COMMUNITY Miller announces support for Frohnmayer’s candidacy Jeff Miller David Froknmayar By John Clarke EmetakJ Contributor Eugene Mayor JefT Miller gave strong support Friday to Attorney General Dave Frohnmayer's candidacy for governor at Frohnmayer's local election headquarters. “We will support Dave Frohnmayer in his race for the state governor and wilt work with him so that we, the local government, will help solve the important Oregonian issue of tax reform." Miller said. Frohnmayer's education plan consists of a com bination sales and property tax. which, he said, if executed correctly will eventually bring the school funding crisis to a halt. In a written proposal released last week. Frohn mayer called for a property tax limit of $15 for ev ery $1,000 of assessed value and a four percent sales tax. which would be fixed at that level by the state constitution. “This (sales tax) will provide a replacement revenue with a voter review after four years," Frohnmayer said. "1 want to solve the toughest problems that arc closest to the people." Democratic gubernatorial candidate Barbara Roberts' plan, presented earlier this month, would require a five percent sales tax on goods and services, relieving the public school system from property tax support all together. Frohnmayer said his "top priority" plan will only work if schools get help from both state and the local government. Frohnmayer believes that at this stage in the school funding crisis, local government must work hard to overcome low funds. "We must ensure our students long term bene fits through school and beyond." Frohnmayer said. "It is no longer adequate merely to support our educational programs. We must invent ways to expand to serve more students." Frohnmayer said in the written statement that if elected, he would "demand that public schools receive a minimum of thirty percent of their fund ing from state government." Frohnmayer called reforms in the public school support system the most significant issue of his campaign platform, which ranges from proposals to reform the state's workers’ compensation pro gram. to increasing and encouraging economic development. Keep your roommates in line. Call 1800 654-0471. ««• It’s never much fun figuring out who made what call on your phone bill But we am help with AH5TCallMatuqpr It's just one part of a whole program of products and ser vices called AH5TStudent Sat er /fccs AH&T CaB Manager,wi\\ auu xnatkally separate your kxtg distance calls from the ones yixir rvxxnmates make. And well do it fur free. All \xxi haw to do is dial a simple axle. To enrx >11 in AFGtCaUMvtagpr(>r to learn about the Student Sea er Hus j w *rams that a a* right for you, call us at 1800 654-0471 Ext. 1229. And put your abominates in their place. AIKT. Helping make college life a little easier. The right choice. Tin.' service nuv mx lx* available in residence halls on wxu campus. ©1990 AT&T LSAT GMAT MCAT GRE ll s| \iHll IWst' ( Lisso. I hi unity; i" IHANMYK KAPLAN FREE DIAGNOSTIC TESTS 485-5090 DISCOUNT FOR U OF O STUDENTS 9 CISCAP invites you to A participate in the eV Free Now! Nationwide Walk A-Thon October 13. 1990 Registration begins at 9:30 am at Lambs Butte Cottage in Skinner Butte Park. • Call CISCAP, 485-8633, to get spon sor sheets. • 10k route, shorter route too. • Get $50 in pledges and get a free t-shirt! The Committee in Solidarity with the Central American People