CRAFT CENTER FALL '90 WORKSHOPS ■mix minimi_ __ _ _ _——n—mfciiSi CERAMICS BEGINNING CERAMICS* Peter Meyer/Frank Gosar Thi* workshop is everything you need for a thorough grounding in ceramics. Wheel throwing, handbuilding, and glazing techniques will be covered, with individualized instruction for beginners and those with some previous experience. 25 lbs. of clay and glazes Included. 18 hours of instruction. Three sessions offered: 1. Tuesdays 3:00-6:00 pm October 9-Novcmber 13 2. Thursdays 6:30-9:30 pm October 11 -November 15 3. Sundays 5:00 8:00 pm October 14 November 18 Meyer •goi *$40 Gosar •002 *$40 Gosar •003 *$40 CONTINUING CERAMICS* Peter Meyer For the adventurous spint who has had some previous clay experience. Expand your foundation skills and personal ex* pression with clay. Increase your throwing and handbuild ing skills, make specialized tools, and refine your glazing techniques. 25 lbs. of clay and glazes provided. 18 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 3:00-6:00 pm October 10 November 14 »004 *$40 HANDBUILDING/CERAMIC SCULPTURE* Frank Gosar Explore your own imaginative process through playing with clay. Learn ancient methods of clay construction - coil building, slab building, carving, additive and subtractive techniques. Class provides both directed and self-directed opportunities. 25 lbs. of clay and glazrs provided. 12 hours of instruction. Mondays 6:30-9:30 pm October 22-November 12 *or» *$30 RAKU* Frank Gosar Raku spans the centuries from 15th century tea bowls to 21st century metallic lusters. Exciting effects for sculptural and decorative pieces arc achieved in this dramatic process, in which pieces arc pulled red hot from the kiln and plunged into barrels of combustibles. Instruction includes lech niques for small pieces. Beginning and continuing students welcome. Clay and glazes Included. 18 hours of instruc tion. Tuesdays 6:30 9:30 pm October 9-30 »006 *$38 Saturday, November 3, 10:00 ant 4:00 pm (6 hour firing) COLORED PORCELAIN* Peter Meyer Handbuild beautiful cups and bowls wiih colored porcelain We w ill use white, shades of grey and a few accent colors. Colored slips will be available. Porcelain, mason stains and glazes provided. 12 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm October 3-24 *007 *$36 INTRODUCTION TO JEWELRY TECHNIQUES* Cary Dawson An overview of jewelry making techniques including both fabrication and casting. Demonstrations include design, design transfer, cutting. Tiling, piercing, soldering, finish ing, textures, wax model making, spruing & investing, casting &. cleanup. One or more projects can be completed during class time. Practice materials provided. 21 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm September 26 November 14 (except Oct. 31) eooa *S40 The C m vanity of Oregon affirm* and actively promote* the right* of all uidiv dual* u> equal | opportunity m education and employment at th* tnautuuoe, without regard to rax*.color, »m. national ongm. age. religion, marital atatua. handicap, veteran atatua, aeaual onanta tarn, or any other eairancxma v derail an not directly and *uh*tant tally reialod to eflective ' performance !h«a policy anpteraemu all applicable federal. Male and local law*, regulation* and eaacutrve order* l)imt reiatod muvmca to the Offku of Aff irmative Actum Onic«.4?2 j Oregon Hall. Umvaoity of Oregon. Hagan 1, OR f7401. telephone (503) U6 112I FIBERS NAVAJO WEAVING Char line Durchanrk Design and weave a Navajo rug. Using a frame loom, students with or without experience will set a loom, design and weave a small project. Advanced students will Icam more complicated techniques and designs. Coat includes frame loom which is yours to keep and first warp yarns. You will need to allow extra time and money for materials. 18 hours of instruction. Mondays 6:00 9:00 pm eoo» $37 members October 8-Novcmbn 12 eoio $40 non-members TABLE LOOM WEAVING* Chrystal McGulgan Explore the possibilities of textured cotton and rayon yams. Student* will dye the yam and each will weave a unique cloth. Instruction in warp preparation, loom dress ing and beginning pattern weaving will be given. All materials provided. 18 hours of instruction. Allow extra time outside of class for completing your project. Wednesdays 6:00-9:00 pm October 10 November 14 mi i *$35 SPINNING AND DYEING* Chrystal McCuigan Explore the possibilities of yam design while creating your own handxpun wool. Start on the drop spindle and move rapidly to the spinning wheel. All phases of wool preparation will be covered. Natural and chemical dyeing will he introduced. Coat Includes fleece for you to dye your favorite color. 18 hours of instruction. Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm October 11-November 15 sot2 *$37 KNITTING Rya Have you always wanted to learn how to knit? Knitting is a perfect way to relax while creating beautiful garments. After learning basic knitting techniques, each student will select a simple project such as a hat. scarf, or afghan. This class is for students with little or no experience. Nacdles and some yarn provided. 10 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 pm *013 $20 members October 3-31 *014 $23 non members SPEED QUILTING Binky Brown Takahashi Classic quill patterns and modular piecing techniques combine to produce a traditional quality quilt in a fraction of the usual time. Select one of the following patterns: Snow Ball. Blaring Star. Around the World, or Log Cabin. The first class meeting will include discussions of pat terns, color and fabric requirements and selections. All levels of experience welcome. Out of class sewing time may be necessary. 12-1/2 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:00 8:30 pm *015 $24 members October 9-Novcmber 6 *0I6 $27 non members STAINED GLASS* Mark Keefer Create your own beautiful stained glass window! This course will help you turn your ideas into a work of art. Design principles and the foil wrap construction method will be taught. Beginning as well as experienced students arc welcome. Tools and some materials provided. Allow a little extra money for glass. 18 hours of instruc tion. Mondays 6:30-9:30 pm October 8-November 12 ecct *$34 INTRO TO GLASS FUSING Mark Keefer Rediscover the ancient Egyptian artform of glass fusing. This two session class will cover primary fusing tech niques and allow students to create a few small pieces of jewelry. Tools and glass provided 5 hours of instruc tion. Tuesdays 7:00 9:30 pm »025 S16 members October 9 &. 16 #026 S19 non-members "" MARKET BASKETS Ardls Letey Make your own market basket using rattan rccd and an oak handle. Great for shopping, picnics, storage, and more! Beginning and experienced students are welcome. All materials for one basket Included. 6 hours of instruction. Saturdays 1:00-4:00 pm aot7 $17 members October 6& 13 aota $20 non-members SCULPTURAL BASKETS Ardls Letey Move from traditional to sculptural form, using the same basic structure. Materials will be provided for three baskets, and you may want to add other fibers-plani parts, feathers, etc. Beginning and experienced students arc wcl - come. 9 hours of instruction. Saturdays 1:00-4:00 pm #019 $22 members October 20-November 3 #020 $25 non-members BEADWORK Kim Balaam Express your creativity with colorful beads! You will learn traditional and contemporary beading techniques, includ ing Peyote stitch, Comanche weave, lace stitch, loom beading and others. Individualized instruction and guid ancc will enable you to design and create projects of your choice, such as earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, anklets and pouches and more. All levels of experience welcome. Cost includes a bead loom for you to keep, warp threads and needles. 12 hours of instruction. Mondays 7:00 9:00 pm #021 $29 members October 8-Novcmber 12 #022 $32 non members BATIK* Rya Batik is an ancient method of drawing, painting and stamping hot wax on cotton fabric before dyeing to create unique and beautiful patterns and designs. In this class you will team several batik techniques including resist dyeing techniques of West Africa Yoruba peoples. Students will have the opportunity to work on fabric and clothing of their own in and out of class. One*half yard of batik material, dyes and wax provided. 12 hours of instruction. Mondays 6:00-9:00 pm October 8-29 *023 *$34 — WHOLE BIKE HEALTH Herv# Bexon/Krank Schwab Is il Zen? Is il magic? Leant to overhaul bearing sets, adjust gears and brakes, and true your wheels. Proper fit and efficient bike use will be discussed. Allow $5 for replacement bearings. 15 hours of instruction. Two sessions offered: 1. Wednesdays 6:30-9:00 pm #027 $32 members October 3-Novcmbcr 7 #02 » $35 non members Instructor: Be son 2. Thursdays 7:00-9:30 pm #029 $32 members October 4-Novcmbcr 8 #030 $35 non members Instructor: Schwab SKI DOCTOR Craig Smith You know as well as anybody else that you can’t go another season without fixing the bases of your skis. At the first session the good doctor will demonstrate base repair, edge sharpening and hot waxing. At the next session, participants will work on their own skis under the watchful eye of the gifted doctor of ski abuse. Bring skis (alpine or nordic) to the second session 4 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 pm #031 $5 members November 13 St 20 #032 $8 non members * Starred Classes Require Craft Center Membership. DRAWING Mark Zimmerer If you can see, you can draw! Geared lowards heightening visual perception and observational skills, this course takes several exercises from “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” and other sources. We’ll also look at examples of work by masters of the art of drawing. All materials provided. IS hours of instruction. Mondays 6:00-8:30 pm #033 $29 members October 8-November 12 #034 $32 non-members PASTEL DRAWING Julia O’Reilly Pastel doesn't mean “pink!” Looking for pizzazz and control in your pastel drawings? Wanting to explore this rich medium? Our one day workshop will give you the perceptual tools to expand your awareness and understand ing of color, and the basics for using soft pastel sticks. Cost Includes a set of pastels and paper. 7 hours of instruction. Sat. 9:30 am-5 pm (1/2 hr. lunch) #035 $27 members October 20 #036 $30 non-members CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING Li Shuang Would you like to paint something in a very special way? Suini-c is a traditional Chinese painting technique you can use to create a “color” world with Chinese brushes and black ink. We will learn to paint mountains, flowers, bamboo and more, slep-by step. Come join us—you will gain lots of skill with fun. Cost includes three brushes which are yours to keep, paper and ink. 18 hours of instruction. Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm #037 $39 members October 4-November 8 #03* $42 non-members PAPERMAKING I Almee Yogi Turn your fall harvest into handmade papers. We'll have a short slide presentation on the history, process, and plants used for papermaking. Then we’ll make papers using 4 methods: Tapa, Himalayan, European, and Japanese. All I materials provided and a source list will be handed out. 6 hours of instruction. Saturdays 10:30 am 12:30pm #