Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 17, 1990, Page 9A, Image 9

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fall 1990
University of Oregon I-rb Memorial Union Mezzanine 110 346-4305
Peace (ilasnost & Perestroika
MWF 2:30-3:20pm Sept 24 Dec 7
SOC 400 TLN 5432
Instructor: Joe Austin
110 Willamette Hall, V of O
The relentless rush of international
events have prope 11 eel us into uncharted
waters mined with dangerous txx'by tr.i|rs
1'he course will pose many pertinent
questions to achieve some pertinent answers
to knotty problems wc are facing.
Northwest Environmental Polities
Tues 3:30.6:20pm Sept 25 Dec 4
PS 400 Tl.N 5 4()H Instructor Jim
Weaver, former congressman.
101 Gilbert Hall, U of O
W( K)I’S The S nuclear plants that became
the biggest boondoggle in the country
WILDERNESS The light to [ireserve
forests anil save the Spotted Owl.
RAJNELSHPURAM A religious sect
builds a city in the desert
2 sections: Sat 10-4pm Nov 17
Th 7-9:50pm Nov 29-Dec 6
Fee S25 each
Instructor: Dr. Jay Pol mar
In this class you will learn skills to:
improve your reading speed, eliminate bad
reading habits, improve concentration and
take belter class notes.
Accelerate Your Learning
Th 7-9:50pm Sepl27-Novl5
Fee $25 Instructor: Dr. Jay Polntar
Unquestionably, the use of this 22 hour
course will cause some major changes in
your educational abilities. The basics of this
course are to teach each student how the
brain and mind work and are inter related.
Develop skills for memory recall, concentra
lion, creative test taking, note taking and
Be Your Own Financial Planner
Sal9:30-11:30am Octl3-Nov3
Fee $25 Instructor: Dave Horton
Financial planning is not for the
wealthy only. To rail plan your finances is to
ignore your future. Take control! Here is a
do it yourself course in which you will
develop an understanding of die basic
concepts involved in the financial planning
Planetary Consciousness
Seen Through the Arts
Tu 7-9:20pm Oct 2-Nov 20
Fee $15 Instructor: Barbara Master
Hie common links which connect the
earth's indigenous cultures are traced through
their ritual and expressive arts. Cross cultural
influences are examined for their underlying
universal themes The origins of humanity s
need for creative expression will be dis
Spcctro-Chrome: Quantum Hailing
Sal 11 am-3:30pm IX t 0
Fee S25 Instructor: Varian Blanchard
FREE informational lecture:
Tu 7-8:30pm (Xt 2 214 Allen Hall
Radiant Color posscscs inherent prop
crtics which produce profound physiological
as well as psychological changes This
workshop will introduce die physical and
meta physical properties of Dmshah’s
twelve Attuned Color Waves. Each person
will come away with die knowledge
necessary to assess which color(s) will he
needed for the correction of any functior al
J. KrLshnamurti Seminar
Wed 5-6:30pm Sept 26 Dec 5
No fee Instructor: Marvk Lees
A participant led seminar involving
the practical application of Krishnamurti's
style of self-observation to the deepening of
our awareness Issues to he meditated upon
will include the role of die teacher, the roles
of fear and pleasure in producing condition
mg and subsequent conflict, the natures < f
dtought, freedom, intelligence, meditation,
and love
Men & Masculinity Seminar
Th 6-8pm CXt 4-Oct 25
Fee $8
Instructor: Carlos Vela/que/.
Are you interested in demystifying
masculinity? If so, you should sign up for
this class that shall explore issues related to
masculinity and male dominance within our
culture The course is designed to develop
an aw areness of male/female communica
Uon patterns, sex role identity, and the
men's movement. The class will he an
opportunity for dialogue, insight and
Heart to Heart: An Inward Journey
Th 7-9pm Sept27-Octl8
No fee Instructor: Shatuimayi
As we learn to open our hearts and
journey within, we will ficgin to understand
ourselves in a new way A different perspec
live unfolds, our mind becomes still and
more brilliant and out life takes on a deeper
meaning. We will use ancient methods of
die Siddha Saints (perfected beings), science
of today and one’s own personal psychology
to align die inner and outer worlds
Kxploring Possibility:
A Metaphysical Journey
Tu 3-5pm Ocl 2-Dec 4
No fee Instructor: Nadia Wood
Come journey together as we explore
various ways to contact your divine Higher
Self, to tap those levels lying dormant for
years or a lifetime Bring understanding
back, into your awareness Discover the God/
Goddess within Connecting with our
Superconscious Self we understand our
world, our being, our purpose Inner source
connection enables us to discover and
maximize our life path Come share the
Homeopathic First Aid
Sat 9am-12:30 Oct 13
Fee SIS Instructor: Karen Kunklcr
People around the world are discover
mg the benefits of homeopathy. Phis
seminar will introduce you to homeopathic
medicine and provide instruc tion tn the use
of 17 homeopathic remedies for first aid
Homeopathic remedies are easy to
administer arid rapid in effect. Come and
explore this fascinating and effective form
of medicine!
C reative Conflict Solving
Tu 4-6pm Oct 2-Nov 20
Fee $S Instructor: Lyn Marx
We are surrounded by conflict,
sonally and globally 'Phis course teaches
skills to resolve conflicts in a safe almos
phere using experiential methods Hicsc 12
skills can he applied to i[ilor|>ersonal
relationships, the workplace, the school
community and in the broader context of
international [>eace
How To Meditate: I heory & Practice
2 sections: Tu4-5:30pm Oct 2TXx 4
Th7-K:30pm Oct4-Dcc6
No fee Instructor: Joe Winer
Phis is an informative and experiential
class We will experience mcdiuticni during
each class period as well as learning ahout
how meditation works, the advantages of
meditation, and the lifestyle changes to aid
meditation No prior experience is neccs
vary Ihis class will lie lor beginners as well
as exjx-rienccd meditators who want to leatn
more and have group support. Phis class is
non denominational I vetyone is welcome'
Creative Movement
1 rt (v30 8pm Ocl VNm TO
Fee $20 Instructor: Anncxa Hartman
l ake a mess' Ke enter the childhood
playground ami release some energies
through creative movement Strengthen the
flexibility and coordination of your body
Fxplore movement naturally through artiste
mediums, like music, literature, art and
architecture Throw away all inhibitions and
find the dancer within yourself No
structured movement experience necccssary,
just an imagination ami a desire to Ireelv
T u/Ih 7 ‘Jpni Sept 25 Dec 6
Fee $25 Instructor: Wayne Vincent
Aikido is a combination of the disci
phried study of sell awareness and the
harmonious blending of body, mind and
spirit. This non aggressive Japanese martial
art [ilaces emphasis on centering, balance
ami relaxation, as well as on sell defense
techniques Training is designed to reduce
tension, increase flexibility and heighten
awareness of inner energy (called 'Ki' in
Fiction Writing and Collaboration
Th 6:3()-8:30pitt Sept 27-Nov 15
Fee $25 Instructor: Robert Hluchcr
Students in this class will work
together to w rite a b<) to HO page novella
lhe class will create the characters and
decide on tin- selling and plot. I lie class
format will lx- based on group writing
trehnniques used in the Ken Kesey novel
writing t lass which produced tfie novel
(as crus
Past l ives & Sell Discovery
Sa 10am 4pm (Xt2()
Fee $25 Instructor: I)r. Jay Polmar
Who were vou .’ Who arc you ' What
is your purpose in lilc ? Many jxxiple seek
answers from wiljlin themselves to guide
them along tlieir path to enlightenment.
These answers come easily through a series
of seven guided meditation regressions
which lake you to past lives that are
significantly affecting today's life and your
relationships today. You'll lx- guided hack
in time to vour lirst lifetime on earth
Credit classes:
Non-credit classes:
Building pass:
U of O students register during regular U of O registration in Mac Arthur Court at the appropriate co-sponsoring department
Non-students must contact Community Education at 346-5614.
Both students and non-students are able to register two ways:
1 Drop by our table in the main lobby of the EMU Sept 20 and 21 between 8:30 am and 4:(X) pm.
2. Come to our office during our office hours (posted on our door or call our answering machine. 346-4305).
Classes held in any Physical Education building (Creative Movement and Aikido) requires a current U ofO identification. Anyone without must
purchase a building pass for $15.00 or S10.(K) for current LCC students.
Location of classes with a fee will be given only upon registration and recicpl of its course fee.
Innovative Educational Development provides the Eugene area with a
refreshing blend of courses not found in the regular U of O curriculum. We
sponsor credit and non-credit classes, workshops and seminars taught by
qualified students, community members and U of O faculty. INNOVA 11VI.
EDUCATION acts as a testing ground for experimental course ideas, welcoming
new ones that deal with cunent and/or controvertial issues. Over the last twenty
years, many classes originating in this program have been incorporated into the
regular university curriculum. As an ASUO (Associated Students ol the l ol O)
program, it is managed entirely by students. We are always open to new ideas
or old ideas with a twist. All students, faculty, and non-student community
members are invited to participate in our program.
Innovative Educational Development has provided alternative courses
for U of O students and the Eugene community for over twenty years. We oiler
unique teaching opportunities to qualified students, faculty and non-student
community members. We encourage ideas for courses from all disciplines and
support innovative teaching techniques. Bring your ideas to the Innovative
Education office. Our staff will assist you in preparing and structuring your
class. All courses for credit require faculty sponsorship. This offers the student
instructor the benefit of faculty guidance and expertise. You can also earn up to
3 credits teaching a class. Unlike courses for university credit, non credit classes
and workshops do not need a faculty sponsor Instead, set up your class through
our office. Honorariums may be available for non-credit course instruction.