Continued from Page 14 with an interception to set up a 2S-yard Coston field goal, and later, with the Ducks in field goal range and thinking more with a first down at the Wildcat 10. Todd Burden picked off a Musgrave pass in the end zone when the Oregon quarter iiack tried to force it to Thomason instead of hit ting a wide-open Shedrick. Musgrave did complete 22 of 41 passes for 258 yards, but it was the four interceptions that made the difference. "Bill obviously didn't play well in the second half." Brooks said. "He made a few ill advised throws." T The Duck defense limited the explosive Arizo na ground game only 157 rushing yards, and dominated every offensive category except turn overs and points. It was a defensive domination by both teams; Arizona forcing the key turnovers. Oregon shut ting down the Wildcat ground game. "It was a tremendous football game between two determined teams.” Arizona Coach Dick Tomey said. "It was hard fought by both teams." Individually. Burwell had 77 rushing yards on 19 carries. McClellan caught seven passes for 112 yards and Thomason had six receptions for 64 yards, but it wasn't enough in a game of mis takes. and finally, inches, for the Oregon offense. I ! I V I ■ "I Eif Having .. And The' Know-How You Need _JJDd: Make It EasyToUSse.'_ PANASON C KXW-L50 LAp-TOJP W0RD Processor • ftQ-CH«r*\erx 14 Ifne batklft LCD Display Thesaurus • Spreadsheet ! • Autospell Plus • (sternal I Low Prui $5^ Our, inter Idtrrfi L95 j— ace >i \nn rki\ i ik F ! i ASK US ABOUT OUR fJO I INTEREST PAYMENT PLAN! Electronics Specialist Curtis Smith will be on hand to demonstrate and answer questions about the latest technology in word processors and typewriters. MONDAY AND TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 25 10:00 TO 1130 a.m. ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT nth and Kincaid I’h. 346-4331 Mon.-1 ri. 7:30 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00-6:00 Continued from Page 12 team deserved to lose." Leading the balanced at tack for the !Kicks against the Beavers was a trio of ju niors. Dawnn Charroin. Ali Watkins and Mindee Adams each shared the team lead with 21 kills while a fourth junior. Julie Jeffery, chipped in with 18 kills. The Beavers seemed des tined to win the match after dominating games one and three and posting big come backs before losing games two and four, but the Ducks weren't about to hand them the match. “After losing to them a couple of weeks back, we made a promise to ourselves that we wouldn't let them score and beat us on our mistakes," team captain Ad ams said. "We came out fired up and determined." The Ducks had been in only one five-game match this season before Friday, but it was one more than Or egon State had played and the little edge seemed to help the home team. "We missed an incredible number of serves early on in the fifth game but only trailed 4-2." Gregory said. "That's when I knew we could win." Once the Ducks' serves be gan falling they pushed their way to a 13-9 lead. After the Beavers scored a point to make the score 13-10 and the teams traded three sideouts. the Ducks finished off the match with a kill and stuff block by Adams. As a team, the Ducks con nected on 93 kills and col lected 137 digs but only col lected 12 blocks. However, the Ducks came through in the clutch, get ting to everything, and fin ishing off points decisively on kills by Adams, Jeffery and Charrion. The Beavers were led by the tandem of seniors Tricia Becker and |ulie l.eamon Becker finished the night with 23 kills and a .258 hit ting percentage while Oia mon. the school's career leader in kills, had 20 kills for a .273 hitting percentage. The emotional high the Ducks reached on Friday was washed away by the Pi lots' tenacious and spirited plav Saturday. The Ducks' 14-16. 15-8, 15-8. 8-15. 13-15 loss was their first de feat ever at the hands of the Pilots in nine matches. Gregory felt that his squad was obviously worn out from the night before but was quick to give the visit ing Pilots credit. "1 felt like we were physi cally and mentally exhaust ed. but Portland deserves credit because they really hustled and played a good match.” After dropping the first game and falling behind 5-2 in the second, the Ducks re ceived a wake up call and cruised to relatively easy wins in games two and three. Game four started well for the Ducks as they posted a 7-4 lead and seemed on their way to wrapping up a week end sweep, but it was not to be. The Pilots charged from behind, led by the powerful right arm of Nikki Kosenfeldt. Kosenfeldt. a sophomore, had 14 kills in the final two games and finished with 26 kills and a .377 hitting per centage for the match. Her performance was enough to overshadow Charroin’s pow erful hitting and overcome the Ducks' lead. Charrion exploded out of the gate for 19 kills in the first two games on her way to a career-high 33 kills but tired at the the end and wound up with a hitting percentage of only .180. The final game saw the Pi lots rush out to early 6-2 and 10-6 leads before the Ducks mounted a furious comeback to push in front 13-11. The Ducks' comeback included strong serving from Adams and fine hitting by Charrion and sophomore Jennifer Mc Ginnis who provided two key kills. in the end. it was too much Kosenfeldt and not enough energy us the Pilots closed out the match 15-13 on a Kosenfeldt kill. Daily Emerald Classified Advertising Placement Order HOW DO YOU REACH 45,000 READERS EVERY DAY? JUST FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW! 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