Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 20, 1990, Law School Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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The following is ,i summ<ir\
of news events the inu'rald
covered over the summer
I niversiH
Ihe Oregon State Hoard of
Higher Ibiucatinn voted June
14 to lift the enrollment c ,i|is ,it
each of the st.ite universities tor
f.il I lei m to ease grow ing athlet
i( department defii its
I'he iii turn was designed as a
one vear temporarv "Hand
Aid" tor the athletic funding
problem, said I'niversitv I’resi
dent Myles Brand leirollment
is expected to increase to
17,tt()(l instead of decreasing as
planned to to ! 7. 500
"It was the best of a terrible
set of ( boil es f,i( ing state uni
versifies.'' Brand said
Athletic department defii its
.it the Universitv. Oregon State
I'niversitv. and Portland State
1 'niversitv are expet ted to
reac h $a l million bv the end
of this munih The I'niversitv s
Athletic Department. \\ liic h op
crates on a $111 \ million budg
et, has rolled up a debt of about
Sit million, the smallest
among stale universities
Blue (doss and Blue Shield
id Oregon donated $5.11011 :
|line dt) in the name ot I buvei
silv graduate l iana I'o/er in or
der to me reuse wheelchair ac
i essibilits mi t ampus
At Inzer's request the inouev
will l>f used to make restrooms
in the I All iv ht’eli hair <n i essl
Inzer ssas hit h\ .i itrutik
driver in Nias l‘IHH and lias
used a wheelchair smi e then
Alter beginning a statewide
l iana To/nr
t ampnign against drunk dm
ing. she graduated v\ ith a bath
elor's degree in engineering in
June She will begin graduate
s< hoid in the tall at the t nner
s11\ ot Illinois
At least one women's and
one men's restroom in the 1 All’
will he wheeli hall at cessihle
by fall term Depending on the
cost. there mav be enough
money tor work mi more than
two restrooms
Singh* pamits will hr al
IiivmmI tn livr with another
in famik housing. I m
versitv Pros Myles Brand an
noum ed Juk .'0
The ni‘u polo v u ill mi hull*
unmarried couples and ga\ nr
lesbian couples willi i hddn-n
l aider previous rules only
married couples with nr with
out i luldren and single par
ents living alone were eligible
for family housing
brand said a t hange in pnlu v
( .line out nj t out ern tor one of
tin- most at-nsk groups in
gle parents We want to help ta
( dilate their rdu< atinn
I he l adversity began consul
mint: a i h.mge in pnlu \ last
year when the tenant councils
of \mazon ami Westmoreland
housing, two <♦ f the I 'niversi
t\ s three bousing areas, re
quested a rev ision
llealtii insurance plans fm
international and domestic stu
dents have been negotiated tor
the 1‘1‘K) Ul school year and are
awaiting administrative ap
proval. ASl’O to presidents
Kirk Bailrv and Sheila Ntickel
said July 1 t
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