Jewish Students observing Rush Hashunah may register tor tall term at an alternative time. Please stop by the Office of the Registrar for details. The ('m\Tiur\ of Ore fit m i\ an et/ual opfn>rtunii\ affirmative at ram instilulam t tmwulleii to t ullural diverutv WELCOME BACK STUDENTS UNBELIEVABLE BACK to SCHOOL SPECIALS * T-Shirts and Tanks $3.50 * 100% Cotton Sweats * Tv-Die EVERYTHING * Avia Aerobic Shoes Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN 877 E. 13th — By the Bookstore — 342 6375 flflaflflflgflaaQafl^ttflflflaataaaa fl JUULajuLfl_flJULflJLfl.fl.fl. WALK-ON Continued from Page 19 lot of h.iril work "It wasn't easy." ht* adds doth of them got off to a shaky start, hut they both had determination And they also had to !>e given a < hani e Neither Keitzug nor Hall were given mur.h attention from l’a< It) si hools doth .ire small by Pat. 10 standards Keitzug is 5-10 and 170 pounds, and Hall is ti-2 and 2r>M pounds and lack blazing speed, but both have intangible qualities that recruiters often can't see "Everybody looks for the big ger or faster players ” Hrooks said "Sometimes I don't know what (coaches) are looking for. including myself 1 mean, we make mistakes. Hopefully we don't make a lot of them, but we make them " Keitzug, a senior. was courted by Oregon he even visited Kugene but when the time came to sign there was no scholarship offered There were a few smaller schools in Wash ington and Oregon that recruit ed him. hut he liked the coach mg staff and atmosphere at Or egon enough that he de< ideil to give it a i hance "It was kind of tough being a walk-on." he said, "because si holarship players already have money invested in them so (iiaches have to give them preferences Hall agrees "When you're a walk on they do give you a chance but the coaches don’t really ex per t you to do it At first I was intimidated Keitzug a 22 year old Tacoma. Washington, native recalls "I wanted to show people I could do it that I believed in myself and do the things I knew I i on I d do to plav tor tills team 1 alway s knew that in the bai k of my mind After redshirting during the lutiti season. Keitzug ques tinned his desire to play for the Dm ks and left the team Hut he returned for the HtHH season and probably would have made morf* of an impact had he not suffered a broken thumb It was last season when his talents blossomed Keitzug placed in all 12 games and started three of them He made 14 receptions for 511 cards and three touch downs, including seven catch es for liltj cards against Brig ham Young and six for 12 1 cards against Tulsa in the Inde pendence Bowl Although last year was un doubtedly Keitzug's best for Or egon. Brooks saw flashes of what was to come during the Washington State game in 1<)HB. "Two years ago - when 1 didn't have a scholarship avail able for him at the time - he made an incredible catch at the Washington State game," he said "And there have been a bunch since then.'' "I kind of got lucky," Reit/.ug said “Coach Brooks has helped me out a lot. and I have a lot of respect for the coaching staff and Coach Brooks "He is an amazing man. I don't know if I would 1m- in the same position if I were in a dif ferent program hike Reit/.ug. Hall was given offers from smaller schools when he graduated from South Kugene High School in 1BBB, but de< ideil he wanted to take on