Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS September Attractions Quick Cash! Private c t'V ite<”v u $500 * t s ii1 ai*Ki' 4 p Ini .ssues Alii "J” 1 n the ne«! •i ssues Business Beal An easy . funning eve . Wednesoa 1 Only $5 ;>• A"»k to have your business m Busmes ; Beal To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ;70 CHILD CARE Babysitter wanted, grad student i e •nr red. ?4 hrs wk eves 8 year old girl and 15 month boy Call 687 0046 Warm, loving family needs a .i n-y f«.r 2 school age children in Columbia Maryland area References and physt ai exam required If interested please ail 1301) 604 9841 or send letter to S M 9314 Springhoone l sne ' aurel Maryland 20708 SEVEN STARS CHILDCARE Global education for preschoolers. Vegetari an meals/small group size/professional staff Full or part-time avail able. 485-0567 Any time is party time1 In the Daily Emerald Personal Classifieds SERVICES r ?80 EVENTS PSYCHOLOGY MAJORS COURSE RESERVATION ROOM 139 STRAUB HAIL ! Urns 9.188 30AM 1? .30 S«nu)!S Only 12 30 ? .30 All P$y' hoi jy M*i| | Wed 9' 19 9 .30AM 30 AH Os>- h . Students! j Course reservation is available i >o.. | .» declared psychology last term Bring your student ID ant] i previous term s fe*4 ard to oorn 139 Mao Court registration >s still . required Need help placing an ad^ Call 346 4343 FOOD & DRINK 285 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NEW MUSIC!!' <1»Klu ,|tm1 to alUrn4li»p n%u%n RAINFOREST RECORDS support lot .',1'oMiy GET IN RHYTHM WITH Business Beat Oregon Daily Emerald 8 Weekly Classified Directory Wednesdays, starting Sept 26th FOOD & DRINK i K\|M‘rirnct“ it! 88! t a • I S!h A. ■ • f it • ■' ' • • • SERVICES SERVICES Doitt forget your pizza ordering devke. Starting a new sifioo/ rear i an be hectic Than »hv we make one necessity as simple as possible signing up for phone service lust call our exclusive off campus sluJeni hoi hnelotap into a new easier w jy to get connected Or. /usl slop by the trb Memorial t nion and wsit our new POP iPhone Order Point/ H hethet you sail or stop be were open Monday through Satut day 9 AM to 6 PM and from Soon until 5 PM on Sunday Do it today Your pttraS watting Call our special, off-campus student hot-line at 342-7788. Or visit the Phone Order Point at the University of Oregon s t rb Memorial Union, through September Jt> LIJ2WEST COMMUNICATIONS @ Making the most of your time U S WEST c ommunkjiKins __ ?85 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT DISCOUNT SHOWS Su U 11 THE BE ST MOVU S 'HM» lafUWM •*- A < • I TH* Bt ST PWCES Th Sa V V- u v' Ty *V« (4 THE BEST LOCATION Juai 4 f*»*» Nam Cwnpua THE BEST POPCORN I'nuiail r« t arnta -aJ '• *awal *>. •«* •> 'at THE BEST LATE MOHT MOVIES ta«aa I C.jM d«a«K a at Sa# our add dai/y m Via OOE ciaaarAadb for Via baef 0nt0f1tnnrrwn( in town! COM MO IN OCTOVi A Ot/« tOTW ANNIVERSARY Ct LIBRA ROM, FfA nmiNC sums Of YOU* FAYOMTt Fit MS FKOM fHf FAST TtM ft AJW ALSO AKIRA iJtpsnmmm anfmaW toaitrw Br£ BYE BlUCS LAST tXJT TO BROOKl YN BERKLEYIN TiHE 80S (£>»«-«lmntaryi CAil MS J4M EOftCOMPl ETI uuni'M tnnuk rue vuwv,wi jl 300 MASSAGE A BODY WORN THERAPEUTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE Healthy Hx iof tens* muscles JEANINE VAN VACTOR. 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Just be the first person to correctly solve to day's crossword puzzle! Come to the ODE office (room 300. EMU) to claim your prize! 24 U S. military decor - ation 25 Stadium choor 26 Unre strict od access 27 Thoir business is blooming 29 1 out 30 Kind of uluc: pressure 33 Hmoic in scalo 36 Capital of I aiwan 30 I’orfumos 40 Arab orij 42 Mohan and na mo sakes 43 I’uriy':> creator 44 I tivur in f ranco 46 f riini.fi priest 4 7 Mine portal 40 Wooden pins 50 t ’lay - wnght Stoooard - — tUUJJUII-— -1 Private Outdoor Hot Tubs j and WOLFF Tanning PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR 1 az.uu OFF any rental Including: * HOT TUB or * GIFT CERTIFICATES or * TANNING PACKAGE offer expires Oct 31. 1990 Daytime 12 5/$9hr Eves Sun Thursi$t t hr Eves Fn Sat;$13 hr Dates are for 2 people coupon 9 spns 1110 Main Street Springfield 741-1777 _____ Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson lets start at tut A., nn h. TOO SOML'U NT) 100 IHClttSt NRA' 100 WMt 100 fOWWf , , l CXX*’ AW" | to 'S.*!>. ruts § ■ } irs oaWLtmi f C jV ! 1855:; .‘NT TO V- ' ’ 1 N1 UfE 1 „ THIS tSHT T I DON!! hmelenvv r c^n get r A..2T *Nfc W.ONG • St. va • ■ TC> W TVWJ1 MATH' tNQ* TVttS. N-— -X V /~\ [■■MIIAH’ WM j ?0 loo WAN? ! Be WHEN 100 I :,** UP' IV. m TOUt'r.-l ! job RvautQts si » i I SOW MMH 'V.. i r -v-—rr" 1