Local wineries capturing nation’s attention, offering unique blends By Cathy Peterson Emeiald Reporter Oregonians drank 7 5 million gallons of wine in ]<)8t). according to an Oregon l.i(|uor (Control Cominission report. That's almost three gallons for every person in the state And Oregon wineries are keeping up with the demand, producing almost 780.not) gallons ot dessert and table wine in 108(1 nearly triple the amount produced in 1080 Oregon wines i aught the country 's attention in 108.1 when several wineries released pinot nous ot as good a quality as California or European wines Since then, wineries have experimented with pinot grapes, as well as other grapes to pro duce w inns ot national reputation Local wine fans have the happy predicament ol shopping for their wines at Oregon's best wine store, or lasting their wines at one of the third largest wineries in the state, both within 1> min utes of downtuw n Kugene "We sell an incredible amount ol Oregon wines." said Cavin \h Comas, owner of Sun dance Natural Foods In lllttti Sundant e w.is named the best wine retailer in the state ol Ore gon by wine industry members Sundance's wine selection once filled a lone shelf above the hulk foods section, but has now become a $4011.OOll-a year item lor Sundance. 1U late September. McComas said he hopes to open a store just for wines at 747(1 Alder St The new store will have a larger stoi k than the current 1,200 to 1.500 bottles available now Mi (lomas said "Whites far outsell reds, and chardonnavs are the number one wine, period." he said He said his prices range trom a St> bottle of white table wine to a $2(10.0:") bottle of Madiera wine pressed in 187f> Oregon wines make up 20 pen ent of the stock at Sunil.mi e. he said There are 84 licensed and bonded wineries in Oregon, ranging from cottage operations located in private homes, sin h as Oregon Fstates Winery m Selma, to the largest producing winery in Ore gon. knudseii Krath in Dundee Most of the wineries produce their wines tor ( onsumption in Oregon or the Northwest St w end ot tile huger wineries sin h ns llinman h.n e looked into marketing in other regions ot the lountrv. but most of their wine still ends up on Oregon t.ihles said llinman bookkeeper U.md.i Smith One ill the re.isons Oregon prodiu es good wines ui.iv he its i lunate whir h is siiiii!,u to the premium grow ing regions in I i.iru e Met minis s.nd Oregon is able to prodiu e w ines ( .ditornia ( .in I liei ,iuse ot its climate 1 nlortiiii.itelv the i lim.lie here is less ((insistent than ( .ihtorni.i N he s.ud Hut 'when we hit we hit something le.ilK line I lie sidle is divided up into gi.uie growing or viticiillur.il regions l.arie (iountv tolls into the South Willamette grape growing region whnli spans the area trom Album to I ugene There are II vinevards in the region, including the award winning Sprmghill t ellars Meridian \ 'miners. which received the Oregon (liiveinni s (hip lor their wines in I'lHU said Mike Ihllet, South Willamette i hapter spokesman Dillex said the award was a sign of excellence and a t oup for the i hapter. whit h must compete lor the award with the larger or older wineries in Northern (begun Wine drinkers who can't decide between red and w hile, or sweet or dr\ . i an visit several local wineries which offer tastings and tours I stahlished in 1'172 l urgeron Vinevards in I I mira spei iali/.es in pinot nous, i ahernet sauvi gnons. i hardonn.iys and while lieslmgs as well as a limited amount of rare pinot gns a blush colored w ine lasting room host Laura Magnuson said most ot the w me made at I'orgeron Is consumed b\ t )i egou drinkers In 1‘IHu, the winerv prodiu cd 12.000 cases of wine made mosth from then own grapes Magnuson said the neslmg is the best selling wine although the pinot gns is becoming popu lar as v\ell I'orgeron Vinevnrds is ill Klimr.i oil of llighwax lltli 1 lie tasting room will he open !p III to a Turn to WINE Page 28 Ttresfone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE SERVICE SPECIALS Lube, Oil & Filter Includes Tire rotation and Visual Inspection $ 16 99 Refill up lo 5 qt Change All pric us plus Si SO shop h —— — — — — — — — —— — — — — —— - ALIGNMENT SERVICE J Front Wheel s24" I Thrust s39" ! 4-Wheel s59" I Most cars Paris & rear shims extra rl needed Most locations if • An , • ■ . pin-. $1 ni: .ri tec ► Trains : T©chnicians Solve over 2 000 F ng Problems Daily TUNE-UPS S/LQ99 ^7 4 cyl 6 cyl $59.99 8 cyl $69.99 N'-a i pper plug . 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