-Alpine Import Service Fall Fitness Analysis • Oil < han^e, Kcnuiru* VOLVO filler ,irvd 4 quarts of oil • C omplete maintenani e JK Meed A Poster Made? jji J m- SK M US' X' x<.> ATHLETES Continued from Page 10 year round Willamalane also sponsors road races throughout the year including the Turkov Staffer. to lie held this \ear on Thanksgiv ing I lay I it ness centers offering free weights treadmills and indi vidually tailored weight lifting programs .ire also available through the Willamalane Parks and Her real ion Ilepartmerit Tor more information > all the Willamalane I itness ( enter at 7.:n -t.itiK l ot more information about am upcoming programs, pick up .1 fall schedule at any of the Willamalane Parks and Kei.rea turn far ilities Kllgene s ow n Parks Kecrea lion and Cultural Services of fers programs open to all nth letes ill the Pugene Springfield area, said Renee (,rube athletif supervisor of PAR( S Athletii Programs "The PARCS Athletic Pro gram is designed to help re ( reational athletes meet their nerds fur le.im and individual competition and instruction,'’ (.rube saiii Tuigene residents 1H sears and older are encour aged to parti< ipate Kei reational athletes i an take tennis lessons or volleyball classes. pla\ basketball, soccer, tennis softball or volleyball on i ity league teams, join any of three ( lub sports, or work out during open gyms People with disabilities pins basketball in a ness building at the 11 i 1 sard Community Center svhii h also oilers ski trips in the ss inter for people with dis abilities Intermediate and advanced voiles Iwll classes begin < )< t 1 and continue through Nov 2t> at Jefferson Middle School 11, ,11 \V Jllnd \ve Registra tion is S 100 per team \n organizational meeting lot men’s and women’s basket ball teams ssill be held < )c t 11 at [) m III the Room 10-4 ot the Municipal Court building. 777 Pearl St. Teams mas regis ter from (tc 1 to through Nov A team tee ot S.U ) Is re quirt'd Most othrr sporting trams h.uf alreadv hern fnrmrd for fall ('.rube said. but informa tion is available for winter reg istr.ition In t ailing (>H7 ri.i.'t.t Athletes mav also join club teams in boxing, fenc ing or la crosse iTbrse teams are not .if filiati'd with I'niversitv (Huh Sports teams ) Information about the boxing t lull is available fix c .tiling at tiH‘1 4M4H I cm ing t lull infor illation is .nailable through Paul Mi \amara at (iftH-li424. and lacrosse club information t an be obtained through \ed Brittian at 747- t7<)fi Registration for all athlete programs is conducted at the PARC S Department office at 22 U 7th Ave Anyone' interested in becom ing involved with a team may place bis or her name on the sports league interest list at the PAR( IS office The list is made available to team managers in eac h sport WELCOME BACK U of O STUDENTS Wl KOMI TO 1 HI BIST slIK IIONOI COMPAC T DISCS IN AT I OF LANE COUNTY!!! ^ \\\\^ CSK ABOUT OUR BONUS C ARD. SONIC YOUTH Goo Fiaturinf KOOi TMIN6 • OISAPffARER TUNIC (SONC FOR KAREN) MW AND L'SED DISC S Of ALL TYPES OF MUSIC \ Get readv to ski! r About this time every year .1 tre mendous pitc h of energy emerges mini the mountains It's ski fever and very nutations U e'iv ready to help you combat it u ith this year's sk: fashions and equipment ULLR SKI & SPORT SHOP 1640 WEST 7TH 683-1977 eTIjc iN'rtu fjork (times THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. CAMPUS DISCOUNTS! NVT-25^ Per copy 50% discount YVSJ-35C Per copy 30% discount I ,tll term Sept. 24-Dec. Winter Jan. 7-Mareh JJ Spring Marc h 2S-Ma\ v i S 1.5.25 Si 1.00 S 12.25 M I BULK BOX PROGRAM papers will be available lor pit k-up Mon I rl at the bulk box ItH ated at the 1.5th St. port h ol the I MU. To sign up, go to the Good Morning New stand at 2.572 \\ . I 1th. Bring full payment tor eat h term requested. U of O BOOKSTORE PROGRAM papers will be available tor pit k-up Mon-Fri at the U of C) B< >okstore. Sign up at the l of () Bookstore. No-deliveries during holidays or exams. I’tolessors: ( .ill lor t lass si/e bulk deliveries. GOOD MORNING NEWS SERVICE tor home delivery or information 683-1441