Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 09, 1990, Image 1

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    Thursday. August 9. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 92. Issue 16
lew people are aware of stud
ies linking low-level elei tromag
netic radiation, like that emitted
l>\ video displav terminals, with
i am er. birth delei ts and misi .li
Si ientists in Sweden noted sig
nifii ant ini leases in letal deaths
and misi .images in mil e exposed
to weak magnetii fields as part of
three iei ent studies
See stor\. I’age 5
The I ane (.ountv l air runs Au
gust 14- It) at the Lane Count \
fairgrounds Live entertainment,
rules < rails, food and demonstra
tion Inioths will he featured
See i alendar. Page tt
This is the last summer issue of
the Ort’gnn l)iiil\ Emrrahi We
u ill resume daih puhlii ation he
ginning Sept 114
U A SI ll\( ;T( >\ i AIM As
President Bush dispati hull I S
troops to Saudi Arabia. Iraq
turned over a 10 war old girl to
I' S diplomats in Baghdad hut
kept 48 other Amerii ans eon
lined tn a hotel under armed
guard in v\ hat one off ii ial de
si ribed as a "potentially s( .11 \
The girl. I’enelope Nabokov ot
Albany (laid u.is taken from
the hotel to the I ' S embassy In
agreement with Iraqi ollic ials
State Department ntfieials said
Wednesday night
While the I S com ern yy .is lo
1 used oil the Amerii ans seques
tered at the Hotel Rashid 111 Bagli
dad the State Department also
was worried about the thousands
ot other \meri( ,111s in Iraq and in
lraqi-o( copied kimuit
Some Amei 11 alls reportedly
hay e been the target ot threats by
Iraqi ion es in Kuwait
A week after the Iraqi conquest
ot Kuwait, with borders in both
countries and airports < losed, the
Amerii ans were still not tree to
I his raised com ern in Wash
ington that Iraqi authorities
might find them politic.ally use
fill at a time ot esi .dating military
tensions with the Bush adminis
tration The State Department has
refused to tall them hostages
There are an estimated 4,000
Amerii ,111s in kuvvait and 400 in
Iraq. 100 fewer than previous es
See related story Page ti
I’arth c loudy today u 11h a
chance ol owning thundoislmu
t>rs I lighs MU ‘if, Fridav w ill ho
partly cloudy with a slight
chance* ol an oyoning thunder
storm Highs 9(Mt.r>.
No mercy
I'r.n Ihl.i/rr joromr krisr\, stopprd ill .it tin ( lit' .on Elm
rrsbiunint in En.ijriw mi Tlirsiln\ to proinotr .in t )i I
iliiintf in Mm t.'iunt A portion ot llw pmirmls from Ihr i;.
thr Chniluttf X.C llmnrts w ill tfij to tin‘ I'nivrrsity 's ,
tin St.ition
i inhibition
imr ,igainst
\t hint it Dr
Photo In Soon Poston
PSU head
to address
luditli Knmaltw . the urn president ut
I’urtlamI SI,ilc I iiiutmU wilt deliver
tin1 I'l'X) l 'mvcrsilv summer i ommeiire
menl address Saturday .it Hayward
I ii*l«l
Mine Ml,in 1 (Hill degree i.indidates
■ tie eligible In ipate in I he III .1 m
1 eremnnv In 1 ,ise nl ruin, the coin
me in eii le 1 it will move ne. nle the Mi \ 1
thur ( null The 1, ereinom is open to the
| >11 ill it .uni In kels are not needed
In her present.ition. I (Hid lot
1 hotighl I’upnvers \toins .mil ()al
me,d. K.iuiiiliw w ill retlei I on the men
l.d 1 iimp.minus hemes ,md heroines
(min literature th.it have guided her
through life s adversilie
K.iiualev In assumed her new post
All!' i she was named president "I
I’SI hv the I tregon Stan Hoard oil ligh
ei Kdm ,1(1011 mi April bet timing the
first woman to head .1 piihln imueisih
in (iregmi
\ n-searih siienli.t win spta 1.1I1/1 ■
in the sludv ot puimrtv. she moved into
administration 11 ears .1140
Ham.dev has been executive vice
1 ll.im ellm ol the t ' 111V,■ I sits nl Kansas
.1 ml head nl its 1 .,1 w re nee i ample. Mine
pm: She holds a bat lielnr s degree in
/ntilogv trimi Sw .1 i thniore t adli ve and ,1
dm (orate in an.ilium Irom I > I A
I nun I'm.; to l>m: she IVIIS i‘\i'i utive
vice president lot ai ademii allairs ait
mg president and \ 11 e president I111 .11.1
ileum altairs al the State I'lmcisitv ol
New Vi>1 k m Albany
I rom 19HII to I'm.' Raundev served as
assistant vice president for aeademu al
lairs al the luiversiU ol Nebraska in
Lincoln She was assoi late dean loi le
seari h and development al the I imersi
tv ot Nebraska Medical St hoot in ( )ma
ha lomi I'I7'i I'm I
Kamaliw is a member ol the Aiilet n an
I .mini d 011 I'.dui .limitS ( mnnnssimi 011
Women 111 Higher I dm al ion having
1 haired tli.it panel in I'm 8H. She also
has held numerous in lie- National As
sot latum ol Stale I 'mversitirs and I and
(li,ml (aillej.es and now is convener ot
its I h let () pei at m g ( III11 els l .0 nip
Among the 1.1) III stimiltel term degree
1 and ulales are O' slated In lei.eive
h.ii lielor s degrees 1112 who are 1 .mill
dales tm master's degrees 1 i onipiet
mg dot (oral degrees and six earning law
DeFazio backs Bush, frowns on oil industry
by Catherine Hawley
! -nf.ua 4ssoc.v)ft? £ O'. T
Although President Hush 's dei islon In send I S troops in
S.hhIi Ar.ihi.i is "prudent tic is obliged In i ■ insult with I nn
giess bctuic escalating the «tin f I it t in the Middle last, s.ud
I’eter Dela/io re|irt*sent.ilive to the t ' S ( outlies horn (lie
Hon's fith distrii I
(liven Iraqi I’residenl Saddam Hussein's rfput.ition for vio
lence and the l'idled States' dependent e on t rude oil from
the Middle hast, the t'mted States was justified in sending its
troops to help Saudi Aratiia guard its border Delu/no said at a
lieu s i onferent e \Vednesda\
"There was nothing else to do. lie! a/in said Saddam
Hussein wouldn’t stop at Saudi Arabia lie won’t stop at
anything I le’s a madman
When asked d sending troops w.is the start of a military on
tanglement similar to the Hinted Slates war with Vietnam
Del azio said, "The potential ten hegemony endangering lie
tional security is a hundred times more serious, than it was
in Vietnam
A better analogy would he to compare Saddam Hussein to
Hitlei Del .1/10 said Hussein, yy I10 used poison gas in Ins
own country against the Kurds an limp ethnic minority, is
guilty of genoi ide. Del ,i/io said
Dela/io said he would support I’ S military presence in
Saudi Arabia as long as it yyas part of an internatioii.il effort to
help i outlines defend themselves against Iraqi invasion
I'hnlu lit \ imr Kdimiiv
Rep Peter l)el.i/in .dtirnied Ins support tor I ..S'. military
inters entinn in the Middle t.ist.
Mnretivei President Hush is required under the \\ .it Powers
Ail tu ((insult with Congress heiore involving the United
Turn to CONFLICT. Page 4