University Maurie Jacobs Park construction moving along By Pat Malach l meraid Associate hd>u Construction on the first phase ot .1 three year plan tor the Maurie ]H.l~l overlooks the river and is intended to he .in intimate spate Lite! said It you had six people out there you would tee! t rowded CINFMARK THF ATRFS * tMJN )CPlANP * .Ml At FOH PAMTIf S AND BlRTMOAYS 5^ymcn All GAMES WORK VIIUlU WITH NIC KILS GAMES admission m so STM STREET RUNUC MARKET EUGENI • M3 §464 Oregon l):iil\ _ _ Emerald I'll Bo* M'*> Kiipr H < >M v;..n V'4«M (Hjon Daily Emm aid Publishing c at the Ur Dai'y put>i'CdttQfi begins* with the fail hr f-ft* Merrm.f a! U?*h>- *n.J • .1 n-f- ? !r.« t d»tor A- • .v*. . ' News Managing Editor ' Editorial Editor ' Graphics Editor ■ . ’ Night Editor Associate Editors f nteriamment R .»• .! Student Govt Activities Community - c .i ' Stall Photographer . t Advertising Sales h c ■ " Production j rrt ► m 'i i . ( • htrr.u" M ' - Advertising Coordinator ' Accounts Receivable Circulation. Newsroom -*46 Sf>11 Classified Advertising *4h 434.1 Display Advertising 346 371? Production Graphic Services 346 4381 r 1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r 1 Lizard thugs Oregon Daily Emerald Presents U of O Law School nWELCOME BACK LAW STUDENTS EDITION! MONDAY, AUGUST 2 1 I ake advantage of the best and only Welcome Back Edition specifically for law school students! This is a perfect opportunity to advertise your products and services for the law school student market This will he the only Oregon Doily [oneroid issue the students will see when they return to campus and it's just for them! ODE RUN DATE: August 20 ION mi STANDS ALL THROUGH Till W! IK 1)1 21 251 Space/Copy DEADLINE: August 9th at 1 pm PRESS RUN 8,000 COPIES CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TODAY AT 346-3712 I k This is the last issue of summer term. Watch for our special Law School edition on the news stands August 20. Pick up the big Back to the Books issue during the week of September 17.