Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 26, 1990, Page 16, Image 15

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Hussein sends message to Americans on tape
WASHINGTON (AP) — Iraqi President Saddam Hus
sein said in a message to Americans broadcast Tues
day that President Bush was sending their sons to a
war more terrible than Vietnam.
In a 75-minute address taped last week. Saddam
warned that if Bush were to launch war against Iraq,
"it would not be up to him to end it ."
Sitting at his desk with an Iraqi flag at his side. Sad
dam said he was addressing his message to the Ameri
can people to explain the truth behind Iraq's Aug. 2
invasion and occupation of Kuwait
The rambling address, peppered with references to
Allah and his teachings, repeatedly accused Bush and
Kuwait's rulers of plotting to impoverish his country
and steal its oil.
Bush is "placing you in a critically embarrassing sit
uation ... on the edge of a bottomless abyss." by de
fending undemocratic governments like those of Ku
wait. Saddam said.
"Bush, ladies and gentlemen, is sending your sons
to war for no purpose save fatal arrogance
Saddam spoke in Arabic. His remarks were trans
lated with English subtitles supplied by Iraqi authori
"Bush wants to bring back the sorrows of America
and humanity by repeating the Vietnam experience,
only this lime in a more radical manner and more vio
lent and more casualties.” Saddam said
The four major television networks broadcast ex
cerpts of the tape on their evening news shows
Only CNN honored Saddam's request to show the
whole tape, scheduling a 1 a m. HITT broadcast
Saddam, dressed in a dark suit rather than the mili
tary uniform he often favors, taped his address in re
sponse to an eight-minute message delivered by Presi
dent Bush unedited on state run Iraqi television 10
days ago. In that speech. Bush said Saddam had
brought his people to the brink of war
Although Bush told the Iraqi people his administra
tion had no quarrel with them. Saddam said. "We
have evidence that President Bush was himself in
volved in the Iran-gate or Iran-Contra conspiracy
against Iraq in l<(Ht> when he was Reagan's vice presi
dent "
As vice president. Bush was privy to the Reagan ad
ministration's decision to sell weapons to Iran —
which was engaged in war with Iraq — in an effort to
win freedom for American hostages held by pro-Irani
an radicals in Lebanon
The United States gave important help to Iraq, how
over, when in 1987 it put Kuwaiti tankers under the
U S flag and protected them against Iranian attacks in
the Persian Gulf.
Saddam accused Bush of lacking faith in God. and
of ‘‘promoting a form of neo-Nazism" by styling him
self as the leader of the free world.
Congress, too. was involved in a conspiracy against
Iraq long before the Aug. 2 invasion. Saddam said,
lawmakers wanted to impose economic sanctions
against his country, under the influenced of the pow
erful ‘‘Zionist" lobby of Israel’s supporters, he said.
He challenged Bush, again, to an international tele
vision debate so he could tell the world the facts about
Iraq's actions and so the American leader could learn
about his intentions.
"If Bush has troth on his side, why should he evade
Iraq's detention of Americans and other foreigners
“as guests in houses of our staff” is in the best inter
ests of the United States because it could prevent a di
sastrous war, Saddam said.
U.S. officials say Saddam is holding 93 Americans,
some of them at key military and financial installa
tions. as "human shields" to ward off attack. The
State Department has denounced the action in strong
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