Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 17, 1990, Page 26A, Image 26

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    You can
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told u> ju.'t vs hat viiii nrrdrd. \ lid no one know w hat
it take- to hr real college material better than von.
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Continued from Page 22
reported (onfidentiallv to the
ite,in ot students the Counsel
ing t Voter the Student Health
( Voter and the Rape ( risiv \et
w iirk
Hunter said parents of in
i tuning freshmen should he
aware of crime in the campus
I here are three things that
i mild happen to your son oi
daughter in the first week ol
si hook'' Hunter said "It the\
haven't already . Ihev'll have
sex for the first time they'll use
drugs or drink for the first time
and they < ould heroine the \ it
tint of .1 crime for the tirst
These days, experimenting
with sex. drugs and alcohol
m.IV lie a part of (aiming ot age.
hut bei ouung the victim of
crime does not have to he Ol’S
ns ommends that students ex
pe< t the w orst and have a plan
to deal with it. take the extra
time net essarv to set ore he
longings; and it students must
travel at night, walk or ride
lilting well-traveled, well-lit
routes and do not travel alone
It anv student finds himself
or herself in trouble or in need
ot assistant e ()1'S t an he
reached at I adversity extension
titiiiti or via emergent V tele
phones located throughout
t nmpus
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