Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 17, 1990, Page 7B, Image 35

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    Seminar to be a ‘how to’ in avoiding sexual assault
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Reporter
In an effort to help) new stu
dents develop) an awareness of
date rape and acquaintance
rape, the University's Un
wanted Sexual Behavior Task
Force will present an informa
tional seminar Thursday Sept
20 from <) to H p> m in the KMU
Walnut Room.
"How to (let What You Want
Out of a Relationship). But Not
More Than You Bargained For"
will provide insight to incom
ing freshmen and transfer stu
dents about some ot the sexual
dangers that may be present on
.1 college campus, said USB
presentation coordinator Find
sav Reaves
The seminar will include
video presentations, interactive
activities and brief informative
presentations designed to help)
iin rease knowledge of sexual
The first of three videotape
segments will focus on under
standing the dynamics and the
[)ossibilit\ of date rapie and at
tpuaintaiK e rapie on i ampuls.
Reaves said Hie se< ond piart
will discuss prevention and
The final segment is geared
toward "understanding the
self" and helping students gain
a i lear definition of what their
sexual limits are. she said
In addition, representatives
from several student groups
and programs will be on hand
to provide new students with
information about where they
can go and what they can do it
they are sexually assaulted, or
if they are in a situation where
assault is piossible.
Continued from Page 6
The station's staff will bo
made up entirely of I'niversity
students. who can t*arn aca
domic credit lor their work
Jaiiuan said. About UU stu
dents have expressed interest
in working .it the station, he
lanuarv said his biggest i oil
cern in programming is to keep
from duplicating hi.IK and
hKVNt, stations known for their
jazz and alternative musit lor
As far as music goes. January
said fie would like to see a reg
gae show, which he said is
"not being dealt with" locally
He said there has also been in
terest in rap and heavy metal
Two students have expressed
an interest in doing a talk
show, like Cable News Net
work's Crossfire, where an is
sue is presented and each host
takes a side. January also hopes
to have a four-line telephone
hook-up installed so listeners
can call in.
Students overwhelmingly en
dorsed a campus radio station
last spring, and the IFC allocat
ed operating funds of $K5,861
for the 1990-91 school year Hut
January said he is hesitant to
use any of those funds until the
building is finished and the li
cense is granted
Look for great
money saving coupons
in the ODC's
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■V\,- want to bring students
face to face with the resources
that .ire available on campus."
Reaves said "There are several
different places thev can go
Project Saferide is one of the
I'niversitv programs part it ip.it
ing in the seminar Saferide is a
free campus shuttle service for
women who would otherwise
walk alone h! night
"This is .1 gtioil was to reach
people in their first few davs on
campus." said Andrea flig
gens Kvnnson. Saferide direi
tor "Several different groups
on ( umpus i an he resoun es lor
''When a situation 01 < urs
the women often feels guilts
Reaves said "We want to help
make the stigma less powerful
He hope people who come
to it will come awav with ail
understanding of the the rape
culture that is so prevalent in
our society and on campus."
she said
"Sometimes there's an atli
tilde that .1 i ampus is a safe
place Not th.it it s not cssarily
not .1 safe plai e hut it s very
easy tor people to Imit them
selves in uni omfortalile situ.i
t Sli. headed In I >eun ol Stu
dents Shirley H ilson, is plan
ninn more in depth seminars
on sexual assault later in the
year. Reaves said
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