University Health problems linked to video monitors By Virginia Sliman Its lute al’tei m urn nit In- I AH t iomputei 1 .ounge Si altered through tin- lounge stiulcnts slam into video disptav mom tois; somi- slum h nr limit h in their seats while others sit up straight nt pause for a strati li Ml sit with their lat es about 12 inches from the computer monitor Probably. Iev\ are aware nl studies linking low-level elei tromagnetii radiation, like that emitted by VIVI's. \\ ith i am er birth delects and mist,images St ientists in Suedt-n mtied signitii ant increases in letaI deaths and miscarriages in mice exposed to weak magnetic Iields as part ol three rei ent studies All three studies used radiation designed to mimii as closely as possible the magnet it fit-ids produt ed by VIVi s .it cording to a ret ent .util In in A/at worhl. a t omputei maga /me The maga/ me also titt-ti some A merit an si ml it-s I hat showed low-level electromag net it radiation ni.iv promote cancer bv suppressing the hod\ s immune system and in t reusing activity of an en/vine connected with t auter promo linn David Ut'M. who has worked with computers for -a visits said that while working in cer lain environments lie and Ills i n workers o< i asionall\ sul feted chronit headai lies that he suspet ts Ilia\ lie linked to the i omputers I didn't know about radi ation then, and now I wonder it !here s a t onnet tion said West who is now a network manager for Random l engths publishing t nmpam itt ku - gene West became concerned about a possible link between electromagnetii emissions and i ant et - brain tumors and lenke min tit children after lie read a series ol artit les in Vew 1 ttrkri ibis spring "They were well researt bed I felt there was definitelv some thing I here w or ill w on v i ng about worth paving attention to.’’ West said I'he \eu ) ii krr articles raised issues and evidence oi the possible* elfet ts of elei tro magnetic lields, said Steve I let kei oct upalionut health spot i.ilist .it the l () s I .ahiir r.d in .il inn .uni Ri'mmii h ( Cnlci (aiucern about the risk, of e\ posu i u In elei t ro in .t it net ii fluids is gaining w nlui an opt .UK o bn said Tile .»rtit In i ifus studies found a signifii antl\ Ingfiui l ain of camel especially fir,on i aiu nr and leukrinia in punplu who worked around elei trout.ignetn fields, mi lud mg elec trii ians. elei tin al engi liners, electrii -utility workers power station opeiators and tel ephone and pou ei linemen "There are just as mam stud ies that s.n there is something there as there are studies tfiat sav there is not a problem." said 1 ran/. SI (ieorge a phvsi list and radiation safety officer at Sat mil I leart t ieneral I lospi tal It makes it veiv difficult for people like me to sav am thing '' he said I on tri•<|rit• in y elei Irit cur rent produces a magnetic field that penetrates almost anything in its path, including the hu man both Magnetic fields ( ause (lie inolei ules o{ the Ini man body and the brain to v1 br.ite I tat k and forth al a rate ol as mill h as tat times a set Olid according to the July 0 issue of the .Veil ) i il ktT I hr strength ol magnetit fields llri essarv In ( arise .ui \rrsr lir.ilth effet Is in human beings is i entral to the VI) 1 i ontriiv ers\ Levels .is low as two nr three milligauss have been linked tu the development of cancel in cliildren living near high-cur rent eleclrii distribution wires act circling to studies cited in \/ut world A gauss is a unit ul measure for electromagnetic energy. a mitligauss is one one thousandth ul a gauss In 1*)?I2 ( anatlian research ets measured the strength of magnetic fields 12 int lies from two computet monitors ami re circle'll a reading of lie ire than two mitligauss Hie n ailing 20 mi lies away from several moni tors was about one inilligauss Hie ( anatlian (leiitre for ()t i upatnm Health and Safety ret olnmentled that lie redesigned to put more ills lame liefvveell VI)1 operators and then display monitors and neighboring monitors For the most part. (iauadian and I S health oliit lais ignored warn mgs as tlitl major media m I'hulii l»* Nr .in I'mliiM Sonic sluilii's h.i\r linked the lnn-le\el r, ion Ironi video i/is/i/.iv terminals to hr.ilth problems, ini lulling i ,nu er both i.ountries. a< i nrdmg III \l,ii wurhi ()r i >41 n.i 11 \ ionizing radi <11iiiii like that emitted fnnii Xi.n tubes. was thought to i (His*1 ( .mi nr SI ( ieorge said bill i! is no longer i : ’isideted a pn iblein Within the Iasi de< ade how evei two tvpes ot non ionizing radiation have raised i om erns vers low frequent s radiation |\ I I | and eslreinels low radi al ion There are no federal sian daubs lol eithel \ 1.1 ot I I I la illation ill the 1 lilted Slates how evei several i outlines in eluding Ssveden and ( anada have set standards lor \ 1,1 emissions \ number ot compa nies mi hiding IBM. 1 )K( I’liil ips and Sigma sell monitors that meet those standards t sing a devk e that measures magnetic fields \/ai iiarW test ed Ml displav monitors i om monh used with Mai intosh ■ omputers \/ai it or/d disi.overed that the strongest emissions name Imm the tups ,iiul sides nt Mm intnsh COlIipiltel monitors t he Vppli'f silur High Resolution l\‘t di inonitm gave nit mure tli.m '(I milhgatiss I mi lies litnn the right side ul the muni tut I'Jiiissioie. .it lh. s.ime ills lilllt e IIIJill the IiiiiiI lit the \pplef iiiui monitor ,iiuI .ninth ei M.ii intush i ulm muiiitiii measured linin' milligauss I v. enK eight lin lies frnin the tmill ul i display si leeii \/,ii u or hi tumid inagm-lii held eiiiissinii. mi .ill monitors i iiiiinmiilv used vv itli M.h in lush eninjiii tel S lel I i ill In less tlwm I milligauss \s ,i result \ world ret inn mends \ I) I users sit .it least .in .urn's length .nva\ Iriim monitors .mil ,it le.isl four teet • iu ,i\ Ittiiii the sides lit h.ii I i il • ms nearby monitors Salespersons ,il I n gene t ouipulei stores said ill,it although the\ did mil have i unpulei raili.itmil shield in slut k . they i i hi Id he ordered Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Frl. 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