INTRO Continued from Page 2 • A mi mm,irv nf e\ ents that happened ,il I hi1 I'm versit\ o\i*r the summer i .in lie found on Page 4. • Wherever you look depart merits are i hanging the \v,i\ they pass knowledge to our fresh, young minds This year ini orning freshmen will have a nonTairopean requirement, re t]uiring them to e\pand then view of the world (Ither de partments are teai long differ ent things and teaching them differently The i hanging times in our classrooms are examined on Page li • A closer look at education funding problems is on Page 7 Iih hided is a guide to how the state's higher ed system works • Se vera1 movies, most notahlv X.itional Lampoon'* \nimal Housr have been filmed rinht here next In I niversitv land marks mu h as lohnson I fall I lav uard I leld. ,md I lie I Ml ! ishhmvi A storv on the has sles and rewards of filming on i ampus is on l’ai;e tl • I he l'niversitv has two muse ums, one for art and the other toi history A previeu ol ( oming events .it these muse ums is on Page 1 tl • I he ()tf ii e ot Piihi K ^.,!<•! \ also known as ( .iinpus s,,., Un t\ likes lo think ot itself as the I ‘mversitv s ' kinder gentler polii e fori e I mil out u In on Page Hi In Memory of RIM Shellie Hagen Daily f met aid Advertising Office Manager ^<1 Vo'sCmt I '*H8 \(l S.ilrs Prison 1*89 Oflicr Manager 1 9‘iO We dedicate the e.j.n-.m t he Oregon Daily h me-aid to Shellie 'a ho spent must of hei > urn met selling ads for it dent while returning to t uyene from Iter home in Coos Bay September ‘ WO sti»-ih«* s bughl loving soul touched *•>\ M '•» t , General Staff F dilor a - .V ••• General Manager Assistant to the Publisher Advertising Director Classified Sales Production Manager V Advertising Coordinator Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsiuom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services 346 5£>11 146 434 i 346 3712 346 4i«t “section editor Copy editor Contributory Photographer Advertising Sale-s Production £l)e jNcUt dork (Times THE WALL STREET JUIKNAL. CAMPUS DISCOUNTS! NYT-25 NYT BULK BOX PROGRAM papers will be available lor pic k-up Mon-I ri at the bulk box located at the l 1th St. port h ot the I MU. To sign up, go to the Good Morning Newstand .it 2 172 W. 11th. Bring full payment lor each term requested. U of O BOOKSTORE PROGRAM papers will be available for pick-up Mon-Fri at the U of O Bookstore. Sign up at the U of O Bookstore. No deliveries during holidays or exams. Professors: Call for class si/e bulk deliveries. GOOD MORNING NEWS SERVICE for home delivery or information 683-1441 DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY Ntxr roLENSCRAFTERS DR. RON V. CUEVAS OPTOMETRIST Or Ron V Cuevas & Associates 400 Valiev River Center Eugene Oregon 9T401 (S03i 68? 8606 American Oplomclnc A octal ton g » n 0 3 8 1 5 X x i V) BRACELETS PINS BARRETTES EARCOFFS TIE TACKS jUu irtu t si juunnt y Allot it voui sell in f t adition l o Catulle 2368 St. t Lj jrfH*. OR 18-18804 Ijrs f n 12 8 30 Sat. 10 8:30 Of b> appt * I n m W s r 8 90 BRACELETS PINS BARRETTES EARCUFFS TIE TACKS NEED PHONE PRIVACY??? TIRED OF NOT GETTING YOUR MESSAGES??? VOICE MAIL IS THE ANSWER!!! 24-HOUR COMMUNICATIONS CALL TODAY!!! 484-9506 VOICE MAIL SERVICE ~PIZZA PETE’S ITALIAN KITCHEN I Specializing in I HOMEMADE PIZZA AND ITALIAN FOOD FREE DELIVERY Mon Thurs 1 1 30 10 00 Fri & Sat 12 00 11:00 Sun 4.00-10:00 MANICOTTI A'. A (j N A 1 AN! IVVK Hf S HA/IOl I Tuesday Night the Spaghetti and Garlic Bread You Can Eat S2.95 484-0996 2673 Willamette