Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 17, 1990, Page 18E, Image 128

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By Appointment . . .
Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Urgent Care Service . . .
(No Appointment Necessary)
> Mon-Sat 8:00 a m.-8:00 p.m
' Sunday 12 Noon-8.00 p.m.
See Back Page of
University Section
)r Health Center Services
urn’s mm
Restaurant and I ounge
* ' T
(. 11 ’ I 110SC
nic tic n n
' vT'Oob
()RI)I RS I() (,()
‘♦4 ~ I r.inkhn Blvcl
Mon 11uif I 1 00 a rn to 10 id p m
I ' * II 00 .» m to Midm^ht
S.it Noon to Mulnivjhl
Sun \o«»n to 10 10 p.m
Continued from Page 13
s pet i .111 \ stores (sporting
goods, stereo equipment. e!< .).
it ml luniks for all-around shop
ping convenience The • enter
is also home to Meier and
trank, Kmporium. I.amonts
|(! Penny's and Montgomery
Wards Hike trails lead from the
i anipus area along the Wiliam
ette River directly to the mall
• Alton Baker l’ark(7) is a l.irge,
grassy expanse located along
the Willamette River, inst west
of Autzen Stadium Numerous
hike trails connei t the park
with campus, the stadium and
the river It s the perfect plate
for a game of volleyball, frisbee
or |ust t att lung up on vour tan
• Amazon I Vn k| 111. 2700 11 il
yard St . is home to a t ornmu
nitv swim t enter hike and jog
ging trails and w ide open areas
Continued from Page 10
ahead, he said "We were
known for out honesty: it not
we would have never had the
national at ts ."
Mulheirn said he did not
know how Dingm.in's apparent
abandonment of the property
would effei t the bankrupt! v
proceedings "Right now the
lavlurs have possession he
s,i i d ' Tim h n ical l > t he \
shouldn't have taken posses
sum hut the law doesn't tell
you what to do when the trus
tee abandons the property
In the meantime, Kugene
blues fans are left wondering
who will lilt m as a landing
spot for local and out of tow u
of hilly grass ideal for la/.v fall
• Ki» k climbing, hike trails,
the Willamette River and one
the best views of the ( ity are
found at Skinner Ihitte Park(H).
on the north end of the < it\
Atop the butte is a spectacular
view of downtown Eugene and
its surrounding hills A pictur
esque rock face on the west
side of the butte is ideal for
roi k climbers, while the trail
leading up the butte is .1 chal
lenge on the way up and a
thrill on the wav down for cy
i lists Bike trails entwine the
park, running along the river
and north toward Valiev River
Canoe Works
• The Canoe Works) 1), loc ated
across from the University on
I ranklin Blvd . offers inexpen
sive canoe rentals for quiet
trips down the Millrace The
ride takes vou through duc k
ponds past the University Inn
blues music ians
There are .1 number of peo
ple1 who are si ampering to pic k
up that slai k. Fox said ' But
there are not many venues that
1.111 assume what l av tor’s has
done What this town needs is
a larger room about 4110 >00
U ()Y\ Hall puhlit 1st, Mike
Walker said the opportunity is
open lor any place to emerge as
the home of the blues; howev
er the music lends itself to a
tavern atmosphere
WOW Hall. 291 W 8th Ave .
will keep itself available to
blues artists. Walker said. "We
would welcome it, but it's hard
to suv it we could inc lude 0
sue c essfullv 111 our program
Walker mentioned Hood
and toward the west side of
campus. The trips are perfect
foroozv picnic s and relaxation
Huft (ienter for
the Performing Arts
• I'lic' Unit Center's Silva Con
cert Halt(2) plays host to na
tionallv known pop. rock, jazz
and classical p e r f o r m e r s
throughout the year The hall is
also home to plays and ballet
performance’s bv the Eugene
Ballet Company and the Eu
gene Symphony Orchestra
Saturday Market
• The Eugene* Saturday Mar
ket(.'t), located on the park
bloc ks between Eighth and Oak
Streets, hosts food, live enter
tainment and homemade arts
and crafts unique to Eugene e\
ery Saturday from It) a m to >
p m Entertainment is provided
by local musicians, adding a
distinctive flavor to the market
Saturday market will remain
open throughout the fall, until
the* weather becomes too cold
Times Cafe and Bar. :i75 I
Seventh Ave., and The Butte
Tavern. J1 1 Washington SI . as
spots likely to trv and take ad
vantage of the opportunity
Plans for the old Ta\ loi 's
building are c urrently up in the
air. At the* moment Tavlor is in
< ontrol of the* building. Hovvev
er, in three years the lease re
verts beck to two of bis sisters
and will need to be rccnegoti.it
ed at that time.
Tavlor said he is not interest
ed in having another tavern in
the building And whoever he
le.isc*s the* building to will haw*
to make repairs and do some re
modeling to update* the strut
tore He said lie would rather
see any new operators use the*
building as a coffee* shop
Students of All Ages
Drop-In Anytime and Enjoy Our
Request Yom
iMigrmy specials
« 4
1. ih.
( hips
.S/'cc iiils («**/
'/•vi //<» \ Ihur \ until ( lost
li <A / nul }() iHI
10 PM to Closing
‘ i \; : tin ( ;ini|)us • Orders to >40 M3-0681
9 a.m. I)ail\
Mon. Sal.