PRESIDENTS Continued from Page 21 t,ik<*n In il reallv easily just bourn.' and others are a little bit more set ot |iist haven't tak en the tune to think about it vet So do you both do every thing. or is then- a division of tasks; do you both have areas of expertise? Hailet We eai h have some responsibilities hut usually in terms of anv (let isions that have to be made say ill terms ul eontrai ts both of our names are on the eontrai ts. or in terms ot appointments, both of us will make a del ision on an ap pointment St it if'I So far though Kirk has done a little more of the t'niversitv realm stuff just h(> i ause its in his nature bei ause he was I'niversitv affairs coor dinator (HtfPI-'IO) And for me. I've been focusing a lot more on the state level stut! because I've been i hairing Oregon Stu dent l.ohhv And the financial stuff Haile\ One 01 the other of 11s w ill coordinate anv part it ulai project or anv partuulai t om mittee or something, and then just make sine that tin- other person is involved m any del 1 sions that are made or in formed when something is go ing on People complain that llome 1 oming's no big deal here; are you trv ing to ( hange that? Hailey It's tuiinv the lug gest. most common thing that we heard during the end ot the i empaign and t ight as we were i oining into ottii e was that people Wanted to do something lor Homecoming We talked about building some campus .spirit in terms of being proud ot your institution and being proud ot some ot the good things that happen at the 1 111 versilv So what we found is that it's tough to get anything planned foi this tall, with the short time span and everything Hut we re going to trv to put something ~oC' Recycle This ‘Stesll1 paper H DO YOU HAVE " AM INTEREST IN " “ • Substance Abuse " • Sexuality ► nutrition • Fitness • Behaviors • Eating Disorders ^ • Weight Management« • Stress Management Do you have any interest in developing counseling smhs, puunu speaking skills enhancing your personal knowledge of, and edu eating others on these sub|ects ’ Then the LIFESTYLE PLANNING PROGRAM IS FOR YOU' Upper division and graduate credit, in ^ ternships and practicums are available lo students interested m Peer Health Advising Applications are available at the Health Edu cation Center in the Student Health Center or call Joanne Frank F ex F 44S6 together. and I don't know ex actly what that's going to be vet But after that we’ll tr\ to figure out some wav to cooper ate with the I’niversity and get something together for tire fol lowing \ ear St it krl I think this is for homecoming President Brand < hallenged me (last spring) to a softball game And the challenge has been con firmed. Hnile\ We're putting togeth er a team so anyone who's in terested in playing softball serious!v. we need people Slit krl Deceivingly good players, so tiles' don’t look like ringers Because he told us we couldn't have any ringers What's (he first big ( hallenge that you're facing in fall term? Stiikrl I feel like its getting that involvement right out front and planning for the lob hving for the Legislature, and really getting people out to the events I think that it's going to be .1 challenge getting people up lor Homecoming and that kind of tfiing /f.o/ei I think the most t lial lunging tiling about our year is going to be the legislative ses sum. and all of the lobbying we're going to have to do We re doing preliminary plan mug now and in fall we II real 1\ get dow n to some nuts and holts type ot work but then come lanuarx after the govei liar's rac e after all the elec tions, we're