COMMUNITY Students race to find cheap housing By Ann Ziegler Emeiaid Conlnbulor The race is on for the I rest rental housing for the least amount of money, and prices are exper led to in crease over last year’s rates, said Uhris Uhupa of the University's Rental Housing Office and Kent Jennings of lennings & (’.o Although lennings, Joy Roust of Spyglass Assoi iates and Marjorie Ramey of the University Housing Office all agree there is less to ( hoose from in Septemlier. Uhupa said that is the liesl time to look "September is by far the busiest month in terms of the number of people and listings. Uhupa said "Listings drop off in mid ()t toller, ' (Ihupa s,iid. and openings increase in early November and late Dei ein her Uhupa said housing prices have ini reased notice ably ibis vear For example, the average one bedroom apartment rented for $105 to $400 hi l'lM'l no Ibis veai he said, the same unit may rent for $ A 5(1 to $475 I.ast year's two bedroom apartments averaged $250-500. Uhupa said, "hut you can tai k some onto that " ( hupa said many students opt to rent in the summer "to secure a place and handle the increase when fall comes around " However, many apartments listed are available only during the summer, he said Property managers painted a pi< tore of a somewhat more desperate situation Poust said Spyglass rentals were "thinning out" in mid-August, and she expected 1(M) percent oci upanc v by the end of this month lennings echoed Poust's predictions of zero availa hility of housing near campus by September "Before the University moved hack the enrollment cap, if you came in July, you'd probably do Ok." |en mugs said But this year, he said, "a real together stu dent would set ure housing by )une The story is much the same for University-owned housing Marjorie Korney, director of University Hous ing. said housing is boohed for fall 1‘1'Ml and students on waiting lists will most likely stay on those lists throughout fall term "We don't anticipate am vacancies for the 200 to toil transfer or upper division students " she said However students who drop out of school or find off < ampus housing usually provide openings in the resi dence halls m winter and spring terms Whether allri lion will provide openings in famih housing is "hard Turn to HOUSING, Page 11 Photo bv Martin Thiel h'.lena Kavanaugh, a recent graduate in psychology and Romance languages, creates a rare l.u gene/Springfield vacancy■ HOW TO BUY LAW BOOKS AND SAVE MONEY COME TO THE SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE FIRST. Chances are you will find most of your books at ' . to - off the new price BRING THE TITLE AND AUTHOR S NAME. (It might take some time to find your books, but we will be glad to help you look and the savings are worth the wait RETURN BOOKS YOU DO NOT NEED. It you buy the wrong books or drop a class, you can return the books for a full refund SELL YOUR OLD TEXTBOOKS. After you buy your textbooks, bring in your old books and The Smith Family Bookstore will buy them for a very fair price USED STUDY AIDES: We carry Blacks. Nutshell. Gilberts, and Emanuels SMITH FAMILY bookstore 768 East 13th • 345-1651 1 Block from Campus 24 Hours A Day Depend on Kinko’s. ✓ Full & Self Serve Copies / Binding / Transparencies / Collating / Instant Passport Photos ✓ Color Copies ✓ Macintosh Rental / LaserWriter* Prints ✓ Resumes / FAX Service Open 24 Hours! S60 E. 13th 344-7894 kinko's the copy center Now On Sale Strawberry Shortcake Good Thru August 31st s $1.29 It's strawberry time1 And to celebrate, your participating DAIRY QUEEN stores are featuring their famous strawberry shortcake. Red, juicy strawberries, golden pound cake and creamy DAIRY QUEEN soft serve. All tor just $1.29. WE TREAT YOU RIGHT