Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 17, 1990, Page 9B, Image 37

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Continued from Page 8
some services
Keginning this fell, however,
students will he i harged $'> lor
their miti.il visit eat h term to
the ttealth (tenter. Addition.d
visits to staff physicians, nurse
practitioners, mental health
( .ire providers and health edu
cators w ill he free
The charge for the initial vis
it was instituted to help make
up for monev lost on measles
vaccinations that were provid
ed free of charge to students
last winter
In addition to the low i ost
i are. students can purchase
presi riptions and over the
i ounter items from the pharma
i v .it prii es that are often lower
than at loi al drugstores
The Health (tenter is open
Mondav through Fridas from H
a m to 4 .10 p in and Saturday
from 8 a m. to 11. (0 am. Ap
pointments can he made hy
stopping fiv the front desk or
hv i ailing 440-444 1
Urgent care is provided from
8 a m. to 8 p.m. seven (lavs a
What do students do if after
settling m for the term, they
find themselves iu hing to gel
out of the dorms, or discover
that their rents are going to he
raised to more than the\ i an
possibly afford ■'
The Rental Information Of
tirr. iii l:\tl ■ Suite 1. provides
.1 free listing servue for ,ipart
ments quads and roommates
wanted in addition to lists of
co ops and lot al rental agen
i les
Kit ) also pro\ ides referrals
for students who are having
problems with their landlords
and gives them .ill opportunity
to help tutiire tenants
\\ e maintain .1 complaint
file where people can record a
complaint against a landlord
said Kl() staff member ( In is
(duipa This can he useful lor
other students who are looking
at <i part it ular apartment build
ing "
Kit) is open Monday through
l-ridav ‘I a.m to 5 p m. and
will have some weekend hours
this month
At <1 university this size, get
ting along with other students
and faculty is important
I lowever sometimes i uniiiui
nuation breaks down between
student and instriu tor. employ
ee and employer, or roommate
and roommate
Many students, rather than
taking formal legal measures
opt instead for help from the
Mediation < enter in f .Ml ' Suite
5 The program served about
100 people last year, most ot
them students said I )iret toi
|a< quie ('.ihson
The program is partly tundeil
In student tees, and its services
.ire available to students. fat til
ly and slatt at no cost
Mediation ( enter rei ords
show that seven out of 10 |iar
ties who come to the i enter are
able to re.ii h .in agreement in
their dispute. (lilison said
Success tan also come sim
plv fiom the nature of the pro
gram "Participants make the
decisions, not a third party So
they still have the power." site
Sometimes, i ommunu ation
problems i an he more < omples
What happens to students who
find they i an t get along w ith
anyone anymore, or that they
can’t seem to handle life as
well as they used to
I’he ( ounselmg < lenlei up
stairs in the Student Health
(lenter Im i Id mg. prov ides a
range of confidential services
for students who need help
from a professional counselor
I'lie Counseling Center pro
v ides individual, group, and
couple counseling, as well as
career i ounseliug. and a variety
of other services
latch term, the Counseling
Center offers several group
counseling sessions with a spe
i ifit focus, sm h as eating dis
orders, assertiveness or chil
dren ol all oliolu s I n make an
appointment the Counseling
Center can he real hed at
I4t> L'C Monday through I n
day from tt a m to a p m
Buy - Sell - Trade
music Revolution
1217 Alder ssa
What is available at the
(M.nn F loor, New Addition)
I lull Center ticket sales
Movie theatre discount tickets
Greyhound bus tickets
ODE Classified Ads
LTD tokens, fast passes
Shakespearean Festival Info
Concert tickets
Film developing
Postage stamps
International IP Cards
Amer Youth Hostel C ards
Passport photos
Check cashing $20 00 limit. 15C service charge for UO students
Faculty and staff with Proper ID
Payment Agency for EWEB. NWNCj
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