SPORTS Photo by km b«M Tailback Sean Burwell helped Oregon trounce Idaho Sept. 15, rushing for more than 100 yards and scoring three touchdowns. Ducks pay high price for Idaho win By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Editor Oregon literally ran over Di vision I-AA Idaho Sept. 15 at Autzen Stadium for a 55-23 vic tory. but it was a costly win for the Ducks. Two starters, wide receiver Tony Hargain and fullback Brandon Jumper, both sus tained season-ending injuries in the first half, putting a damper on another good offen sive day for Oregon. The running game, which was nowhere to lie found the week before against San Diego State, returned against the Van dals as tailbacks Ngalu kelemeni and Sean Burnell each rushed for more than 100 yards. As a team, the Ducks ground out 398 rushing yards, five short of the school record. But the two injuries were more significant than anything else Oregon did that day. Hargain broke his left knee cap when he jumped for a Bill Musgrave pass in the first quar ter. There was no contact on the play and Hargain didn't oven land on his knee when he came down. "Tony Hargain. in one of the freakiest things I've ever seen, broke his kneecap when he leaped to go up for a pass," Or egon Coach Rich Brooks said. "He wasn't hit. he didn't land on it. He just pulled it apart He's out for the year obvious ly ” Hargain. who underwent successful surgery the follow ing day, looked destined for a great season He opened the season with It) catches for 20t> yards and two touchdowns against San Diego State and was leading the nation in receiving yardage A fifth-year senior, Hargain has already used his one red shirt season at Oregon. "Tony Hargain worked as hard as anybody I've been around, through the off-season, through the summer,” Brooks said "He was obviously prepared and off tf> a fantastic start," ho added, "and it's a crushing thing personally and emotion ally to have that type of in jury." The loss of lumper also hap pened on a freak play when he was shoved while already out of-bounds following a 43-yard run m the second quarter. lumper was trying to avoid the medical table on the side line and ran into a pole holding up a rope that separates the sideline from the stands. lumper suffered a torn anter ior cruciate in his right knee, the same injury he suffered last year in his left knee at Stan ford. lumper, a sophomore, used his redshirt year after last season’s injury and is facing a long rehabilitation process fol lowing surgery. "Brandon lumper apparently has torn the anterior cruciate on a late hit out-of-bounds that Turn to IDAHO. Page 17 AA 2 Pack ONLY2.19 AA 4 Pack ONLY3.99 AAA 4 Pack ONLY3.99 C 2 Pack ONLY2.59 D 2 Pack ONLY2.59 9V Single ONLY 2.99 AA RECHARGEABLES 2 Pack ONLY6.95 30-6 00 S [>Hl Buy it and try it! Buy a Satt-n-Sonid" cassitti or compact disc id if you r* not completely satisfied - retura tta cassitti or compact disc witbia 30 days and m will ocfcaaoi it for aaottur cassitti or CO of tbi sum value Rmipt will bi rwyoind tor nchaapa Hit9 $6?? JAR'S ABBKTIOI RITUAL LO DE HABITUAL ^ SPECIAL tO l E G A l fig i *n,mm aocuci qnci oat I (V «NNiWNinM* iWM It M *s*m I ifj ultra vivid scene l.») joy 1967-1990 1 mmm including *1 ttt« »uft •p*C'«i ItW#* »!*'% •! »t*|»P*n* •*•** ««**• i YOUNGBLOOD ■ I d Rathai Go Blind a a Oonl Kaap Ma Waiting a a Sit And Wait a Gateway Mall 746-6373 We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover This sill runs Soptombor 15 through Octobor 15. Look lor 6 now tltlis on Octobor 15. DISC JOCKEY