Kirk Hailey and Sheila Stiikel. the first \SI t) co-presidents. ha\e been planning e\ ents tin Homecoming and the I'all Symposium as well as developing a legislative strateyx Bailey, Stickel sharing presidency Pair preparing for legislative session, fall term activities By Catherine Hawley f merald Associate Editor Editor's note: ASl HI r:o-Pres idents Isirk Hailey and Sheila Stickel have spent their sum mer preparing for the tU'lO U 1 school year renegotiating stu dent service contrai ts. training new executive staff members and getting ready to lobby tor better higher education funding in the 1991 legislative session After being elected as president anil vice president in April. Hailey and Stickel announced they \undd operate their ad ministration as co-presidents, the first time that has been done at the I ’niversitv ODE: What led you to tlet ide to become co-presidents? H.iilm I think tilt* w hole u> president idea is a retlei lion ol both Sheila’s and mv personal beliefs Then* urn* two people running tor oftii e, tor tin* e\e< Utive offi( r. and I think we tiotll tf11 both people lined ed recognition tor what thev diit and for what they are do ing .Stick e/ (After we det ided to run and to be co-presidents.| we spent the next three days deciding who was going to run on top of the ticket We de t ided going right into the i ainpaign. kirk had a better un derstnnding ol some of tin1 is sues . \\ e ran with every intention ol becoming co-presidents, it Witsn'! ,tn idea ( .nut' tt|i a! ter Hu't ampaign IS,uk'\ litis is m arrange miMit Sheila .irul I haw it s ,111 administrative arrange intuit within the oflii e It has iluthing In ‘in with tin* (.oust) tution. there's mi prohibition ol it It's smiths .1 tm limitin' list'd to administer an thin t‘ ih I > plus st.ttt and $4 ri million worth ol ini idental lees What has been the reaction to you as i o-presidents'' Stu kfl Some administrators have really taken to it this sum met It's hard to know how the reaction is with students yet Hut some administrators have Turn to PRESIDENTS. Page 26 PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? i :i, ( . ! i! Stuik'nl \ iv. ■ • . ■. help /!,>,: s!ikk-nts wh>> have problem- with univvr-tti, ta litv. staff policies or prui filutes including sil 1)1 M C l)\l)l l ! I 01)1 ( HAKC.I s si M AI II \KASSMI N I Disc HIMIN \NON lINIVI KSin HOI SIM, AC ADI MIC niMMitl S I INANC I A1 All) HNIVI KSirV I MI'I ON Ml N I ■ i u i i n MISC OMIUt 1 ■ Him K SAI I I N ■ m!SIM SS \l I AIMS ■ Aim MRS ■ I NIVI MSIT N I<1 C OKDS IV. ■ arc ,1 ti.'.' A SI K) prnpiam pr< >vicliiu{ pr< >! • ■ -sioi il sciv u as !.ii stmianls in i (irnpus rolatoil matters Call 346-3722 or slop by 334 I MU to sot up an appoint incut $5 is M i if I \KI s K » Kl \< I i ( >\ ! K r IHHI i t s|< )M| k’s IAIKV V\U k IN BUSINESS BE A T l (Kl I.OM ( All N 1 Ml KM r> VV11 KIM ( ! \NSIf il I> HI S|M ->s |)1KI ( l( (KS Htkr tfut NJr < Grfh ( hunhn (*'!•. *M» lit C fww Mow 1hr*lrr> Mum* L vmum Ftgptftf MgmH. Fnvrrtt Mg** • HAH* . W N Kr*l [u*tr B *» J »*•. ANN* U ***« N f HO()0 Vnw*r Wn frm/ «.'>%«•( A. ;» ANiNt A »■ .'fill'- I *****} Bu-mIHm Hr.*I »ViH 4p|i<-j; i i M • !<<<'« i >■ >tt < ht i • I »,»•!* I •'»»*« ji«! f i.c.Miif'I Sr« .. « \i-i> VV**«fin t.n ! h, ,»it' jm . ...jii, tmii buMiuHt njint' hi ‘I |it fxtlrf I\jm ^iiui Jtlilrt'>» jn.i v«mj* ph»tm numln 1 W‘wiH Si * > h»Kh Pt'iiKV McGinn ( I VSSM IN) M \ \ \(,i K Orrgon Dj.U fmrrjul OH., r Knorn HM» f Mrnwmjl l hiimi HERONS 10th & Twig / 6888888 OPEN 4AM-2:30PM Start building your Nest f gg now at ^HERONS Our pores art* no yulk1 TOTAL GUARD BODY LATHtR BODY GUARD < )ne SJ > «>ntd»ner will keep yuur hodv odor fret* lor up to > day s' No time to shower every day' I hen use TOIAl CiUARD BOOV LATHfR. < .uaranteed to t lose all hods pores in 1 edsv applu ation' KZ SHINE Brand m'vv on thr markrt' YJ SHIM arn(sni ItMHhpdSlt' v\ill c.over ••veil thr hard tn rra< h arras in sprartiunt or (!d|tin spu r' ()nl\ $ MEXICO TASTE OF MEXICO Now you do? 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