Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 20, 1990, Law School Edition, Page 9, Image 9

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City programs cater to athletes
By Alasdair McCondochie
Emerald Contributor
Student athletes of all abilities will find an
abundance of programs offered this fall through
the parks and recreation departments of Eugene
and Springfield.
"Willamalane is open to everyone." said Kan
dy Gerlach, supervising coordinator of
Willamalane I’arks and Recreation in Springfield
‘‘Springfield residents are preferred at our fa
cilities, and University students living in the
Springfield area are prime targets." but everyone
is invited to take part in the sports programs, t ier
lach said.
Willamalane organizes volleyball and basket
ball teams in winter and spring and softball teams
in the summer. Anyone 18 or older is eligible to
Organization of teams begins November 7.
when the men’s basketball teams will meet at 7
p.m at the Memorial Building Communitv Gen
ter. 765 North A St
For more information on other upcoming pro
grams. contact the Memorial Building at
74f»- Uitifl
Willamalane also offers open gym .il llir Momtt
rial Building and at other locations throughout
Beginning Oi l 1. Willamalane will host open
gyms on Mondays. Wednesdays and Ihursdays
primarily for University students Admission to
open gyms is free
Health fitness programs are also available, with
both water aerobic s and regular aerobic s offered
for people 1H and older
The water aerobic s classes are held in the two
Willamalane swimming pools
The Lively Park Swim ( Voter at MOO Thurston
Road in Springfield offers the only wave pool
west of the Mississippi, C.erlac h said
The pool also ini lucies a slide, a whirlpool and
.1 lap s\\ miming area
The entrain e fee to the pool is r>0 for resi
dents in the Willamalane district and $1 TO tor
non-residents Special family rates are offered,
and the pool can he rented by private parties Tor
more information, call 7-17 W AV I
Turn to ATHLETES. Page 12
Games free for students
Student tickets for Oregon
football games will bo avail
able at the University Athlet
ic Ticket Office five working
days before each home game
as part of an agreement the
ASl.JO has had w ith the Ath
letic Department since 1387.
The agreement sets aside
fi.lMH tickets for students for
each home game Students
are permitted one ticket per
game and must show a a
summer or fall student iden
tifieation card (depending
on the game) and another
piece of photo identification
at the tii kot window at
McArthur Court A letter of
admission or a fee card can
also be used to gel tickets
ASIJO also has made
available Til) children's tick
ets per game for dependents
of students, and special
equivalency stamps for stu
dents' spouses who want to
attend games. Children's
and special equivalency
tickets can lie obtained at the
ASUO office. KMU Suite A.
with proof of age or relation.
The tickets are subsidized
bv student incidental fees al
lotted to the Athletic Depart
ment l 'nder the guidance of
the ASUO. the Athletic De
partment uses the funds to
support women's, men's
and coed sports, not innlud
ing football and basketball
A student ticket permits
the1 holder to sit in sections 5
through 0 in Autzen Stadi
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