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ERRORS The ODE makes every ef fort to avoid errors in advertise ments Each ad is proofed before in sertion However mistakes some times slip through We ask that you check your ad carefully If you should find an error, report it to the Classified Department right away by calling 346 4343 and we will gladly re run your ad correctly We regret that we cannot be responsible lor more than one day's incorrect publi cation if you do not call the error to our attention The ODE cannot be li able for an amount greater than the amount paid tor such advertising Thank you FREE! It your birthday is this month, place an ad (up to 3 lines) for free! Orison Daily Emerald Room {()(), EMU 105 PERSONALS PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Fre« Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 6*7 »651 CONGRATULATIONS John McMahon j °n the first person to correctly hn out August 20th s crossword pu/ •'lf- Be the first person to bring the solved crossword pu/^le to the Ore W°n Daily Emerald Office. Room 300 i MU after 8am A win a FREE ODE T shirt 4 a |5 credit for classified ad •ertising1 (1 win per week piease'l mu sole wise 105 PERSONALS Gradual* Students A new friend is her* I or you' < > i ! .*t m my early 30 s in search of s«m mature companionship for sports’ ’ '-vms '1 •’ '■■■', out -ai j etc •* you re a grad student type aged 25 35 tor so) and would like i new Iriend lo share such activities with, why not toil me about what we have m common' I m nngmally fn c the Portland area and attended school at U ol 0 in the late TO i I n recently relocated to l ugene and ; would benefit from a new triend like j you1 Please drop me a note with J your address and'or phone » : you're comfortable) to Ere. 1390 i Lawrence *2 Eugene OR 97401 Planned Parenthood for Pap smears infection checks birth control and counseling Days and evenings 115 TYPING SERVICES "JO. THE TYPING PRO 683 6068 IBM WORD PROCESSING-EDITING PAPERS THESES DISSERTATIONS LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 years experience Editing IBM Grad school approved ON i AMPUS Robin 344 0759 RESUMES Laser Printing 344-0759 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing Fn-c pickup/delivery Ronda 935 189*' Retired University Secretary All types papers orresponden- mail lists, edit Pu;k up and delivery Can Joan 998 1864 ■‘GFtffcSO 344 4510 605 E 13th Ava Printed text to computer files BBOSJCJuBB 7474580 MJOfwUnUod. »J TYPING SERVICES 115 TYPING SERVICES FREE PICK UP/ DELIVERY Typing wrord processing desktop publishing graphics Usm printer IS - years — Carol# 6S7« Th» WORO SPECIALISTS! * > ludtulr hiw>l \pj»rmcd ^ * IhwcrUUons'Hi'-'r v Papcis ► HIM CompalibloDuk 1 onui-vn' * 1 asct i'tiniin;?.,«iiaphi* ' * Editing. 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N-... < M <• a t, ’ Uh ,»-Kj Univnfi jy Sf.-.tn i Infowilion 346-3165 tM* Schwrtnn ' ..»«*' iih- •. t WY'*?** WttT> AtJU# ♦?»«»"’*• Ail', ’on If*'-, and ■ .*( h E> no* i-.Mitung • .1d*n t* t< *280 hrm 726 4006 165 COMPUTERS/E EiEHUK Computer Systems West XT :m trt6S X Systems ir 20MB HD Student ID f 749.00 i *949 00 , * 11 99 00 ' |»» DOS 1 MM RAM monochfoow monitor I itt receive 5*i, tit si mint 342 4153 W5 INSTRUMENTS Alto Sftx • Bundy Only wrtfh hard c*%« 746 0940 ?I5 OPPORTUNITIES CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Daily fmerald Classified department .. .t Modem f a •)> in |he depart m-ent .jr ->*»•■ g phnnes helping mj • *('♦»<■( «>th then ids l )ing genet«tl " e a -t» **• ,* . ceded Typing ! flORitlie It !k) I ! VfHY DAY1 i'-tMMi see Peggy in ■ IS*, f.eds H,>. IOO t rf) Mem-io«ll A *. A » 1 Nil jrt- , >• i1 '. f.|f t s U 2VhoUf f or iu ih.i i sit m ABROAD l\ •:! < Ur t'r^rum f uft»j*«• \mj Stdiniinjviu 1 ,)W ( «.M i «■: «>;»■ ( fi.li! M. .! insor.im H \ / • l an ;i v Hoiimp,; filming \ di iitii >•! (2Oh) 72^1498 I M.i,i ■■■•: » ' r H JV .1 VVA 1! 2 TYPESETTER Daily Emf'dM < ussihed department desperately needs a Fnondly energeb; person who enjoys DAILY pros .re/dead* nr •. AofMng Aiff' ;ust ' ers answering phones and ut iuiv has GRf A T 1,f - g stulla (‘,0 vVPM i ji> You need nji be eipeneru ed m typesetting framing will Ik* pr v l»» l We need t •• ' '' al 'east 2 hours daily .md i! MUST be between II 30 am ,jud 1 30 pm. suififl days d might be ,'dil Hi pm Unf.iMunatety we a d bo fio«ible on either the hme1. Ae red r'-ju or your fast tyi-n'ig s► .11-, Tf>»* {*..%. bon begins A1, A i -.re Pugg, *hr iass*Tied Department Room }0U Eft) Mnm..«uii Uni- •• NO CAl . Pi f Ab{ S4 25m our EOE \« i mini il in flu National Ac.uu ni\ MR ui iaii\ « }m»U)«*id Prn)4f juns y-y PHACTICUM AND ESCAPE Cfed'tS .n be earned through the IMU( h id i-.. A Dev el d mem Co lors with a go'i-d sense ot hum-" infs of enthi.vasm ahd a strong ■.ci'M1 of >n m tmo'd I . e more ' r mat ion .r Maureen at • 4,i«4 i CCDC operates seven nati u ally a> credited early • ddh mkJ programs also serving n iron wdh spe .t needs and f ngi.sh as a set ond a go age in our mainstream . as •. EARLY RISER? THIS IS YOUR JOB" Daily Emerald morning delivery person needed ASAP fur DAILY distribution lasting approi 1 2 hours You must have your own transportation, proof of insurance and alarm clock Ram sleet or an earty morning test can't keep you from this route that beg.ns about f> 45 am the paper must get out So. if you would like to have a job that is fin 'Shed while everyone e'se 4f>on«i Trade C«n ter 1059 Willamette St Eugene OR 9/401 Phone 8M 0194