MONDAYS IHKOl (,H Luncheon Specials Szechuan Chicken Noodle $3.95 < f >sfj/rs \i \ / ft t ( ’ t >f ( > fit u tk^ft >r (' CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT fri) I 1 1th 14 1 2812 'jy I'fmfUi Ai,-MTvv5r^Hnr?7^irTr,T^Tr!r^n^c,^rT^fT^7TsSl,,T « r>«i flf sr »*•» « r>«< v* *>r *'*> >•■'*. Huosr IhO SOOH1 »*>?,•. k ■HILL HAISJNG, PASSiOHAU ANO LUX OLY Hit A HtOUSr * Writer director Ppdro Almodovar Ivai dortr II aaam. (.rrau*d « comody fluaran UmhI lo offend lormi end lilillalr ollw»»a ll i • pcrvcrae comedy, no doubi about M, bu Almodovar pi ay hie hand eMHuily 9 L mo on* unv HHAi mil* •* / If , 'V • TWO THUMBS UP Henry It a powerful and important film, brilliantly dm-dod and acted THIS f?f U Of S£ ffVf S 70 Bf SUN 4 - iXfMU A BY. EXCITING. [XTRAOmMNAHr -ur. . - Henry it about re*/ honor The low key style heighlena the tuaprnte and the hor ror The grimly philosophical aenpt end tuperb acting make 11» charaftert real Unlike regular horror film*, Henry ta cyueatrly prrtuaaive No cxv* m\» I ROB a Cora , iV>T[ U MAS f » *■« UAHS ANQTh« M Aft Hi^ TOTAL LATt *C*T ACTIO*f" TOTAL THRASH"' 1 I $ Summer Sale! ^ Ct re ui Discounts on Summer Merchandise. t i FOLKWAYS IMPORTS CIOTHNG JEWELRY & FOLK ART FROM AROUND THE WORLD Come Give Your Stereo a Tune-up Before You Hit the Road ■ Zapco Amps ■ VSE Security ■ Targa ( I Soundsational ! Fie.xible Sch ec titling! 1035 Conner • 686-0580 \ H . Hr.', ■ K ■ ) University Greenpeace ‘party’ at nuke plant The Seattle office of Greenpeace is organ izing a "termination party" Saturday at the cites of two of Washington Public Power and Supply System's nuclear plants that have nev er been completed. Corvallis Greenpeace member Bob Wolfe said the Northwest Power Planning Council voted two months ago to study the feasibility of completing and reopening the nuclear plants They were left unfinished because the five-plant project went bankrupt before con struction on the final two plants was complet ed Wolfe said it is currently costing $10,000,000 per year |ust to keep the plants from rusting Greenpeace is organizing the termination party because it opposes the opening of the plants "It is a misguided plan to supply the Northwest with unsafe, unstable forms of ener gy production," Wolfe said. "It's time to shut down and dismantle the plants and concen trate on developing long-term sustainable power sources and to work toward energy con servation Wolfe said the "party" will be attended by people from all over the Northwest. Green peace is expecting well over 1.000 people. The gathering will include entertainment, bands, speakers and a "three headed cow.” Greenpeace is providing buses to take in terested parties to the cite in Satsop. Wa. A bus leaving Eugene will take off at 7:4f> a m Saturday from the Growers Market build ing on Willamette Street near the AinTrak sta tion. Wolfe said a donation of $5 is being asked for to cover the cost of the roundtrip Inis ride which will include air conditioning, a bath room and entertainment by folksinger Patrick Dodd. The bus will return Saturday around 1 or 8 p.m. Oregon volunteer service program opens l'lli* Volunteers in Service to Oregon program. established l)\ tlit* IHH‘1 ijil.iturt*. is now in o|ii*r,ili(in in Uni* ( ounU \ IS IO allows sot 1.11 senate volunteers between tin* ages of in l'l the opportunity to earn vimi tiers toward a i ollege edit i ation Partii ipants earn vmii li ers worth $25 lot even eight hours ot sen it e provided to se lei led agenc les Volunteers ma\ earn up to Si ,HO(l annually untli'i llic program rhi' vouc hi*i s art' redeemable at all eligible colleges ami vn rational schools for up to live years hi'voml the date issued Ihe program was started tn the (Jregnn I .egislature in hopes that it would encourage volunteerism among the state's youth Lane (aiunt\ has been gianted $49.‘12 , for 1990-9 1 Agent les partii ipattng in the program include Western Ki\ «»rs (lirl Scout douncil: Ini' Y\f( A 1 ,.ilit- (lount\ Reliel \urser\ , \li \\ 11 i.inicttc Hospital; OSH extension Ser vice. Ill 1 Jevelopment Pro gram. liirtli To Three. Assot ia tion for Retarded diti/ens and the A merit 7i. tim presi dent who sends 1 S aimed tunes mill hostilities has -4M hours to submit .i report to both houses ol ( engross stating the i in of his action, the and legislative authority iui it and the estimat ed "scope and duration of the hostilit n-s Sundas '! .mil I 1 .1 m and 7 10 |! Ill Ih-tuilinr fut submitting It .ils t