BOLA SALE DOUBLE FUTON AND FRAME Cotton S1 99.00 Foam Coro S229.00 SINGLE FUTON AND FRAME Cotton S1 59.00 Foam Coro S 1 79.00 QUEEN FUTON AND FRAME Cotton S209.00 Foam Coro $239.00 Top Quality at Low Prices WE CUT HAIR 1 FOR STUDENT BODIES. I I Our version of a school budget cut is to trim a little off our regular price. Simply bring in this ad, and you'll get our regular $8.75 Supercut for just $7.75. This offer is good for men. wom en and children of course, and there's no need for an appointment. W iII.uik'IU' 1 ugcne. < >R hS 1405 Il>’() ()l\ mpu Sprinplicld. < )R 741 2KS"’ HAIR BY sunncuTS Recreation and Intramurals offers variety of competitive team sports | By Jason McAllister | The 1 mvorsiU Ket real ion and intramurals department is j offering .1 ol sports ai 11 vihes this fall im hiding | league plav in volleyball, flag football In i and | half a mi rt basketha 11 All '•Indents and fat ultv are eligible to compete bum the novice to the advanced cum petitoi said Karla Kii e KIM direi tin Most ol the leagues have divisions lot men. worn en and co-ed pla\ . with eat h division divided into different levels of i ompetitiveness Tins hill's (lag football sea son mat lie affected h\ a hit k ol placing space Kite said Tivo fields nurmalh used for foot hall are out ol < oilimission due to heavy use the previous year l he fields, near lftth Avenue between Hmve field and Hay ward field will-go unused in oidel to restore 11 it■ lull there As an alternante Kit e said two itovs fields are being pie pared One will he pis! iioyond lhe left field font e a! Howe I teld and the other will be at the hummer throw prat lice area neai I lav w afd f ield The Howe f ield location should be ready by fall, salt! I’h\sical Plant grounds manag er 'l’iin king. W orkers ret entls installed a new irrigation sys tern and re seeded a ret (angular area for the new field l he h.immei throw prut tit e area should also he available tor use at least for the (list part of the season 1 lowc\ et, It the w eather gets too wot we ( an t use it I ilc |>h«>11• I niversiti Recreation and Intramurals department offers all students .ind l.uult\ the chunce to /unlit i/iate in a variety ot t ompetitiie sports it ithout ha\ ini; to he a \ nrsity athlete. We i.iin'l let that ht'ld net lorn lip said |iin laeger Athletic Department operations manag er. Should one or both of the new fields be unavailable Klee said she would have to either i ut the number of teams al lowed in the league, or shorten DIM SUM Every Sunday 11 am 3 p.m. Phad Thai Dim Sum Lunch Special *3"" \\1) I OK D1NM K kuay-Teow \l \N\ (H III K ( HOICKS •^4*“ \l V\\ Ol IlhK ( HOICKS $^25 CHINA BLUE Restaurant l |Kl.lllV Nt\l 111 l ill ( I BiMlksIlllV K7«J K. I .Mil • 343-2X32 play it nanin SPORTS WE BUY AND SELL NEW AND USED SPORTS EQUIPMENT • KOI I I K HI \OI S • 1 SI 1) HIM S • I At ROSSI i si n .skit s li< n 1 (11 HS II NNIS RAOU I BA1 L. 50 E. 11th 342-4041 (betwet'll Oak and Willamette) Recycle This Paper the season by a game or two "Ur want to accommodate as main people as possible, so we would probably < ut the number of games rather than the number of teams. Kice said. Flag football normally has a 100 team limit, and Kit e said she entourages teams to sign up earls to ensure a spot in tin league The entry deadline is Sept 28, and the team entry let is $25 The volleyball league also has a loo team cap. with men s. w omen's arid co-ed di visions Mori* over, there will he ,i tree volleyball skills t linn taught by two assistant i oat lies from the University's intercol legiate team The i Unit is ()c t 8. and the entry deadline lor league play is Oct 10 1 lit* fee for league play is $2a Two "mini-leagues" art* scheduled for indoor soccer and ;t-on-3 half-court basket ball These leagues have three regular season games instead of the usual four, but like regular leagues they have a post-season tournament. There is a 42-team limit for each mini-league, and a $20 entry fee. Details anil deadlines for these and other events are available in the KIM Turn to TEAMS, Page 11 /'■"'’ITT C \KK'| K l.lDA'i VJ'.T.L CORPUR \TION Financial Services • Insurance • Securities • Investments GARRY LIDAY 1144 Wil!Jglllespic Ruud Suite ' P O Bus “SK4 I uyeiie. Oregon *>'41)1 (503)484-6885 Registered is e liquits Serv ices. Inc Sen /ne (Irviion shk e I'1 '<>