Tens of thousands of Deadheads desi ended on Aut/.en Stadi um to hear the Grateful Dead i>lay in tune. AWAY Continued from Page 4 June linn ('its played host to the Si andinavian I estival. whi( h featured more III.in !4i> food and i raft booths, dam mg musi< tours films and pay rants Auy 'I to 1 It San I rani ism based rot k leg ends The lubes headlined .1 roaring outdoor show Julv-1 at (loud 1 ones ( ate and Har \ host of lot at hands beer and food were also featured The l ugenr Parks Rri tea lion and t ailtural Sen ii es I)iv 1 sum sponsored a series ot sum mer 1 onterts in the parks In eat classical. pi/./ and interna tional artists performed even mg i out erts m parks through out the 1 11\ The Willamette Ncieiu e and l ei ImologN Center hosted its first annual Bubble I estival )ul\ 30-LMI with performers, contests, displays, videos. e\ flifiits and lectures tfial e\ plored tfit* physit s and tunc tious ot hubbies Portland imisit sensation the (,‘ra/v H’s appeared in Kugene s WO W Hall (ills 27 fur the hand's only Willamette Valley show The I lult (.'enter for the Per forming Arts welcomed The Kugene Festival of Musii with a performance series of The king and / and You'rr A Cood \lnn. Ch.irlir llronn July 27 through Aug IB The perform ances were so popular, the se ries was extended Well-known musician |ohn nv Winter rot ked ttie Kugene Hilton Ballroom July 1 with guests (immie Wood and the Immortals. Circus Vargas, the largest traveling big-top show in the world, performed three shows at the new Gateway Mall in Springfield July 40-31 Net work media sportscasters and other local media celebrities riulc iirmmd on tin- bat ks til t ir i ns elephants to raise money for local charities Tlie annual Art ami the Vine vard I estival brought loud, en tertainment anti a host of lot al and regional wines to Kugene's Alton H.tker I’ark July t>-8 Mine bands, performers art exhilii lions lootl beer and some ol Oregon's best wines were lea lured l he 1 st Anitua I l b egun Hat h I estival hosted more than 4(1 events that ran June through July 8. Free lectures, jazz and t lassie al perlorttiances as well as a host of evening ticketed concerts were held at the Mull Center for the Perform mg Arts and the University St hool of Musk Asitle from the Crateful Dead. Kugene remained alive and kit king during the summer mouths Although the 1 at k of students was prevalent it seemed to have little titled on the entertainment opportunities presented m the area "more Filling v* The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask (or the Special) (Atld'l Ingredient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. Get the word out with an ODE classified ; WELCOME BACK TO THE MILL CAMP, STUDENTS > “Home of the drink specials that will literally JSLQML1QHR M1NJ2L f Tuesdays & Thursdays ► * Pretty Woman Contest [ * Champagne Specials Mondays & Wednesdays * Beer Bustin Nights * Party Until The Kegs Run Dry •Look for our Super Registration Bash I Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 20, 21, 22 ► Mill Camp £ 215 Q Street • Springfield k (Just off 1-105)