Six Years &. Counting DAILY EMERALD’S DUCK BUCKS m' Run Danes & Deadline FA LI ISSl l [V ScfH jH Mirth 1 Sch in uniM \iifih4ih I S.tAV prmtrd WIN 11R ISSl KI> Un llth tH AlH INI: l Vt )td l Sa\V primeJ 'l MMIK ISM 11v Juiw 17th DFADI.INI Ju.*Nh .HaW' primed KAILS: MM.I I I I I I I' \l.l .1.., i \IMKOIOK! - I il. lu.U • u|' l» it .'Ills'll' SlNltU TfcRM *i:s 5 TLRMS * KV |x r icrm SfnV per it rm >2 S jvr icrm Rl SLRVI VOL R SI’AC 1 I'OIUY C \1 I 346-3712 \C I l \l Ult lHIN 'I/I ATHLETES Continued from Page 9 The second pool. Willama lane Park Swim ( enter is .1 more traditional pool, with a diving area, a slide and lap swimming areas Swimming lessons lifesaving ( lasses and w easional si nha diving lessons also are offered Admission is $1 50 for Willamalane members and $2 25 for non-members Prices ma\ i hange in the fall The pool is at 1271. <; St in Spring field For more information on programs i .ill 721. -t ti.t. Both pools are covered and are open year round Fitness tenters offering free weights treadmills and indi vidual! v tailored weight lifting programs are also available througlr the Willamalane Parks ami Recreation Department For more information call the Willamalane Fitness Centei at 721. -Ftf.M Kugenc's own Parks Recrea tmn and Cultural Services of fers programs open to all ath letes in the Hugene Springfield area said Renee Crube athletic supervisor of PARCS Athletic Programs The PARCS Athletic Pro gram is designed to help re creational athletes meet their needs for team and individual competition and instruction," Crube said "Eugene residents 1H years and older are encour aged to partii ipate Ret athletes can lake tennis lessons or volleyball classes, plav basketball, soccer, tennis softball or vollevhall on i itv league teams; join am of three i lub sports; or work out during open gyms People with disabilities plav basketball in a new building at the llilyard Community Center, which also offers ski trips in tlie winter for people with dis abilities. Intermediate and advani ed volleyball i lasses begin Mon day Oct 1 and continue through Nov 26 at Jefferson Middle S< hool. 1650 U 22ikI Aye Registration is Slot) per team An organizational meeting for men's and women's basket ball teams will Ire field Thurs day Oct 11 at 7 pm in the Room 104 of the Municipal Court Building. 777 Pearl St Teams may register from Oct to through N'ov 2. A team fee of $235 is required. Most other sporting teams have already been formed for fall druhe said, but informa tion is available lor winter rcg istration by calling 687-533:) Open gyms are available at various locations, including Shasta Middle School. 4056 Barger Drive; Spencer Butte Middle Si hool. 800 E 4.3rd Ave Kennedy Middle School 2200 Bailey Hill Road: Sheldon High School, 2455 Willahenzie Road lefferson Middle School. 1650 U 22nd Ave . and Mon roe Middle School. 2800 Bailey I ,ane Athletes may also join club te,mis in hosing, fencing or la i rosse (These teams are not at filiated with 1'Diversity Club Sports teams.) Information about the boxing i luh is available fiv calling at 680-4848 fencing club infor mation is available through Paul McNamara at 688-6424. and lacrosse club information i an fie obtained through Ned Brittian at 747 3796. Registration for all athletic programs is < (inducted at the PARCS Department office .it 22 U 7th Ave Anyone interested in becom ing involved with a team may place their name on the sports league interest list at the PARCS office The list is made available to team managers in eai h sport First Name 0 Last Name Coupon valid for one free admission with Student I.D. Offer limited to one admission per person for coupon period 8/7-8/16. 2598 Willamette Eugene 343-6624 Good through August 27. 1990 L cWarl/, 2598 Willamette Eugene 343-6624 10am-1am Video Gaines on nickels • Pool tables on quarters • All ages BUY ONE-HALF SUB SANDWICH & GET THE OTHER HALF FREE \ 345-2434 1225 Alder St. it ■ Sub Shop 1225 Alder 345-2434 — Yogurt — ( Get a medium yogurt for the price of a small — s1.20 Not vo- •! ah*', .iny other discounts or < oupons One coupon per ..ustomer ; M-r .,.;r A, Ms! it 199i 345-2434 1225 Alder St. Sub Shop 1225 Alder 345-2434