Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 07, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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ANC agrees to end armed action
PKKTORIA South Afric a
(Al1) Hie African National
(lon^ress annount ed Tuesday it
is immediately suspending all
armed ,n tions against the white
minority government
The agreement is .1 major
step toward the beginning ot
formal constitutional negoti
ations to end apartheid and
give the bla< k majoritv a von e
m national affairs
lu the interest ot moving as
speediIv as possible towards .1
negotiated peat etui politit al
settlement, and in the 1 oldest
ot tin1 agreement real bed. the
AN( annount etl it \\ as now
suspending all armed at turns
w ith immetli.de effet t read a
joint statement released bv the
AN( and the government .liter
lt> hours of talks
I he wav is now open to
prot etid towards negotiations
on a new constitution, the re
lease stated
!)e Klerk s government has
dismantled some aspet ts of the
1 ountry s sv stem of rat lal sepe
ration known as apartheid and
opened the talks w dh the 1 nun
try s hlai k major 11\
Tuesday ’s statement was re
leased at a press 1 onh rein e h\
a wears . hut smiling President
I \\ de kleik and A\t Deputy
President Nelson Mandela
They met from u a m Monday
until pis! laifore 1 a m I lies
day \y ith breaks only tor him h
and dinnei
"We think what has hap
(relied today forms an impor
tant turning point de kleik
Mandela said the dei isloil to
end tile ANl s JU year-old
guerrilla campaign yyas made
even before his five man dele
gation arrived for the talks w 11h
de kleik and (Cabinet members
Previously. the AN( 1 had said
it yvould halt guerrilla at tivities
onh ll tin' government released
hundreds lit political prisoners
grant amnesty to about 20.000
exiles, remove laws restricting
politic al at tivitx and end the
state of emergent \ ill Natal
provim e
Hut Mandela said hist week
th.il suspension of the armed
struggle would he considered d
it appeared the government
was moving towards meeting
its < onditinns for formal negoti
at ions
The joint statement saiti the
government would i (insider re
pealing some set urit\ laws and
lifting the state of emergent v in
Natal whit h gi\es police wide
powers to detain people and re
strit t political at tivitx Both
sides also agreed to draw up
plans foi the release til ANt.
co11net ted prisoners and for
granting amnestv to main ol
the exiles who want to return
Asked what the government
had emu filed de Klerk said
Ills administration would try to
ensure that the police deal with
all problems in what he tailed
an even handed manner
In a bit ol frit lion at the news
conference Mandela interject
ed that the government had so
far tailed to bring the pulic e till
tier control
It's a totally unsatisfactory
situation and until the govern
rliellt tallies the police we will
he dissatisfied Mandela said
Mandela said lie had advised
de kleik th.it a complete end of
guerrilla ,u tivitx would take
some time Lust week Mandela
said the ANt leadership,
xx hu ll now him turns legallx.
was having trouble getting
messages to its underground
guerrilla wing
At Tuesdax s news confer
eiu e Mandela said the ANt
would halt the infiltration ol
guerrillas and arms from neigh
boring ( ounlries
I'lie joint statement .ilso s.iiil
the government would contin
ue to review seouritv legi.sla
turn under which scores of
A\( iii tivists me hiding a
member of the National Kxeeu
tive Committee have been de
t(lined b\ |>ohc e during the past
few w neks
Police have said thev are in
vestigating an alleged plot h\
< ommunist members of the
A N't to revolt and seize pow er
it negotiations fail Although
the ANC's guerrilla wing,
Spear of the Nation, has made
no major attai ks in the past
year. AN( ' offic ials have ac
know ledged that guerrillas con
tinned to infiltrate the eountrv.
sloe kpile weapons, and plan at
tat ks
Mandela had previoush re
sisted pressure to formalh re
nounce the armed struggle of
the guerrilla wing he helped
found in 1‘ltil. one \ ear after
the government banned the
AN( and several other black
politic al organizations
Mandela was treed in Inbru
ar\ after spending 27 wars in
prison. He was serving a life
sentence after his c.onvic
lion for sabotage and plotting
to overthrow the white-led got
During Mandela's last years
in prison, the ANt ! guerrilla
w ing waged an urban bombing
c ampaign that killed .47 people
and injured PHI) from July Auto
through August PIH‘l
1'he joint statement said the
two sides had also expressed
serious concern about the gen
eral level of violence in Natal
province where a, 1)00 people
haw died in the five wars ol
lighting between AN't support
ers and supporters of the /.cilci
based Inkatha partv
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