolivia, about 250 miles east of I .a Par. Policemen returned fire and at least one trafficker was killed, the U.S. official said. The ambush occurred Monday afternoon but poor communica tions from the remote region prevented the news from reach ing official circles until Tues day. The ambush was the most se rious confrontation between traffickers and Bolivian police and DEA agents in recent years. Traffickers also fired on IJ.S - donated helicopters that were sent in to rescue the wounded agent, who was shut in the arm and leg but was not seriously hurt. The traffickers utilized sub machine guns in the ambush. At least two Bolivian police men also are missing. Bolivian police units have been mobilized in the area in the effort to capture the traffick ers. Chinese execute nine BEIJING (AIM - Nine people wore executed in the south Chi nese city of fjinton and four others wen* sentenced to life for nibbing passengers on long distance buses, an official newspaper reported. The executions were the lat est of a yearlong anti-crime campaign that Amnesty Inter national says has seen at least 500 people executed Two county courts on Mon day sentenced the 13-member gang for 37 robberies in a 10 month period, the Canton based Yangcheng Daily report ed. The highway bandits robbed 98 passengers of $36,544. Thir teen people were stabbed dur ing the robberies, said the pa per, seen Tuesday in Beiiing. Ringleader Gao Shiming was responsible for 26 robberies, during which he injured throe people, the paper said. Gao. Lin jinquan. Lin Guanghong. Fan Tiansheng and five others were sentenced to death and executed. Four other gang members were given life senlences, the paper said. Executions in China are usu ally carried out with a bullet to the head. Haitian elections slated PORT-AU-PRINCE. Haiti (AP) - After scrapping together funds and convincing politicians it is safe to campaign. Haiti's Elec toral Council set Dec. 16 as the date for presidential and mu nicipal elections, an official said Tuesday. The elections have been post poned several times. They were last set for Nov. 4. but the Elec toral (knincil had to drop that date because the impoverished government couldn't provide the money to organize the vot ing. Last week, the Haitian gov ernment came up with $4 mil lion The government will get an additional $1.5 million through the U.N. Development Program and the U.S. govern ment. West Germany and France have made pledges as well. Jean Casimir, who heads the Electoral Council, said the Canadian government con firmed paper to be used for bal lots would arrive in Haiti the First week of November. With out Canada's contribution of the costly, imported paper, the election date could not be set. he said. Many leading politicians had refused until recent days to par ticipate in any elections organ ized by interim President Ertha Pascal TrouiHot, who was ap pointed in March. They claimed she was unable to con trol the corrupt and violence prone military. Alleged assesain charged BOGOTA. Colombia (AP) - A judge operating in secrecy has charged Pablo Escobar, leader of the Medellin drug cartel, with last year's assassination of a presidential candidate during a campaign rally, the court said Tuesday. Colombia's now president. Cesar Gaviria, has said Escobar would be extradited to the United States if captured. Escobar was charged with planning and ordering the mur der of Luis Carlos Galan, cut down by automatic weapons fire as he prepared to deliver a speech in a poor Bogota neigh borhood on Aug. 18. 1989. The killing provoked then President Virgilio Barco to be gin a crackdown on drug traf fickers that developed into a bloody war with the cartel. The name of the judge order ing Escobar's arrest was kept secret lest he be murdered, ac cording to a communique from Colombia's federal court sys tem. in the last nine years. 228 judges and other court employ ees have been slain, mostly by drug traffickers who could not bribe or threaten them into si lence. Escobar also has been charged in the March 1989 kill ing of leftist presidential candi date Bernardo jaramillo and in the December 1987 slaying of Guillermo Cano, owner of the Bogota daily El Espectador. He also is wanted for plan ning a car bomb explosion which killed 63 people last De cember in front of the secret po lice headquarters of Gen. Mig uel Maza Marquez. I Oregon West - FITNESS - • AEROBICS, AEROBICS, AEROBICS • stairmaster, Aerobicyde, Lifecycle » Tanning » Personalized Training > Adjacent to Jogging / Bicycle Trails OREGON WEST —FITNESS— Best Hours-Best Prices 6am-l 1 pm 7 Days a week 1475 Franklin Blvd. Across from campus 485-1624 MasterCard Vi OFF INITIATION FEE Bring this coupon in and receive V2 off our low initiation fee. 1 (Expires 10/15/90)