Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC ft OPERA ON COMPACT DISC ft CASSETTE CD's FROM $5.95 TAPES FROM $2 95 343-9000 In the Fifthpearl Building OPEN DAYS f £i\ largest SELECTION OF IMPORT BEER IN OREGON UNIQUE SOCKS SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION ATHLETIC ' DRESS ' CASUAL ’ NOVELTY ■ MEN'S * WOMEN'S * CHILDREN'S The 0,0* Sh°PPe OAKWAY CENTER ■ 345-2916 10-6 MON-SAT Hot Summer Styles Sale *5 Off ' I tic W oi ks Shampoo. ( oiulilion. Cut \ Blow I>r\ ' ' ' \ a • 1 ' . * ' '• CUVQLe-‘r' ‘ Salons Inc. I Ith \ I'atUTsnn 2’lh \ W illaimlti (.K7-III3S WHILE YOU WERE AWAY AWAY Continued from Page 1 All Aincrii an Lift* insurant e Co of Woodland Mills ( .dit is carrying next year's insurance plan Ini domestic students 1 he Hartford Insurance (.o of liar! 'ford. Conn . will insure inter national students Student health insurant e was one of the most urgent issues cm c ampus last year as the Pru dential t o threatened to end its coverage ut students citing tew partic ipants and high risk lhe Student Health Insurance Committee then recommended mandatory health insurance tor ail students a plan whic h was rejec ted in the April AS! '< ) edec tions Hoth programs are almost identic al to the Prudential plans but otter better benefit' Member-- of Students (or the Kthical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to the state and county attorneys general in lime asking them to investigate a re sea n h protect ol Dr Ku h ard Marroc c o Si ! A members believed Hl»* photti s musi Taylor s Tavern, (ampus landmark, hosted line blue ( i.ins lor almost 20 rears before it closed Inly It).'s research on ina (,i(nir monkeys duplicated work l ondui ted by other si ion lists Duplication. in some spe i ifii i ases constitutes si lentil ii fraud Marrocco and John Moselev I'niversiK vice presi dent for rescan h. said the i barges u ere not valid t tlr pholi former residents ot the Opportunity Sheller tor homeh'ss turn ihcn protested its closure in lune In i ampin# in front nt the shrltrr I’nlii e arrested smoral protestor.s. Welcome to Eugene from the store with the finest sportswear and equipment for all four seasons. J U_J i—I \—I L_J l—J i_S L mnnnnn r~ I BE CERTAIN TO CHECK OUR GREAT IN-STORE SPECIALS' = ATHLETIC = - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 94 WEST BROADWAY DOWNTOWN MALL EUGENE OREGON 97401 343-1288 SI' I'A members dec iilrd imi tn pursin' the investigation after lame County District Attornev Doug llarcleroad wrote .1 letter to the group Stating his ultli e would not look into tile case ()omniunit> Taylor’s Tavern, the well known blues bar and student hangout, closed its doors Inly 10. The bar al the corner ol lith Avenue and Kincaid Street, had been serving food, beer and the tow n's best know n blues music to IhiiversiU stu dents since the early '70s ll had attracted nationally known acts. including Grammy Aw ard w inner Robert I lra\ Manager David Dingman said lie believed the building's own ers did not want to renew the lease for the tavern, and so he dei ided to close the business before the lease ended Allegations that finant ial mismanagement was a cause tor the failure ol the business have been raised by lawyers for Turn to AWAY Page 5 GFL (1 \ K R t f 1, 111 At v:'' R P 1 k \ i i < • \ Financial Sen ices • Insurance • Securities • Inv esurient - GARRY LIDAY 1 144 \\ ul.ijllk’spic Road Suit-. I* () Ho* ”SS ' l Uy!CMC < ^401 (503)4S4-6HK5 Registered Representative I quite Services. Inc Senini' Orct'on since /RT in We ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes t.... Packaging Stare. 2705 Willamette 344-3106