COMMUNITY Cleaning up Millrace part of Riverfront project By Brian Bloch Emeiaid Reporter An enhancement program to clean up the Mtllrace has lx> gun. although its completion (lepemls largely on the availa bility of funds. The University and the Eu gene Planning and Develop ment Administration are work ing jointly on an enhancement program as part of the River front Research Park project. Diane Wiley. University Planning Department Associ ate, said the enhancement pro ject "is much more than a cleanup," and is set to include the introduction of biofiltration systems to treat runoff. Inter pretive learning centers to study the waterway and mech anisms for increasing the Mill race flow are included in the program, also. "They're talking about creat ing a bio-conditioning program that will go beyond the scope of traditional cleanup efforts.” Wiley said Traditionally, a number of (.reek houses and community volunteers initiate annual Millrace cleanups, pulling up bicycles. Ixiwling I Mills and oth er assorted items from the murky water. Although these annual efforts P9m4o by VIbu KaMirfi Efforts by the University and the City of Eugene to beautify the Millrace have largely been unsuccessful due to funding problems. provide some improvement, they do little to enhance the long-term ecology of the water way. According to city planners, a technical team made up of con sultants from three Oregon firms recently evaluated the water quality, flow and sur It you want to meet all your banking needs, enn>ll at Weserve l — First Interstate Bank of Oivk'on We have a special IJackaee designed to help students Rodent Ufl® can better manage your expenses. Stixlent Loans. If paying for school is a con cern. we can help you with a student loan. Student loans allow make it through those trying college years the Student Line Account. It has all the pnxlucts and services you need: Checking .Account with no minimum you la tx irrow money for college and not l*‘gin paying it back until after you graduate. So for all your tanking needs—from a checking ac eount to a student loan—graduate to First Interstate Bank. iKiiiiiH i. »rne up 10 l int a mumn lur out' tow monthly fee. And cash your personal checks at over 1,100 First Interstate offices in 21 states. First Interstate Bancard. Get up to $300 cash every day at Day & Ni^ht Tellers* throughout First Interstate territory and at 30000 CIRRI ’S* auto mated tellers across the l '.S. and Canada. VISA* eligibility. Kven if you have no credit his torv, you may still quality for a student VISA? so you First _ Interstate Bank We £0 the extra mile for you: MemOt* FDtC FIOR rounding areas oi ine Mill race and made the improvement suggestions. City planners have suggested the possibility of installing a bicycle and jogging path along one bank. "We want a lovely amenity for the research park and its us ers." Wiley said. Beside its recreational and ascetic value, the Millrace serves the University power plant. Wiley said improve ments in the waterway would, in addition, enhance slated im provements and expansion of the plant. The problem with the pro gram. she said, is the lack of available funding. "The city and the University just don’t have the money for a project like this." Wiley said. “What we want to do would be very expensive." However, she said the results of the study will provide the city and the University the in formation needed to apply for state and federal grants that could possibly fund all or part of the Millrace improvements. Until funding is secured. Wi ley said the program will lie ap proached “project by project," until the Millrace is a more us able. attractive waterway. For health insurance, check with State Farm. Call Phil Hlllstrom 185 E. 12th Ave 485-6161 Near Campus UM ‘*rm MutuJ* Automotx** Comt**"* »om* (>♦♦*» •*oomi«gton iN«non POSTER OFFER! I I" l I' ' \ ' l\ I ,m>i \ I HI! .Iltltl" - - 1 I \\ IN n \K" I •< i" I I K i 'll I K n I Hi \ III'1 \\i si I m if s N N iTWINi PEAKS I P S Mir s sh!l I