WELCOME BACK Our cookies are waiting for you1 Special Price September 20 28th: Cookies three lor S1 25 Reg. Price 65c_ i;r(,i:.\i:s FALL CRE KERY H81 Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUND in the classified section MUSEUM Continued from Page 10 supplies rent studio spai e or exhibit <>r sell their work. White said However some restrictions th.it previously limited unoflii i.d .irtists have now been eased Although some ditlir ulties remain for unofficial artists the government has hemm to register some groups like tlie I ovarishchest vn. granting its memhers a kind of oftu i.d st.itus tor the first time Several of these artists have been invited to exhibit their work alongside that ol union artists I lie government has encouraged and endorsed exhibitions In unolfii nil artists tor travel abroad During the I'lHH HO school year a small ex hibit featuring works by Soviet artists was dis played in the I Alt' Art (.alien ol which White was director W hite was subsequently, invited to i eningrad to organize a larger showing He went to Leningrad in the summer of lotto with Barbara Hazard, a lierkelev Calif artist and art historian and co-curator of the exhibit io get her they seler ted the works to he displayed "We tried to put together a random sampling of different age groups, ethnii groups and works 11\ both men and women, so it's a good sampling of this type nl subculture." White x.iid The Museum’s traveling exhibition program. Visual Aits Resources, will emulate the exhibi tmu throughout the cuuntn after its showing at the l 'diversity The Ar! Museum's second exhibit will (ires ent works hv Oregon women From Sept 2 through Ot t J1 'Blue .old White Traditions Quilts" will feature 2 a detailed quilts. all made by (kregonians It highlights some ol the best hand quiltmaking in the state said Museum of Art Di rer lor Ste\ e Met lough " I he colors, blue and white, are a strong tra dition both here and in other countries. Mi (lough said From ()i t 2 1 through Mo\ 10 the Museum ot Art u ill present a photography exhibition com posed of works donated hv photographers from around the country The exhibit will culminate in a fund-raising auction. During the showing anyone interested in purchasing a photograph r an make a hid for it m .m am lion hook A second photo exhibit, entitled “Clontai Photojournalism Since Vietnam." will be pre sented from \o\ -1 through Dei 2(> It will.feature the "color images of a lot of the important things that have happened over the p.ist 2~) years." Met lough said The Museum of Art's final tall term exhibit is titled " I .and of Morning (lalm" and will run from Nov 18 through Jail n The works of -17 contemporary Korean artists will he featured Jewelry, sculptures and tapes tries will he mi luded in the display Turn to MUSEUM. Page 25 VISIT SCAN DESIGN FOR GREAT APARTMENT IDEAS Beautiful space-saving furnishings for every room. leak Low Double Bookcase Great for storing or display mg. Adjustable shelves 47" \ 12" \ AO'’h. NOW — $99* ^ Space Saving Student Center Perfect for the student with limited space domes with writing area, doored cabinet, adjustable shelves & ample storage area 4H" \ 12" \ 7n"h Desk Chair w adjustable seat & back. Various colors NOW Student Desk w teak finish NOW l UeSR teak timsti $149 *▼ •»>>” x 23'i” \ 2‘»"h. * Pre-finished and "Ready to Assemble Prire" All showrooms are open 7 days a week! Financing Av ailable o a ( scan design —BEAVERTON— LAKE OSWEGO EUGENE 10760 SW Beav Hills Hwy 644 4040 333 S Slate Street 636 7890 856 Willamette St 342 5000 ADIDAS • DIADORA • ALIX • LOTTO WorldCup \< k u t >P 255 K. 18th AVK. i r(;i;\j;. okk(;on OFFERING THF BEST SELECTION OF SOCCER EQUIPMENT AND APPAREL IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. MIIRA • NIKE • Fl!MA • UMBRO Oregon West -FITNESS STUDENT SPECIALS • Aerobics • Tanning • Stairmaster & Aerobicycle • Universal & Free Weights • Complete Coed Spa Facility low Monthly Fees Long Term Contracts Available Best Hours 7 Days a week / 6 a.m. -11 p.m. 485-1624 J