Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 17, 1990, Page 30D, Image 108

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Continued from Page 14
mg m ii|ini(iim \\ right Mi lntosh .mi
Last lutie hugene M.ivur )< 11 Mtllei led ,t
five person delegation In Irkutsk
' nlike p.r i delegations tins \ isiI In
i.iisi'il inure on inclusln.il pursuits rather
til.in < iiltiir.il interests I ,n li of tin five
members took with them written pro
posals from twimti hugene businesses
hoping to e-tablish trade ties m the So
viet l iiiun
\lthough no ex< (range rale exists he
tween 1' S dollars and soviet rubles,
there is a wax for international business
tii exist Im years two national t s
i omp.lines have done business in the
Soviet I nine Mi Donalds and the Pepsi
i 01 poral inn
An agreement was made with soviet
off li nils using i redits instead of a direi t
monetary system When sain lions are
eventually lifted the credits will he re
paid at a designated exi liange rate
Ihiildmg a trusting relationship is
part of perpetuating a long-term invest
mi nt and this i an he done by maintain
ing positive i ultur.il lies through the
Sister ( itu Program \1 i 11 • • t said "It s
pear e through diplomat:\
Miller believes the I SC I’ 1! 1 .issist
hugene m becoming involved in viothl
wide tM.nnomir tr.ide Ik encouraging
rei ipror al foreign investment now We
will lie preparer! when the ruble eventu
.ilk is bar ked on the foreign trade mar
ket. Miller said
Oregon is already e\pei innr ing ern
nomii and cultural ini estments from
kahegawa A group of japanesc one
tors has pun based a seition of tarln
land m bun lion f it\ and thei intend to
build a I llitiil.il I enter that will he open
to the public.
Hie lapanese are eager to establish a
business relationship in Oregon and a
lapanese investment group is looking
seriously at a prospei l in lingerie Millei
Interest in delegates who visit lingerin'
is usualh more culturallv oriented on
oor end and more ei ontimir for them
said Wright Mi Intosh One reason lor
this at least for those toun the Soviet
I Won. is the rapid demur rain t hanges
or i tilling in their i ounlrv
\ delegation traveling to l.ugene in
September ss ill in- led liv the Vir r M.i\
*ii of hkutsk and is interested ;u meet
ing with Kugene < its (linmtil members
to learn more about the operation ot a
demoiralii > its ■-aiii VVrigbt\h Intosli
It makes von think about is ln tilings
lire the was (lies are sou don't take
s our i idture for granted she said
Die base premise ot tin IlSCP is to
promote understanding and respect
among nations I bis is done on an indi
vidual level through the delegations
and i ultural e\< hange mas help to < or
rei t distorted impressions of life in an
other i ountrs
To further this proi ess the members
of the tour committees would like to see
more dts ci sifu.at ion of the delegates
ss ho travel to l.ugene's sister < dies Peo
ple traveling in .1 delegation meet two
re(|uirements tiles have the time and
the inones to support a-trip Urighl Me
Intosli said
1 Ins is restrii live lor lot al i oliege stu
dents who generalis possess neither
hut the I S( P is hoping to establish a
si holarship program eventualls to assist
those who would otherwise not he abli
tii make ,1 trip
Tin Irkutsk committee has lead tin
wax m assisting the youth ot the com
munit\ to he p.trt of informal delega
turns In August the sei ond group ot lo
i ai high school students this venr re
turned Irian the Siiviet I.'mon
Ihese students raised all of the fund1
lor their trij including, tickets visa pro
essinu i osts insurant e ami group gilt1
to r.itv officials, edut.itors, and sox ie
The cost tust to get to the Sovie
I nion ts (lose to S 2.000 Once then
student expenses are completely < ox
ered hx the host lomimmilx sister t it'
1 he same is true of the Irkutsk dele
gates who travel to lingerie The greales
expense for Kugenes Irkutsk Uommittei
is the i ost ot hotel moms in New Yorl
or W.ishington DU xvhen the student'
tiisl arrive
Soviets who travel to the Uniter
States are still restm ted in their accesi
In tin* t otintrx despite the wanning o
relations between the two nations
f (it
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