Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 17, 1990, Page 4B, Image 32

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/In sdfi tillcniiitis t
h < walking ilimit
Pi i <m t Sul, mit nti ft,, tut > v t,< uu shutil, > . ■ tu, h
\ ■■ , >n i, u it lift ti \,<h i Hilln i Itt uti H .. ,<>u
itmht ,nnl 11\ki >n; /•* >%\if*lt nwtinll
A Women's Concern
Women Volunteer
Drivers Needed!
Permanent drivers:
One 2 hour shift per week
Alternate drivers: On Call
Opportunity to earn
I to 5
Women s Studies Credits
If interested drop bx the ASl (> Worn
en's Center, Suite A EMC or eull
346 4234
Siifiiult wins run nii>htt\ fir mi f>/>in in midnight
ill Mudeni.s nuts /untici/uin in ih<‘ Saferuie pro
i>rain in <> variety of ea/wcities /’>.••,,/ w, .
on off//worn r K, /Ilf*! eyttit/>>//*!*flouri (infthncf
Want a great looking llyer tor an upcoming event?
Letter Ported Graphics can help!
Efforts of students
worthy of attention
I or many students .H the I 'niversity dare u e say .1 majority
student at tivity means drinking beer, attending .1 leu ball
games and maybe < ramming in some last-minute studying along
a I'M hi I 1 lead Week
They 111.1t have vague impressions d “official" student activi
ties tunned in the nmiticoiored flyers pressed upon them for sui li
e.e.a as tie- tali Symposium. Women's Center workshops or
A,si () deflates on mandatory health insurance
[ lie cm 1 asional student demonstration in front of Johnson I bill
million es the idea that yes this is a college campus
Hut even those who faillitulh vote in April student body ele
ti ns an i keep nai k ol the In. idental l ee Committee's alloi alum
d funds i.md they are legioiu may not realize the broad range of
activities included under the umbrella of the Assoi iated Students
til the I 'Diversity of ()regon
Some organizations serve a specilii population on campus
student unions fur African'Americans. Chiianos and Latinos
Asian I’aiifii Xmericans \ative Americans, gays and lesbians.
( hristians. Jews and Moslems help develop a sense of pride in
ident it\
Croups sui h as The Women's Resource and Referral Center
provide information on women's issues and sponsor support
groups, lei turns, concerts and films during the year.
Pre professional programs encourage future advertisers, den
lists, dm tors interior designers, journalists and lawyers
Other organizations are devoted to social and environmental
causes human rights in Latin America and South Africa, the pres
ervation of old growth forests and other natural resources in the
Northwest, or animal rights on campus
Croups such as the University Democrats, College Republi
1 ans. United States Student Association and Oregon Student Lob
by influent e politics at tfit; local, state and national level.
The arts thrive in student organizations dedicated to dance,
musii theater, poetry, literature and film.
And even lor those who refuse steadfastly to "get involved."
student supported programs provide everything from child care
and class notes to legal services and counseling
l or more information about these programs and services, the
AS!'(.) publishes a programs guide each fall, available in the ASt'()
I Aei utive office in KMl' Suite 4 Information on student programs
is also available in the Student Activities Resource Office in KMU
Suite 2 and in the Office of Student Affairs in Room :tt>4 Oregon
South Courtyard, 68 PLC 346-3226
GRE Preparation:
Session I (Test: October 13, 1990)
Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Sept. 24th through October 10 (skip Oct. 8)
3:30 pm-5:00 pm
Session II (Test: December 8, 1990)
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Nov. 15 — Dec. 6 (skip Nov. 22)
6:30 pm-8:30 pm
LSAT Preparation:
Session I (Test: October 6, 1990)
Sept. 24, 26. 27; Oct. 1,3
3:30 pm-5:15 pm
(Oct. 4 — practice exam 3:30-7:00 pm)
Session II (Test: December 1, 1990)
Nov. 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16
3:30 pm-5:00 pm
(Nov. 19 — practice exam 3:30-7:00 pm)
GMAT Preparation:
(Test: October 20, 1990)
Mondays and Wednesdays
Oct. 1-Oct. 17 (skip Oct. 8th)
6:30 pm-8:30 pm
CBEST/NTE Preparation:
(NTE Test: October 27, 1990)
(CBEST Test: December 12, 1990)
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Oct. 15, 16, 17, 22. 23, 24
3:30 pm-5:00 pm
For more information or to Register, call 346-3226