MOVIES Continued from Page 8 against the movie i omjwm ,ivkmi! for Sr-"> 01)0 to i tnpen sate for the disruption Drive, lie Said flopped and the t 'niversity w rote it off as a Inarihle mistake In PIT7 howevei. the ' in versify tried again Unit spring tihn i reus from Universal Stu dios began shooting \.Uionnl Lampoon '.s Animal Housi I he non-legendary film starred )ohn Hnlushi as ,i fraternity member at a mythioaI north eastern ( ollege I .died i beihaid laber (College ill the Ptnils file 1 niversity devised a iit■ v\ contract with I niversal to ensure there were no conflicts or intrusions on campus life "I just want a smooth ar rangement ' said Muriel I at k son in a 1077 Dmerald inter view Jat kson. then vice presi dent for University relations, stressed 1'niversal Studios was expected to follow strath the letter of the i ontr.ii ! This time, filming went smoothly. Except for an une\ pet ted dusting ot snow timed him ileus In sweep till' lawn in frimt ot lohnson 11.ill .mil spravpain! it green. die mi i.iinpus was undisturbed ! ha I ’niversitv lias a stan daril eontrart fur i ampus film ing that spells out mud.’linns intruded In keep disrupti’’ is In ,i nnmnnim. File i ontrai l gives lie i'm versitv lie right In read me' ap prnvr am film's si ript or story board Film makers ate not al lowed In shoot identifiable landmarks assoi i.ileil with the lam ersiH The movie cnmpam inn si i am linbiliK insurant e ot lie tween SI million and Vi mil lion while it is filming on i am pus; the I niversiK will not he liable for any theft or vandal ism to the movie i ompam 's eipiipment Fast but not least the movie i ompam must put the t imer sil\ Si .000 per day tor interim filming, and $ la. 000 per da\ Im exterior filming Most of the mo»e\ goes to the departments where filming is done the te tuuinder goes to the ! invrrsi !\ s budget I hr rontrut t g i vrs I In- t ni verstlv some roritrol over U'' mirier .mil helps keep its ,u.i (irtnii mission on trui k during filming " I hr prohlrm Is that the mm n . omp,lines imisl h.ivc In inntrol. said jut kson now assistant inr president tor ad ministration They have it in their studios hut thev do not htiir it .it the 1 'nivrrsitv of Ore gnu It's somewhat "t ,i nigger mint t he prodtii rrs make these intense demands and feel that the mm ie is the I enter ot the universe and tins is where our i oulr.ii t helps us It re solves these problems lietore thev stem into heated i outrun lalions In tlie past few rears |apa nese and 1 ..- film i Ie\is have used the i ainpus in dot n, tilms The I uiversitv has eui our aged lot al i otnmeii nils to he shot on rumpus hut t urrentlv has no plans for feature length mm ies to he filmed on rumpus cut our prices. s Because they re ahead) affordable You can get a professional haircut starting at Sd os. and a perm for just Sdd dv including cut and stele. \nd you neeer need an appointment So u In wait lor a sale ’ C ome to I bird Dimension cuts w here you can al w as s cut a tiood deal THIRD DIMENSION CUTS u U \\ lltlt I-1 ill Nlo.t l tl! j t I.H .1 I I < il Ml \ i! ( lr \| |„ \\ I •) X I h 'I ‘I S.n “ M In. v\, r ‘is III ■) •< S.II •» <> Mm 115 ce«i: i Welcome to Eugene from the store with the finest sportswear and equipment for all four seasons. I BE CERTAIN TO CHECK OUR GREAT IN STORE SPECIALS' uNrvmifY C* OfifGO* I EUGENE I j ATHLETC — OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK — a . >.*A ,Q» WFP!’ ABUS A' CEPU .wt$! BBOa; aa. UOWNIOWN MAU EUGENE uBEGON9’401 343-1288 A Meed a break? Check out the EfITERTAIMME MT section in the ODE classifieds . *4 - \IU 4PEt.51»»E5SS16a'’' , 1 £34.99 reg. SETS H* <** S^£' ^1109 \ ^wWO^-.-^sTEaSEl _ \ £44.95 ^ SAOOfD ^ M ON S^ E«iS8?4““""5i.-Ta.»* '■SSagEU l5P/o-^° 9?^d PABAUNEB TABLES! VlVI S» .a^ssk.:- ~-‘M t*« "'',l LOOK FOR OUR FALL SAVINGS BOOK SAVE 15%-50% ON YOUR SUPPLIES! 683-2787 776 East 13th Ave., Eugene Upstairs in the Smith Family Building 11:30-7:00 Monday-Friday 10:00-5:30 Saturday 12:00-5:30 Sunday DISTRIBUTED t> OO BCOISTRATIOR » Ih. UO wxl LCC CAMPUSES S»lf HUNS SSPT . 20 • OCT. 15, 1990 UNITED TO STOCT ON »A»0