FORUM Measure 10 dangerous to women By Molly Eness “I’m telling your mom on you." I thought I had heard those words for the last time when I graduated from elementary school, but they continue to haunt me. This November I will be asked to vote on wheth er the state should "tell on" girls under 18-ycars-old who Commentary are seeking abortions. Ballot Measure 10 asks. "Shall state law require a doc tor to give notice to a parent or custodian at least two days be fore a minor's abortion?" In Minnesota, 7,000 minors have had abortions since that state passed parental notifica tion laws Half of them have gone before a judge rather than allow the doctor to notify their parents. If Measure 10 passes, Oregon teenagers will not be offered the vital option of judi cial bypass. What factors motivate those young women to go to the courts to discuss the most per sonal decision they will ever make? Of course, many have been abused by one or more parents, some may actually 1m; pregnant by their fathers, and some may lx; runaway or "throw-away" teenagers with no parents to notify. Those "pro-choice" parents who are planning to vote for Measure It) thinking, "1 would want to know if my daughter were having an abortion." need to wake up and realize that all daughters do not have loving pro-choice parents. Some daughters. like 13-year-old Spring Adams, have fathers who impregnate them and then kill them rather than allow them to terminate that pregnan cy. If Measure 10 passes, the state will be blackmailing "bad little girls” with the threat — "I am going to tell your par ents." This position is contrary' to other health care statutes which guarantee minors' priva cy. Confidentiality is a vital as pect in treatment of venereal disease, drug and alcohol abuse, and in the delivery of pre-natal care and contracep tion. Even in cases where notifica tion causes minimal trauma in itself, the procedure will cause delays. Since young women of ten have irregular menstrual cycles, it is not uncommon for their pregnancies to go unde tected until late in their first tri mester. A 10 day delay at that point could be crucial. Finally. Measure 10 discrimi nates against women. Only the females will be punished for their sexual activity, while the males are free to do as they please, without fear of reper cussion. If we are notifying all concerned parties, why not write to the fetus's paternal grandparents and tell them their son has been promiscuous and irresponsible? (Of course I am not advocating this). An unwanted pregnancy will always be of greater conse quence to the woman than to the man, but for the state to add to the consequences and in crease this disparity is puni tive. sexist and detrimental to the status of women. Measure 10 is not something you vote for because “parents and children should communi cate.'' It is not something you vote for because you would want your daughter to tell you It is not something you will vote for if you can remember being 15. And if you can’t remember being 15, then do those who an too young to vote a favor, and leave the voting to those of us who can remember and will he voting no on 10 Molly Eness is a student at the University. MILLER'S GROCERY • Groceries • Beer & Wine • Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream • Munchies POSITIVE ATTITUDE Located 1065 E. 20th On 20th Between Harris and Potter (Just two blocks from campus) ARTIST'S SUPPLIES Grumbacher Pre-Test Oil Paints GESSO: 25% OFF SELECTED PADS: 15%-25%OFF STRATHMORE MORILLA BIENFANG KOI WATERCOLORS ALL SETS 15% OFF NEW! Mbe! 20%OFF COTMAN WATERCOLORS winton $2.75 $5.15 $6.15 OILS reg.S3.45 ieg.S6.4S reg.$7.65 20% OFF SCEPTRE BRUSHES SALE ENOS OCT. 13. '990 LIMITED TO STOCK ON HANO Dance, Dance, Dance Campus Headquarters for quality active wear Ballet Shoes Jazz Shoes Aerobic Shoes Leotards & Tights City Sweats Dance Studio & Retail Active* Activewear 877 E. 13th Ave. Eugene. Oregon 97401 342-6375 Oregon DAILY EMERALD r o a..