ZONE Continued from Page 19 ter (hi! council would not have been able to change the nuclear tree zone polir \ w ithout a vote by the people Brian Obie. who was mayor at the time the revised version of the ordinance was adopted, said the revisions were made after the city council received legal advice that some aspects of the original ordinance were unconstitutional "We would have made the same adjustments if the i it\ council itself had passed (the ordinance)." Obie said. I doubt the people of this city knew that these questions were involved and 1 doubt they would want the United States or Oregon Constitutions violat ed." ()pponents of the (barter amendment also feared a stronger anti-nuclear policy would scare away potential businesses businesses that could help diversify Kugene's economv. which is dependent on the beleaguered timber in (ilistr\ They pointed to a dei i sion by Rohr Industries, an aerospace firm that decided not to locate in Kugene because they were not sure how a tougher antinuclear policy would after t their business Rohr makes parts for the K 14 jet tighter, w hir h has nur lear weapons capabilities Proponents ol the amend ment alleged that Rohr had never really planner! to locate in Kugene and only said they were considering it and then pulled out in order to influence the election. The nuclear free /.one 1 County has had in effect since ItlHti was considered much stronger than the one the r ity of Kugene currently has in plat e However, after reviewing the outcome of Kugene's May elet time commissioners decider! to change the county policy and put it more in line w itli the city's OPT , \kk't M vji L, Financial Sen ices • insurance • Securities • Investments GARRY LIDAY 1114 Willugillcspic Road Suite ' P C) Box TSS.t tui’cnc. Otegon V740I (503)484-6885 Registered Representative liquitv Services. Inc Scrxiiii! Oregon sime For health insurance, check with state Farm. C3II Phil Hillstrom 185 E. 12th Ave 4856161 Near Campus ''Then* was some question whether the counts could en fon e pnlii s ill the i its ol Kugenu." said councilor Kllie Duindi "We wanted (the mi clear free zone policies) to he compatible ssith each other It still forbids the building and design ol nuclear weapons, sve just took out some of the extra neons items Those extraneous items re moved ini hide tlit- h.m on de liverv system r.oni|iimeiils, data processing hardware and sottware used in the prosei u lion ol a nuclear war, base re se.tri h and i omponents used in delense systems sm li as sl)| 1 he new county polii y sim ply prnhihits any person from knowingly designing, develop mg. manufai luring producing, testing, maint.uning or storing mu weapons or their i oil) ponents in the counts \ i omponent is defined .is ,1IIV devil e that is spet tails de signed to he installed ill a till - i lear vs eapon I he revised i on lit v polii \ also spei dn alls points out that the anti-mu lear polii s does not prohibit direi t at tis itles of the federal liovernuient I he issue of a mu lear free I ugene appears to be settled lor llit- lime hiring Kngene will continue to pride ilstdf on its rur.d atmosphere and the cpiali tv of 11ti- it provides its ri'si dents I hi' Inki' paths will hi' crowded, the healtli food stores will i ontinue to sell some ot the finest granola in the world and Kllgene will remain smai k dull in the middle ot the mi i lear free /one You told us keep it simple and make it easy. We listened. I \nd the result i-- the ea-v-to iim' IBM Personal System/-. ; W itli it> preloaded software, including Microsoft ^ iimIow> d.B, just turn on the l*S/2 ar«l you're ready to go. Watch your ideas quickly come to life in papers, graphics, lab reports and even spread?' beets. |*lus, you t an easily work on more than one pro jeet at a time. Simply dick your mouse to choose from a variety of programs. \nd our special 'Indent price makes it easier to own* \ IuI 11 NOII IMIN ImIiiH’ I >*•<•*-|111»*T U I'J'MI, Null II ivrrivr ,i TWA ( crtiiiratr nilillin^ \«m Id ,i round trip tn krl lor$14'J^/$2^r* l’lu> a ir< <- TWA (H‘t;iwav Student Dix'ount ( application. Yin II aU« jm-1 a "real low price on the I’Ht )l >l< .'t >crv ice. It wa> ca>\ making the I UM I’S/l! ca-\ to use. \ou told ii- how and we listened. w. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 346-4402 Mr,... ,Mer . -” > I a • ■ • ‘ "••• M., J..I,i, Prk !-<• Sub,f, t: ranged-.-.l IBM™, *.«* •' • R„ M.jr u;ivri September It' 1990 thr.r.j ft' Uer.emtx-r 19 1991 d! "«• .. ..pUlv It. 1991 If-' > Defember '9 ’“**»’ V • )' •••••>": ' ' ' wrchase blackout dales and certa ■ ■ ■ ih, ige •" » *MP» • ■ ' ' >' - ■" M- ’WA .. ■••-eOV.v ■ ~-.r. reg.MerrM see. e m.trk and lid.H-mai. jl ProOqv IBM Corporation 199C Oat puff.IBM .^r*- :?*•v\ ft* !m }*•" . Aortd Aifii.r'H-*-. ■■ • ,fiii ! IBM r ! iU Appt t m >*•' iA if -A:< i -". 199 i to? i travel from \A -1 j fr v Iff 1 !f I- 3'-' .»'* ' * '* •«'< Jurn- M 1991 .» ) : ». i *. «