Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 nt Httf WAMTffi FED C*A.USCustonnjjA. etc Now twang CaH|ti 805687-6000 Exl K964 2 Office workers needed Must be work study qualified Apply University News Bureau, 219 Johnson Hell EARLY RISER? THIS IS YOUR JOB!! Daily Emerald morning delivery person needed ASAP for DAILY distribution lasting approx 12 hours You must have your own transportation, proof of insurance and alarm clock Rain, sleet or an early morning test can't keep you from this route that begins about 6 45 am the paper must get out So. if you would like to have a job that is fin •shed while everyone else is |ust get ting started, come up to the Emerald and apply today, no phone calls please Room 300 Erb Memorial Union Starts at M 25 per hour plus mileage reimbursement EOE EARN MONEY typmg/word process mgypersonal computing At home Full or pt time S35.000/yr income potential (1)005 687*000. E*t B 9642 REFEREES NEEOEOtl Earn & have fun Flag Football/Soccer Afternoons Bill Weeks. 484 2406 4 55-15 JOrtvr Positions Available Woman's Resource & Referral is hiring for codirector A workstudy Assistant positions Workstudy or stipend Job descriptions and applications available at the Women's Center Suite 3 EMU Deadline Sept 26 t990 Women s Re source and Referral is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer EARN EXTRA CA$H WITH THE PUSH OF A PM. yjlk -m tfwiItffwl up potters wffli application tom tor VISA. MntoCan! end after national credit cants on campus. And aam up to S2 tor aadt response I s Pot easy. Cali 1-800950-1037 Ext. 75 The U of 0 YWCA has 2 *o*k study po tritons available Fall-Spring farms • Assistant Dirac tor • Administrates Assistant Job descnplions/applications available at ASUO ottica, EMU Suita 4 Addrass to. Attn Hiring Committee YWCA. 041 E 18th. Eugene OR 9740) iAA/EQP Employe! U at 0 Feuadetlon Finenee A Accounting ottica naads work study students to as sift with ctartcai duties 10-12 hours par wee* 15 50 par hour Ceil Carolyn at 346 3006 to schedule an intarviaw Position No it 2105 _ WORK-STUDY NEEDED! Law School Alumni Ottica Variety ot duties Asat w/aiumm records events general otc Word process mg skills raq'd Call Connie at APTS.-OUPUm* U OF O StudiovQuads 115fc Patterson 715 C. 16th 9<>1 W. 17th 1 Bedroom •Ml f. 19th 11% Patterson 2960 Willamette 2/3 Bedroom 71V .- I I6lh 601 Coburg K or 667 3046 MMMMMmU Christian Coop 1965 University Ave Females 3450991 ask lor Carol Famala room*# neadad fu» great apt Has aashar dryar pool, hoi tub. park mg. sacunty cabla included Directly on nvar. naar Rosa Gar dans and on biha path $125 deposit, $50 rafund abia Rani $300 par month, but worth HI Would alto consular a couple (gay or straight) Introverts. cat haters naad not raspond 344 4462 or maaaaQa i 404 253f. 2 roommataa wanted m a me# South Hills horn# on Fo* Hottow Quiet envi r on man I for serious siudanta Bus r 23 stops at tha door Furmshad and car pated Private bath and rafrtgaralor Ja tuwt with skylight fane ad backyard dacks firapiaca Laundry facilities Kitchen privileges All utilitias mclud ad 1»t/iaai ♦ $‘<0 reAufKiabie $250 and $100 Sachiko at 4tf> 4810 rwBtM ESTATE ~~ Rapossassad VA A Hud Horn## avail abc#* quit#d 3489812. aMat > pm MANNY: Part lim« for 2 Q*rt» 4 * & t8/hr EduCAtforvchtldCArA #»p p'* f#rt#d Rtf483713 HOCKEY PLAYERS Thara will ba a Club Mockay maaWng lof inlwnltd pltytfi. Fri. Sapt 2llf> •I 5 00 pm in IM STRAUB,_ Study in Australia .. a a formation masting on Wednasday September 2ft in at 2 00 p m tn in* Wai nut Room ol the EMU the nxwtmg wilt focus on study options at La Trob# University in MalbOurna Contact Intar national Sarvicas Xft 3206 tor further information Thai Gay And laakian Alliance invites alt interested students to attand a voluntas* meeting on Thurs taj Sapt 2 at -» pm m nil MU ULTIMATE! Club sports team meeting for all interested men. Mandatory lor oN conUnutnf pUy«f< Thurs. Sept 27th, Cedar Rm A. 4*5 pm. Info. 343-1420 a * WANTED a a raoeoi ;reate tau Courageous Chriatiana to create small IMa Studtas i campus Working Together (Groups of Three PO Bo. 3157 • Eugana OR 97403 683-5608 LUfiaiULiixia barney r *0 t <0 J*mwm tan i—we > S3 dwl MS MSM <4 *»<* n M MM *«■* |N .RIM PRAIRIE TALES mjtTtmtoatt •**>*, too tn H iSfo *aas gMSaakaSs •maasaal JESUS OF MONTREAL 4. KLCX~ 104 7 LATE NIGHT 4 FREE MOVIES! Reliable. film loving voiuntaart naad •d to assist with films Rip tickats. carry films snd racaiva free film passas Sign up si lha Cultural ! Forum offtca in EMU. or call 1 34*4373 mfwtmtoL miner rociuiirs t ONm» l llMIW«hl(M«i (ug«n« t Omn ka Oaam and Fm>w YofuM HOT FUDGE SUNDAES St .25 Every Tuesday TswpotKY haalth Mtsuranct avaitabta at faaaonatxa raiaa » clays 1A*> days Handy Rad*«. 4&Y0M 1 8 a m > p m Woman's Qroup Support, haaiing madMafion Wad. ^ 4ft Kay a Warn man. MS 344 W3 Wih A Agala J44 4418 Opanc Ml WiUamaila da«ly 12 11 pm J4J 2821 211 mmi: 111_____ It you have graduated 04 are leaving U of 0. you may convert your ASUO group health tnsurance policy to an individual plan Call 34ft 3702 or stop by the ASUO Student Insurance Ot flea. Room IS EMU for mora mfof mat ton_ COVER YOURSELF with ASUO Studani Health tnsur anca on tala Sapt 20-26. EMU Ball room. Sapt 27 Oct 11 Room !S EMU For information call 346-3702 CLUB SPORTS PARTICIPANTS The 1990 1991 student health ln»ur anca policy WILL cover club sports related in|ur»es law students who received earlier information exclud mg such in|urtes may still purchase insurance Pteaee call 346 3702 tor more information ___ CROSSWORD By Eugene Shc/fer ACROSS 1 Old French coins 5 Spanish painter • Ring sparkler 12 On# Kannady 13 Hebrew maasura 14 Aclrass — Dawn Chong 19 Ursa Major 17 Pitching slat. 19 So mar sal Maugham story 19 Raisa in status 21 Play back ar 24 Mannar ol walking 29 Baavar's TV dad 26 Word with dog or trada 30 Franch soul 31 lea cream treats 32 It inspired Keats j3 Ol 12 months' duration 35 Theatreal sketch 36 Implement 37 ‘Hula make* 30 Straal tak 40 City on lha Oka 42 Reape measure 43 Huron or Ena 40 Raided lha relrig arator 40 Bridge position 50 Wallet fillers 51 legal matter 52 Stains 53 —and means DOWN 1 Work unit 2 Bible bk 3 Employ 4 Scorched 5 Desert plateau in ! Asia • 1976 horror movie. ; with "The" 7 Aflirma- J liva vota 8 Unpaid I dabts 9 Larga saa ‘ birds 10 Musical Scruggs 11 Partner ol ' potatoes 16 Former chess champ 20 Noon letters 21 'Up. Up and —" Solution tlmo: 24 mint. Yastarday'a answar 9-25 !2 Parent to be's choice !3 Gorillas 14 Lougants ol diving lama 16 Unruffled !7 Actress Jill tan 4 "True — * (movie) 4 Grafted Her. 11 Slopped up 4 Ely or Perlman 15 Willow twig 17 Word before bar or blanket 4 Battle memento IB Guitar's cousin 10 Platinum wire loop 11 Word from Charlie Brown >4 Author Bradbury 5 Collection ol anecdotes 6 Tone of voice 7 Danger ous curve DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WITH N A BIRTHDAY THIS MONTH? J A I ) t A. J\ A / \ 1 If you do, come to the ODE Classified Department and wish them HAPPY BIRTHDAY for only $1 per line! Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ] IN A SC'fiHTlflC. Ni%iON 70 j SSCCNSi Nutf hAWN* ttCN | -no n.ANsr*, ®u.,oe. y’vx man sR;r oa&es anchor.' -■ -c *1? ** k wuVOfe' 5jsS MC?5t *E> rWetcwTuw w r iy ?UhVT S'JXiS w.ff.'is l ! vjins B’f oyQ hj» a *Ui I • o s>-.>ssri y<» ^>*UV ?vN**T S i I