ST. THOMAS MORE UNIVERSITY PARISH ( iithi ■! i . Ni a in.m < . 11u*f I SMI I nu'i.ilil Sticoi I iiLViK- t )H T im Mass Schedule: Mondui-Kridas: 5:10 p.m. escriinn praiir followed In Mass. (Ml p in. (\ i|;il Mass) (HI & 11:00 & 7:.«) p.m. Salurdas: Sundas: Sacrament of Knoiuiliation (< onfcssionl Saturdu) at 4:.M) p.m. or In appointment Watch the Sunday Bulletin and the Hmerald for Center's activ ities THE CA THOLIC PARISH SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SINCE IV15 Oregon West -fitness 3-Month Membership ...$99.00 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 no Initiation fee full use of facilities Power Aerobics • Weights • Stairmasters • Jaccuz2i Located By Running and Biht' Traits BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES —— 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 M75 Franklin Blvd Across from Campus SAFETY Continued from Page 7 rlrs Although decreasing in number hike thefts are ini reas ing in value bet arise of the rela lively expensive mountain hikes many students mm ride Theft was reported us the number one campus crime at Oregon State. Portland State and I'tJ.A last year In < )St , w hie h has an enrollment of about lfi.600 Students, re ported -tti-t thefts OSl1 has em ployed state police tor campus set imt\ sint e November 1'IH‘i PSl , with an enrollment of about 17,000 and i ampus set u r11\ similar to the 1 -niversitv's. reported riti-t thefts PCLA, with approximately I t.000 stu dents and a state polu e force of 70 officers, reported t>7ti thefts, which accounted fur just under Vi pen ent ot .ill crimes com mitted on that campus While illegal alcohol con sumption i ontinues to stump University officials, theft can he prevented hv simple com mon sense OPS has recently produced a video to promote that very idea (allied "Gone In Thirty Sec onds." the video will he shown in the dorms during registra tion week OPS believes this promotion of awareness is ne< essary because students often inadvertently s.u rifice their he longings for the sake of conve nience Whether going down the hall to visit a neighbor or dashing into the KMI' for a cup of coffee, students are advised to secure their belongings Aside from i ornrnon i areless ness, widespread belief in the "bushy haired stranger" myth also puts students themselves at risk of becoming victims of campus crime A« cording to OPS officers, the person who steals from or assaults a student is not likely to be a'bushvhaired stranger" hut another student, possibly even an at quaintance One crime that is not accu rately reflected in campus i rime statistics is date rape Hunter said she believes date Photo by Mark Ylrn OPS officer Otis Scarbomu%h checks bicycles parked at cam pus bike racks to see if they have identification stickers and an• properly locked. nipt1 is by tar the most underre ported crime. "Women are not going to come forward and say, I went to a party with this guy I've been dating for a couple of weeks and we had a little too much to drink and he forced me into having sex,' " she said A woman who is raped may take or via emergency tele phones located throughout i ainpus. Law Students: Our Checking Account Is Loaded.. .Even If You Aren’t. 1. 5lA% interest paid to you on your low monthly balance. 2. No service tec if you maintain a $2(X) monthly balance. You pay only $3 if your balance drops below $2(X). 3. Free American Express Travelers Cheques. 4. Overdraft Protection (with a savings account). 5. 24hr. access to your account through the Exchange network. U-Lane-O Credit Union is the University of Oregon’s Credit Union. We make hanking easy for students! We're just a short walk from campus so come check us out! CRI-1)11 l MON SO' *‘tht‘ Btst^Bank in Town" 11th & Fern KIXJKNK 6X7-2347 C'RFDIT l MON mi • 1st Quality futons handmade at our store... The best in Eugene! • Futon Frames Couch by day. bed by night. Many styles to choose from. Priced from S99.00. • Furnishings Desk & floor lamps, bookshelves, tables, rugs, pillows, mirrors, posters, shower curtains, and more! Three Way Lounger Designs to fit your style.