INTERNATIONAL U.N. Security Council orders air embargo of Iraq (AP) — The U.N. Security Council or dered an air embargo of Iraq on Tuesday and warned of worse to come unless Iraq quits Kuwait. The vote was 14-1. with only Cuba opposed, and extended the powers of an earlier U.N. trade em bargo. U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III cautioned. "Acts have consequences ... For international society to permit Iraq to overwhelm a small neighbor and to erase it from the map would send a disastrous message." Iraqi Ambassador Abdul Al-Anbari. who had been attending as an interested party, stalked out after the vote, saying "boycotting a country by enforcing a naval embargo as well as an air embargo is an act of aggression, an act of war." He said Iraq has "been practicing self restraint because we know that if war were to break out, it would destroy ev erything in the region." Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard She vardnadze. who presided at the special council meeting, said war was an op tion, if not a desirable one. but "I hope that peaceful ways will be found to find a way out." Earlier. Shevardnadze joined a world chorus of rage and indignation against Iraq, calling the lightning takeover of Kuwait an "act of terrorism" and warn ing of possible U.N. military action Echoing a growing pessimism over the possibility of a diplomatic solution soon. Shevardnadze warned: "A great war may break out in the gulf region any day, any moment.” The painful economic impact of the invasion, which left Saddam Hussein's Iraq in control of 20 percent of the world's oil reserves, grew more appar ent. Crude oil prices approached $40 a barrel, nearly double the price before the Aug. 2 blitzkrieg. Some U.S. ana lysts said Tuesday in New York that gas prices may exceed $2 a gallon if a shoot ing war breaks out in the Persian Gulf They said the fallout will be widespread if oil prices should slay high for long, running up the cost of practically every thing while slowing economic growth The New York Stock Exchange has sunk to a 14-month low and gold has passed $400 an ounce. President Hush appealed on Tuesday for a "generous response from the world community" for countries hardest hit by (tie crisis. He spoke at the annual meet ing in Washington of the International Monetary Fund. World Hank President Harbor (kmable on Tuesday outlined emergency plans to help resettle hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing Iraq and Kuwait. The U.S. Defense Department mean while reported new buildups of Iraqi troops and armor in southern Iraq and Kuwait, within striking distance of Sau di Arabia and its vast oil fields. Penta gon spokesman Pete Williams said about 430.000 Iraqi soldiers now are in the area, up from 300.000 last week. Hu said Iraqi deployments still seemed to be “essentially a defensive force," but could readily convert to of fense Saddam showed no sign of yielding. He said in a message to Americans broadcast Tuesday that Hush was send ing Americans to a war more terrible than Vietnam. in a rambling. 75-minute address taped last week. Saddam warned that if Hush were to launch war against Iraq. "It would not be up to him to end it." He repeatedly accused Hush and Ku wait's rulers of plotting to impoverish Iraq and steal its oil. i RAISE A THOUSAND IN A WEEK The fundraiser that’s writing on 1800 college campuses! Your campus group can earn up to $1000 in just one week. No investment needed. Be first on your campus. A FREE gift just for calling. 1-800-765-M72 Ext.90 SOMETIMES IT TAKES AN ARMY TO MY BACK YOUR I COLLEGE! LOAN. Paying back your college ban can be a bng. uphill bat tle. 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