Daily Emerald A&E Lane County Fair opens Tuesday with rides and fun i’he llugene festival of Musical Theatre is extending the run ul ) mi ir A (tooil \l,m Ch.irlit• Drown adding two mure perlormam es ul the populru show August u and 1 I he show will end on August in after I t purlurniam es in the Hull ( enter's Soreng Theatre l or ticket information i all I In It (.enter box oil it e at lift '>(1011 t ()\( I K I S • |oh It Work ma n a in I la leiub III m da\ *1; ttl p ill . |o ledertgu ( ale and Hat .‘u'i I- filth Ave The jnhn Work man Trio will plav I ridav and Salurdav • I Inullei I hill sda\ 1 pm \ ma/i m Park 700 flilVard St I ice • Hltte > lam I inn lax (.d hunt ■ ( ale and Hat t7u I- Seventh \ve ..'I and over • < diein.ik i! Divoe Plague •. “savior. I ridav o to p.m WOW Hall jui W I ighth \ve Admission is $"• at the door All ages show • Black Roses and ISan Belize. Sntui da\ 0 to p m WOW ll.dl Admission is S t All ages w eli nine • I meiald ( liainhei Players Simdax I p m lleudrii ks Park Khododendron Harden t ree • Witiespread Palm and Nine Daw Wondei l uesdax 0 ill p m WOU ll.dl I ii kels are SI in advance and SA at the door \11 ages are well nine \\ lieelt hair ai i essthle I AIK • I lie l ane Hountx I an runs August II Pi at the lane (aitintx laiigrounds hue entertainment rides, i rafts, loud and demonstration booths will he lea lured I in iiloi illation i .ill on: 17 pi itstia \i s • Scandinavian leslival. August 0 1.' Iuin lion ( 11\ l oud i iafts dam mg musii and tours • Solar Mush I estival and ( amp. An gust 1' pi host \ a 11e\ ( elder Hextei I ''natures lei lures demonstrations and lire mush peiturmani es powered b\ Ihe sun I in more mini mation i all '117 I I a | I it Inn.i Ma il .mil Antonin H.int/rr.is sl.ir in I’rtlrn \ linnthn .ir 's T \l«- Down!, tvhith is fil.ninf; niiihth .it thr Hijoti < *iui1r\\ photu i«‘ Me l p! Tit I'l Kl ORMINt. \KTS • I hr K mi: .mil I 11ml miles t lining h An gust IH m tin- Mult ( niter's Stlv.i ( nn (*r 11 Mill I. Ollf Hugenc Centre lor t it Ket information i .ill t.ftr iiidu MOV1KS • In Mr I’/)' Tir Mr Dawn', starring Victona Abril Antmuii Handcras .inii I i.iiii isi ij Rnliiil is playing nightlx .it the lli|nii Art Cinemas 4*t1- l tth Aw sill IU I I mrs .III- .’ll ,111(1 'I I Alllllls siini is si rinirs(( Siuidin through Wednesd.u • Vnung (.tins leaturing linilio I slew/ Klein Sutherland l.ou Mia mtuid I’hillips and ( liristi.in Slater, is playing .it Movieland HUH Sunni a St and tile Springfield (.Juad .ttltls t)l\m pie A VC ( OMKin • Cartel Pecce and openei S< ott Davis host mu over i omech night Thursdav at Kowloon s Restaurant and nightclub. 2222 Centennial Blvd The show starts at 'I p m 1 and over • Headline! john kennur and |a\ Uebh perform Friday night at 'i for Kowloon s no cover coinedv show 21 ami over 1 l'( OMIM. K\ IM S • I hi Fugene Hines Festival happens Saturday, \ugust 2 "> at Alton Baker Park and features perforrnain es bv blues great Ho Diddlev lunior Walker k the Allstars and ( urtis Salgado \ the Stilet tos I n kets are $ 1 .r» In advance avail able at all Hull ( enter outlets oi i all ( ourlrst photo Young (.mis II. playing .it Ahnirl.mil and Sprint’lirld Ciiwma. brim;s h.u k I ini I io bslrvr/ as Bills tbv l\iil. t)87 >l)OU • Ziugv Marle\ iinil (In- Melnd\ Makers Momla\ August 27 H p in at the Hull ( enter s Silva (’out ert II.ill Tickets are Sit) '>0 in aiivanee available at all lltilt ( lenter outlets • Oktoberlest. September 'I. ,u ross Iruni Willamette High Sr bool at 170(1 hello I lot low Rtl I 00(1 booths. Il\e ell tertamment i rails and i.hildren s at tivi ties will be available For more informa tion call OHH o 1 i I • lln I-.ngene (elebratio!) is September LM-1M with entertainment and events happening throughout I or information t all 0M7 77 1 a First Name 0 Last Name Coupon valid for one free admission with Student I.D. Offer limited to one admission per person for coupon period 8/7-8/16. 2598 Willamette Eugene 343-6624 Expires August 16. 1990 L cWarl,c^ 2598 Willamette Eugene 343-6624 10am-1am Video Games on nickels • Pool tables on quarters • All ages GET SOME COLOR EAST! $ 1 0.00 OFF Current Prices (limited to I O or more sessions) I I I I l^fci Summit Hours V VV*•; 1 F' r a* 1 ’ <*f* . ; M Wml S «; -• & T^ufS 8 114fT' St i tl r SunShower Tanning Center ON CAMPUS ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kinko's • 485 2323 Good thru August 21, 1990 SunShower Tanning Center \\< ,iu thr sun salon most t onvrnirntlv lot at« d foi students fat ult\ and staff l.uiuh studx break betvM on < lasses whenever you haw a little extra turn \n« tan take a 20 minute vatation and relax in tun deeply soothing sunbeds t n|o\ thr warmth and your choice of music as you regain that luscious l Mimnu-i 874 E 13th Ave • Upitaifs by Krnko s • 485 2323 V\0I U A,f conditioned s\s||>| WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS ' — Yogurt — Get a medium yogurt for the price of a small — s1.20 Not valid with any other discounts or coupons One coupon per customer Good through August 13. 1990 345-2434 1225 Alder St. Sub Shop 1225 Alder 345-2434