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Chief Investigator David Buckley told the Senate Perma nent Subcommittee on Investi gations that some lenders, guarantee agencies. loan servicers, and the student loan secondary markets have abused the system by pocketing pro cessing fees due the govern ment and by granting more loans than the law allows. *'Qur investigation has con firmed that there are enough fi nancial institution and servicer participants taking shortcuts, misrepresenting themselves, and engaging in fraud and abuse to cheat the taxpayer out of hundreds of millions of dol lars and seriously threaten the reputation and future stability of these programs.” said Buck ley. reading from a staff state ment. These activities occurred with little attention from the Department of Kducation. de scribed in the report as "a very poor enforcer of federal law and regulation over program participants." the staff report said. Maplethorpe pics discussed CINCINNATI (AP) - Poten tial jurors in the obscenity trial of an art gallery and its director for showing Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs heard graphic descriptions of the photos during questioning Tuesday The prosecution questioned the first group of eight poten tial jurors Monday, lawyer Marc 1). Mezibov. representing the (Contemporary Arts Center, completed his questions Tues day. left lawyer H. Louis Sirkin. representing gallery Di rector Dennia Barrie, to ques tion the panel . He described the picurea, which depict sex acts and child nudity. "Are you willing to see those photographs before making a decision as to whether any of them is obscene?" Sirkin asked several prospective jurors. All answered that they were. Abortion rale reversed WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate voted Thursday to re verse Bush administration reg ulations that prohibit federally supported family planning clinics from offering informa tion on abortion. The regulations, which are the subject of a case before the Supreme Court, were imposed in 1988 by the Keagan administratin and continued af ter President Bush took office. They have become the focus of debate between both sides of the abortion issue. The Senate voted 63-35 to ap prove an amendment offered by Sen. John Chafee. R-R.L. say ing the clinics must provide "information and counseling concerning all legal and medi cal options” to pregnant wom en who ask for it, including "pregnancy termination." Magellan successful so far PASADENA. Calif. (AP) - The Magellan spacecraft’s "jazzy” pictures of cloud-covered Ve nus show windblown dust de posits. a crater the size of Los Angeles and a solidified lavu river 200 miles long, scientists said Tuesday. "Believe me. it’s giving us a revolutionary new view of Ve nus," said Brown University geologist )im Head, a Magellan scientist at NASA's |et Propul sion Laboratory With Magellan only 10 days into its formal 243-day mission to map the planet's surface with radar. Head advised: "Don’t touch your dial." "We think we have a block buster fall season." he said at a news conference. McD's manager ‘not a hero’ LA VERNE. Calif. (AP) ' A young man who helped author ities capture a gunman who held 20 people hostage inside a McDonald's restaurant said Tuesday he was a reluctant hero. "All I knew was to take care of my people, my crew,” said the restaurant's assistant man ager, Ramiro Gironas. "I’m glad I’m safe and that all my people are safe. I’m not a hero. I just did what I had to." Police said Gironas. 21. hid in the kitchen during the sev en-hour standoff Monday night and Tuesday morning and kept them informed by phone of the gunman's movements. Officers were eventually able to distract the man with explo sive charges and overpower him shortly after midnight. None of the hostages was hurt. de Klerk offers new system WASHINGTON (AP) - South African President F. W'. de Klerk said Tuesday he envi sions a new power-sharing sys tem for his country that will en sure that no one race will ever again be able to dominate an other politically. Speaking at a press luncheon as he neared the end of his offi cial visit, de Klerk also said the U.S. sanctions imposed against South Africa in 1986 slowed down the reform process. His message at the National Press Club was essentially the same as it has been since his ar rival here Sunday morning: that South Africa is embarked on an irreversible course away from white supremacist rule and toward a new system that will embody the same values that Americans cherish. ED.Q. PIETRO’S DELIVERS QUALITY Pietro's PIZZA RESTAURANTS . FREE DELIVERY From our new P.D.Q. 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