EMU Continued from Page 16 ;hi> )7 f i Tin* Recreation Center mm plete with pool, pingpong. and foosball tallies, tan also be found in the basement of the KMC The center provides howling, hat hgaminon. chess and a television for student ret real ion Adjacent to the ret rea tion center i*> an arcade with .1 variety of video games and pin ball machines Rirleshare, a ride board for st 111It'iit travel from the I nner sity to lot ations within and outside the state is located next to KM1 ’ Suite 1 in the basement The board provides information for students who wish to our pool vv ith other stu dents (or trips home or else where Valentine’s Campus Travel Center, located on the KMl concourse, is a full servit e trav cl agencv providing informa tion .uni ti( ket .services tor .111 line and railway transportation I lie I,Ml' Mam llesk serves as a Ik ket outlet tor the Unit ( enter WOW Hall Iniversitv sponsored events, (ailtural Ko rum events, and local concerts I'ickets tor (irevhound and Lane Transit Distriit buses are also available Discount movie passes tor Movieland and ,\i I ! ( inemas i an also tie pun based at t lie Main I )esk ( atalsst Films brings a varie t\ of movies at disi minted prit es to campus eai h term for University students and the i (immunity The program pro tides lists during registration of featured films tor the upcorn ing term I he I,Ml also hosts three 1 .1 tes tor student dining 1 lie Fountain (ionrt ( iaie and the Fishbowl art' located on the lirst floor near the main on train e The Broe/ess av (late lea lures coffee, ice cream, fruits and pastries on the east side of the I Ml courtvard across from the (lainpus ('ops ( enter i he I,Ml Skylight Ketei lots offers a vievs of i attipus and ,i quiet, r ontfortahle plat e to studs l he refei tors also fea tunes .mat k foods and hover ages \ beer garden and live musii are held Fritlav afternoons from -1 to r m the IAII Fountain ( amil t■<:i.il l\ Dreyfuss. who i heerfullv welcomes the reunion with his ('lose Encounters director. Oh yes there's ,ilso Hunter in her devastating white gown John Goodman is engaging enough I'd probably welcome him per manently to celluloid it Rose mine were out oi action (the good Lord willing). All l)<>i;s (lo to Heaven * * * * At the time of its release last holiday season, this fourth am mated feature from Disney ren egade Don Hluth drew heavy critii isnt from many reviewers Many said it simply didn't stand up to the concurrent fea tore from dearly departed Papa U,ill's studio. The l.ittlr \lr: maid Somr attempted to drive a stake through lilulh saving the embittered ex-Disnevite lin ked Disney's story sense which doesn 't say a w hole lot IJisney did found his reputa •ion as a feature film cartoonist Oil the philosophy that movie audiences went for the story above .ill else but not all fea lure ti 1 ins i artoon or other wise, have simple fairy taletvpe plots Indeed, in a decade that's seen a resurgence of animation art in feature films and else where, filmmakers like lilulh (in The Sr, rrt ol MMH as well as in this film} and the i nntro versial Ralph Bakshi (kiddie l\ "s rnlanl Irrriblr who made \mrrUan /’tip) gave audiences something to chew on rather th.in sin k on (In response to (ln> throng: springing to defend The Little Menu,till Yes I love It |iist like everyone else It s nil e to see .it last something trotn Daddy Walt's ton h < arriers that i an look .1 colossus like I'he fuilgle Hi ink in the eye ") Many ot the urn es in this movie are provided hv the Hurt 1'ai k. that is. Hurt Keynolds pal Dorn Del.uise and wile. I.om Anderson Key Molds is the voir e of antihe m (dial lie H Harkin. a shady shepherd who s got a score to settle on earth. Deluuse is Iti hy, his dai hshund pal, and Anderson is a matronly moil grid who gives the duo a i hance to reform Plusique Gourniet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC & CASSETTE CD s FROM $5 95 TAPES FROM S2.95 In the Fifthpearl Building 20/ t :>f h Avenue HAYS 343-9000 HI S IAI IMAN I MIDDLE EASTERN & MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE 19th & Agate . 683-6661 ] SPRINGFIELD^ I SCIENTIFIC 4 I SUPPLIES 1124 M*.^ Sir**' SonnglNMd I 974/7 726-9176 344-2047 W: l"1 “ y■ liUfKHlt I lT°, Mi *i MU Welcome Back TO 7 "Eleven Best Game In Town STILL THE CLOSEST CONVENIENCE STORE ON CAMPUS 13th & Alder and still the same owners Don & Rita Scarpelli STATE OF THE ART CONVENIENCE • Bank Machine • Big E3ite Hot Dogs • Super Big Bite • Quarter lb. Big Bite • Imported Cigarettes • Imported Beer • Largest Selection of Fountain Soft Drinks • Full-Line Domestic Beer AND MUCH MORE! OPEN 24 HOURS Home of the Big Gulp, Super Big Gulp, and Double Gtllp