Kirk Bailey: Up Close and Personal Date of birth: Jan 14. l‘lf)7 High School: Soldotna IIS. Soldotna, Alaska. (Hass of HIHf) High School Mascot: "We were the Soldotna Stars but our mascot was .1 bear Major: Political Si ieiu e Knglish Shoe Size: lO'.j —_ Favorite color: Blond Favorite l>ecr: f 'oroiu or Henrv 's Latest movie seen: /Vie Two /dies 'Fxcellent but see Chinatown lirsl Favorite study snai k: Toffee -t overed c ashew s TV hero: Capt Kirk on the oriy{ Stai Trrk Sports: I’laved football at Lewis and (dark College Musical instrument: I’lavs tenor sa\ Favorite author: Stephen King Favorite childhood TV shows: Star Trrk I’rm Mason, lilies Union Best thing he knows how to c ook: I op Kamen Dream t ar: I’orsches Anything ev ept the <114 or the ‘II 1 Blonds should drive Borsches Song he turns up when it plays on the radio: Any thing by loan |ett Things he does when he feels his work is insignificant anti undervalued: lather watt lies I'V and si arts pink food or goes on a very long, fast hike ride "I suallv the former Fly High With Ducks! Emerald football programs keep customers flocking in! • 16.5(H) circulation on campus A. local hotels • 40.1XXI readers lor each ol all m\ programs • low, low rates tor multi program advertisers • t otal Coverage of all Duck athletics • ( Al l TOI>\\ FOR Rl SI I TS TOMORROW Oregon Daily Emerald P<) l)o\ ' I 59 • l mversit> ot Oregon • J40 '712 TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT at the UO Bookstore. $ Are You Covered | In Case Of | • Sickness? | • Accident?!^ • Misc. Medical Costs? The ASCJO offers protection against unforeseen illness and injury for all el igible students. COVER YOURSELF To purchase coverage, bring your fee card to: EM(J Ballroom Lobby on Sept. 20-26 or Room 15 EMG Sept. 27-Oct. 1 1 For more information call 346-3702 Enrollment Deadline: October 1 1 Get A Head Start In Job Experience. Are you interested in work experience outside the classroom? Do you care about the community and would you like to provide help? Would you like to personalize your education? I he FSC \PF Field Studies Program offers upper division credit to students with these interests in a wide varielv of placements. Below are just a few of the placements the I s< \PF offers. Hmanfrpivv- Hasi'iiynh Counseling Journalism Child Development I nv \ecnc ies Women's Issues Seniors I*ul)l>< VIhh>I I’l.m im-iils f orcign I anguju'f English (ompuicrs Pll> Me .il Mut alien \ tcnu*nijr> Klia.ifinn Ifc Six- I Jtu .ill->n I ii sign up. some I" Mae Court during registration or v isit us at M 111 I- Ml '4(i i is | i J