Relief sought for funding crunch By Jeremy Kemp Emerald Contributor Gaining admission to the I 'niversitv has become tougher in the last few years, hut get ting into overt rowded classes can be even tougher and paying for a four-year edtica turn may be harder vet What is the problem? The state Hoard of Higher Kd ucation has an answer to that question: lack of funding In the last two years. Oregon has increased its higher edu< a tion spending by only 7 per cent, while Washington. Idaho and Nevada have increased theirs by at least 14 percent Oregon is behind 47 other states in higher education budget increases. Money from the state Legisla ture. constituting roughly i4 percent of the higher education budget, has barely matched in flation in the past few vears. Tuition rates, on the other hand, have outpaced inflation. Student tuition and lees i on tribute about l.t percent of the budget: they rose H.75 percent in 1UHH and 0 05 pen out in lPH'l Who .ire the people Irving to solve the funding problems7 The ()regon State Hoard of Edu cation controls the state's insli tutions ot higher education Its responsibility includes submit ting budget proposals to the governor The board comprises two stu dents from Oregon's universe ties and colleges and nine Ore gon residents. "Most of them are business Turn to FUNDING, Page 12 University, state system: a guide to how it all works Over the course of a school year, students read about the I'niversity admin istration. the Oregon State System of Higher Kdu< ation, and the state board that oversees their affairs Here's how they work and what they do The I !niversit\ is but one member of the Oregon State System of Higher P.dui ation. the group to whi( h all the state’s public i olleges and universities belong Other members are hast ern Oregon State (College in La Grande; Oregon Health Sciences t'niversitv and Portland State t'niversitv in Portland. Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath f alls; Oregon Stale l 'diversi ty in Corvallis. Southern Ot egon State Gollege in Ash land; and Western Oregon State (iollege in Monmouth The Oregon Slate Hoard of Higher Kducation oversees the system, meets every month e\< ept August It consists of I 1 members .til of w horn make polit ies on issues such as < ollege and university budgets and funds, personnel (including presidents), and act on re quests tor new programs They also lobby the case for higher education to the gov ernor and Legislature. (.'loser to home, the l ui \ersit\ is run bv its own ad ministration Ihe president. i urrentlv Mvles Uraiul. rep resents the l miversitv to the board. Ihe legislature and other outside organizations Mam I 'niversitv organize times work closelv with the president and the adroinis tration, including the AS! '( ). the direr tor ol al fimiative ai tion and the 1 'm versity Senate Brand is iissisted in his job In tour \ ii e presidents, eai h ol whom administers a dll terent tai el ol l 'diversity op oration Ihe provost. \orman Wessells, is also known as the vice president lor ac a demii attairs I he provost is the i hiel ai ademii offic er ot the I anversitv. and all ol the various deans report to him through regular meetings Six vii e provosts, with duties ranging Irom at adem ii affairs to information re sources and serv ices assist Wessells I he other three \ ice presi dents are in i liarge ot re sean h (lofin Moseley), ad ministration |l)an Williams) and publu affairs and devel opment (Brody Remington, who takes office in early (>i toher. I Tirestone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE SERV lie E~S P1 Cl A LS” Lube, Oil & Filter Includes Tire rotation and Visual Inspection $ 16 99 Refill up to 5 qt Change All prices plus $1 50 shop fee ALIGNMENT SERVICE j Front Wheel I Thrust [4-Wheel I - . s24 *39" s59" I ■ mioi i..u> r .hi . a n.'tii mmiiis I'AUii, ii iit'CUfU iviU!>l lUCiillUMb • All p'it - . • , $ 1 •>>1 '.h“p !»•<■ I I | I r,lined Technicians Solve over 2 000 Eng ('>• r-'. Daily1 TUNE-UPS $4Q" "Tw 4 cvl 6 cyl S59.99 8 cyl $69.99 | Nr a {.{•»•' ;.'iu-r- ‘ >• ' 11 f ? i n, j .hu i -.! I. Vim. i ; l ' Mm... I | lu lls hij'.’“. I’VI f. GH valve .vi[><• r*> lights .red tluul level'. 1 j Mastermind computerized engine analysis & quality conlrol pnnloul | I j No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 THERE IS NOTHING BETTER Campus Connection is THE Place to Buy Your ^ G OF O SPORTSWEAR ^ GLASSWARE ^ T-SHIRTS ^ TAMK TOPS ^ HATS ^ SHOT GLASSES ^ BEER MUGS ^ COFFEE CUPS ^ CHAMPION SWEATS ^ CAR DECALS ^ RUSSELL ATHLETIC ^ U OF O STATIONERY ^ DUCK PENCILS WE HAVE IT ALL At a price students can afford! Campus Connection — u of 0 !!! 720 E. 13th (Next to Dairy Queen)