Playing frisbee golf a good way to see campus, scare passersby By Paul Morgan Erne fa id Reporter If you art' walki ng at mss t ampus ,1 ntl sudden 1 v hear someone bellow FORK! don't be alarmed Tham es are you have just entered one of the fairvvavs on the Cniversih s frisbee golf course The frisbee golf t nurse on campus is an 18 hole (or lamp post) trip through the corridors of trees and past the ivv cov ered halls - not to mention the throngs of students that work as moving obstacles (or targets, depending on the rules). And although the sport tan sometimes be as frustrating as its predecessor, it does offer players a good chance to see the t ampus and learn a new at: tivity. Best of all, it's cheap The current course was de signed by members of the Eu gene Dark Star Frisbee Associa tion. said Michael Wing, ulti mate frisbee teacher for the Physical Education Depart ment After playing the course many times, Wing said a cou pie of members standardized the course that stands today “The first time 1 played it, I played something like ftl! holes 1 just couldn't stop playing," said Wing, who has been play ing frisbee golf for seven years Frisbee golf is very similar to golf, without the expensive clubs or green fees Players throw their frisbees from a tee and proceed taking shots until they can hit a designated lamp post. After eat h hole, players take turns adding their scores At the end of I fit* course, the base st ore (tin for tins course) is subtrat ted from the total A sub-par score, or negative score, means the day's outing was belter than the average The first hole tees off from the hill between Carson II,ill and the FMC and finishes on RAISE A THOUSAND IN A WEEK The fundraiser that's wording on 1800 college campuses! Your campus group can earn up to $1000 in just one week No investment needed. Be first on your campus. A FREE gift just for calling. Call Now 1 -800-765-8472 Ext.90 Oregon Daily Emerald Recycle paper Oregon- DaiK Emerald the east end nf the KM1 ' Drct'/v vv u\ I he sei ond hole is I he shortest hut possibly the most c'hill longing , ,1s players .in ion ed to mmieuver through .1 thn ket of trees Pitt feet to the post The rest ot the course winds through i iiinpus: between Men drit ks mill lohnson 1 lulls, to the southeast corner of ( hap man Hall; from between 1 enton and Hilbert Halls hooking around to the north side ol (iil bert; between Villard Hall and franklin Boulevard: the par > seventh. Wing’s favorite whii It runs af>(> leet between Villard, Lawrence. Death , and Allen II.ills, to a lamp post just west ol Friendly Hall, from just east of Johnson Hall on t.tth Avenue to a post west ol Hen drii.ks Hall, and then the ninth a para. aH*f It endurance test that starts at the south end ot the FMH Ureezewav and veers lett to finish east of Carson Hall The second half of the course basically follows that same pat tern but in reverse The rules for frishee golf vary depending on how serious the players want to make it In some circles. Wing said, con Instants must lot the lamp post in a certain area, usually a four or five foot space between the bottom and the top. however. Wing said the way he plays is to hit the post at any point. Some play with boundaries (going out ot bounds tones .1 one-shot penalty) or with .1 t ti ree meter rule j w hen t he frishee hinds on any stnu turn over three meters high the play er must take u one sliot penal ty) When playing on ,1 crowded d.l\ . U mg S.111I |||,I\ els 1 .III subtract .1 stroke it the frishee hits ,m innoi ent bystander "We never do that on pur pose though W ing saiil Despite the variations there is one rule that is ever present You cannot improve vonr lie Players must stand behind the spot where their previous throw landed when they at tempt the next one Frishee golf is becoming more advanced, with frishee manufacturers taking advan tage of its growing popularity In making spec ial disi s Play ers c an buy frisbees in a wide range of weights and si/es, each designed to fly at different lengths and velocities In lf)Hri the Recreation and Intramurals Department spoil sored a tournament on the c am pus course, but Wing said it was not heavily attended "I don’t think they really knew how to run it." he said "But if they were to put more advertising out it would he a good event Maps of the campus c nurse are available in the Kec reation and Intremuruls Office Room 1(0 (ierlinger AGENCY RENT-A-CAR 342-3177 • Low Daily Rates • Unlimited Free Milage • Free Pickup and Delivery 1144 Willagilletple Rd , Suit* 34 Eugene (Acton Itotn Valley Rivet Centei) i-rom $59.95 w/ 750 FREE Miles Student Weekend Rental Special! 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