Look For Our Coupons in Duck Bucks! Common sense is key to safety Students vulnerable to crime, punishment By Kirsten Lucas the lus* thins.; th.lt Climes In mam students minds when tiles tin uk id the ( )ttn •>! I’ub 1K Sat etc i- park hi;.', t ickets However i ampus ( rime pro c entioii ultii i-i Sii/ie I (unter hl.i" to think ol (it’s as the I niverstlr \ l miiei ami gen! lei pulii e department OPS formed in the earlr 1 ‘i70s is in ( li.irge ut ( ampus i rime prevention. hi< v< le regis trillion ke\s ,ni(! tin ks in i up,i tmnal salet r onvironmenlaI health and parking enfnn e ment Its jurisdii tion em tint passes the entire t’mversitr i ampus and nothing t'niversi t\ propertr Students tnav not realize the diversitc ot UPS's responsibili ties until the\ timi themselves in trouble "We'll tel run in it you've locked vQUrself out ot vour ot tui Hunter said Well i ome out and jump start vmii ( ar We'll rest.lie you it you're stranded on campus t hose are the types ot services you're not going to get out ot a police de partment hei ause they don't liar e the time t IPS eilipior s 1 a proles sionallr trained campus securi !r offic ers and two supers isors who are armed onlr vritli Hash lights ker s liandi lifts and fa rhoio tJV Si Oil < h*»U«*k OtVncrs from the Eugene Police Department and the Office of I’tihlit Safety work together to keep the University t ampus se i ore. dins ll also i initial Is \\ ith tin* Kugene Police Department !<>i live ,limed nflirers mid .1 sim ge.int In assist public saletv of f it ims u ith hm iMifon emenl In addition In these [notes sionals t ’ ni\ ersit\ Housing einpluvS student sei urit\ pa trols supervised by ()I’S These students petrol the dorm areas in pairs, ai tini> as extra eves .mil ears tor OPS t he student patrols primarik look out for parties and doors propped open Turn to SAFETY Page 20 A cut above the rest... CARE’N FOR HAIR 561 E. 13th AVE EUGENE, OR 97401 (903) 449-4433 OWEN 7 OATS Woltf tanning available by apbointment Haircuts ONLY s1000 w/coupon Reg. $13.00 and up ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo < ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry Good through Oct 31. 1990 Foods '&Deu 2757 Friendly St. 683-2079 WELCOME STUDENTS AND FACULTY I till lint1 natural funds grocery • Local organic products .it low prices • • Hot & cold deli with indoor and outdoor setting • Large selection of vitamins, herbs, homeopathics and other natural remedies • Unique gift ideas I ►roupon 1 FREE WITH $10.00 (iKOCKKY PIRCHASK Kettle (:hips. r> o/ Am flavor i*\ct*pl organic WV 10 r» no (oupon FREE WITH BREAKFAST, I.IJNCH OR DINNER KruitaRe soft serve cone Made with 100“,. fruit (non-dairy) EXP in 15 ‘to Open 8 AM-10 PM Mon.-Sat., Sunday 9 AM-10 PM MOTHER KALI’S BOOKSTORE Celebrating Women ’s Lives t Women of Color • Lesbians • Feminism ! Jewish Women • Healing • Children Environment • Spirituality • Gay men CARDS POSTERS MUSIC j REFERRALS WOMEN'S CALENDAR ! FREE SHIPPING BAGS j FREE R\RKING 2 BLOCKS EAST of AGATE 2001 FRANKLIN • 343-4864