FUNDING Continued from Page 7 folks outside* the field nf edut .1 lion " said Kirk Bailev who has met with board members .is ASl'O (.(1 president Thev're not clueless they .ire < on i erned gical extension o( the mind. It lets you utncentrateon what s/;/ your paper, not on how to get it on paper Mni can create prolessional looking documents in minutes.and uni lose the tear i >1 learning new pn grams because they all w< »rk in the same wav. ()nce you've w> >rked with a Macinti)sh. there's no turning back Win do|X‘i >pk‘ low Macintosh ? Ask them. .Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing C enter Monday-Frida> 9ain-5pm 346-4402 r