Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS August Attractions Quick Cash1 1 :• The Wn!i#n Word * To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call' 346-4343 nfj TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING SERVICES High qualify typing and editing FAST 24 hour ^prvu e i '.all Ann J4S 994 * JO, THE TYPING PRO 683 6068 IBM WORD PROOFSSINGEDITING PAPERS. THESES. DISSERTATIONS [The WORD SPECIALISTS! ► ( iiaduatr S* hix'l Appio\rd * * DivsicftaiHins’I hcscv.I’apciN *■ IBM Compatible I )»nK. I on\ c!vn * 1 a>ci I'miUny. < uaphh s ► I ".%<< lists edit Pick ui >md delivery Can Jean 998 1864 TYPING UNLIMITED 485 0890 Barbara Land BIJOU THf AT Rf BUILDiNi, i?5 INSTRUCTION Oregon Driver Training Insiiu n ■ personal instruction in preparation lor sour license Call Dim for summer sms 342-4339 130 FOR SALE EXCELLENT FUTON! QUEEN SIZE AND COVER S175/OBO. 683 2935 Refrigerator. small a' d >•'. 344 8 793 Slide viewer Au • , . ■ i ' )35BUY OR TRADE THE BUY & SELL CFNTER Buy ’ Sell * Trade Pbotogr4ph«c Equipment 361 W. 5th ns CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS Can you t . - rs 4*4 .. APTS -DUPLEXES uaCflRS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS GOVERNMENT SEIZED S' > 1 ' ' V GOVERNMENT SEIZED $1'*‘ E Mer .-Jr', -vette-. Chevy s Surplus Your iom (1) 80S 68 7 €000 E * I l- *4.' Well maintained * *'i»m wm < c Station Wag AM I M *■ h -extol* Great family c ar Good mileage View- test drive to appreciate Onlv $1950 MS 9tSZ 1988 Nissan Sentrn a • a miles 6 speed cassette, bright red beauty $‘>750 ,344 dZSZ 66 VW Bug tram. N ew interior New fires and mags $l000/ot>o 689 34i)‘> Matt 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTBONICS Musi sell' IBM PS. MHM[> Best -I ter 346 3699 anytime 1 >ear i ! Mac SF u> with 2 meg HAM and o*tended keyboard $3500 Call 344 8030 iso SOUND SYSTEMS CASSETTE DECKS Sony light touch $70. Pioneer dubbing Dolby C. $80 344 1073 165 INSTRUMENTS Guitar K»?ytx u'd Bass lei 344 5530 195 TRAVEL San Francisco ■. -Jt? » k*t •* , 15 Aug 21. female only Eugene Jepa SEATTLE ROUNDTRIP - ' Aug 15 ret Sept 26. Eugene dep i 150, <)t.u, 484 5097. 484 4172 message 215 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE | The U of O Telefund needs you Earn and evening hours Call 146 3433 o' ; slop by 2001 Franklin Btvd today ATTN FARN MONEY READING BOOKS' $32 000/yea: 4»m« potential tan') 602 6 18 8686 { •' BK12184 ATTN EASY WORK FXCFLLENT PAY Assemble products at home Del a'is <; i) 602 838-8885 F * t W 12164 ATTN POSTAL JOBS' $H 41rhour' For application »nfo rail *■ r.i;2 838 8885 E .* M ' 2164 * , • 10 p m 7 days Computer lab 1 < • • ■ School of Journalism $5 00 hour F« pen.tr. A,tfi IBM M* . -• -m M: Woul/Pagemak »*r preferred Appi ,i ism 20i Allan Hali Apple ation dead une Aug 31 '990 EARN S20 CASH ter views 1$6 eac h] Each interview 3 "i ■• ths apart Must be a ( u*rent drug use' (other than alcohol and tobacco) but not using needles Absolute : onfi . , i White Bud Clin APTS -DUPLEXES Studios Qu.ids MW Iblh .mi mih 118b I i*rry 1021 Mill ' I . I Iblh U OF O I Bedroom 4101 llth -'14 I Hill 120 I 15th 1 149 I err\ MIS High available to inoii 2 Bedroom 4M4S1W 14th I 149 f er rv t 440 Mill I VMi Mill l‘M>» Patter son everyone s needs We have apartments furnished unfurnished Prices to tit evers lor information, or to view am unit please i all ^ Jennings - Co — A i .i 215 HELP WANTED FREELANCE WRITERS r' »•*» •. i * Oregon Daily fm erald » 0.»t *• ' 1 ’ H — f mat aid Hava you »■ a.i, •. ■ • • 1 ' i i >••• in broadcasting? Th.* may be your • nan, .• A I,,ii • »d- .!.«! -■ -i !rttrvN Ftt*spOOS(t>lM>'tS m. ludf» W'ding reporting ,i 1 proclwi mg n-w, . Racdiyti collage it adit anti tie pa?! of the team at 1 ugene *» only «il rtc*-: i it"- station tntern-ihips bego M ! !•« August 13th and continue through F all News Opartm* P Q Bo* 1123 f mjHfie Oregon • 440 INTELUGt NCE JOBS < 'A us ' !|M >n ,'t A %..* ing Call (1} 80S 6H7 6000 E *t K 964? Daily Emerald ??!) APTS -DUPLEXES CLUB MILL Furnished 1 i large clean MILL RACE t>«3 2271 MILL RACE APARTMENTS Garden Ave One bedroom ODf CLASSIFY OS 1 STOP SHOPPING APTS -DUPLEXES 225 APTS DUPLEXES Ouadv Studio* 143 4109 SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor i860 Alder Street * ’ • summer .1. aHatiti.iy 1 Jennings A Co Mil 4219 The Hilyard Apts J.? S \ N .■#•••. Ml HJ«* ■ M Y*fd#1 U.1 KM 1' : BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studios on site laundry tjoittun* t.'-w.i month 4ft4 739 t 1 and 2 BEDROOM APTS 3 hi >• Ha t'1 am putt Starting at S lr‘,‘> T* 34S 4tSh 2 bdrm apt up*!«>-'i ' hov,-.»• 1 . ••• large yd quiet nhfnl nr bun no patflutimoker* J400 hrtJ/tfil evening?, or 4th *»?f> 9bt0, leave n»*-.n.»v;r 2 block* '■ • - * 1 f m-ihoci t ■ • ’ bedroom apartment j $4 to thr,, S‘ •' plus drj-’Hitn Ioann thru AuguM Jt HUUIV1S Sefkmg people ' 245 REAL ESTATE STOP PAYING HIGH Hf Nf Great Slirttf house ■IhS OJOa tpayetwJHS 6200 toffn *■ ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT r N^-Sy • ■ > > >■ ’ Mu v; HENRY: Portrait ot a Soria! Killer , 14- KLCX 104.7 LATE NIGHT4 r STARTS f NIP AY .1 MAXIMUM lHHASHM [» t i i 4 * It *#. I iiivtin! (tu! 'Mi t i « trv l-.m.' llltttl PrflltMMUi 17 11* High f 1'iih mu High ! I4J \i.i.-f I i70 High ! H hi in .hi! i turiHshfti: 2 lirdrutim Xp.irtmrnls \n pels Shimnin .ippomliiu nl Spvslass Assoi.iatiis :u'i u mill itiiii 11 in ?65 CHILD CARE 28b FOOD & DRINK I mine rocnirii'i i (kkimiwI Ilf I IMm - Eugen* \ owm i- •• 1 ir.im iiiul f ro/vn t oguft HOT FUDGE SUNDAES S1 25 Every Tuesday fith A Ay Alt* 144 4418 Open daily 1*' 11 pm rth’ Willamette J4 J ,’t>« 1 ?95 MASSAGE & BODYWORK TMf RAPKUTIC SWl DISH MASSAGl JFANINt VAN VACTOR. I M T Phone 48 S 892/ AT f OROABLi: 305 SERVICES QUAl ITY WINDOW WASHING Affordable Rates \ me ( stlmate* Call 683 3408 or MS 2.’96 temporary health Insurance i. i it ■ .it .vln, • U'lf ’-iH*". day". Its'- .1.1, •• Handy Ft.*] hr 4H». OrtHI rt » m <> rn SOLVE THE PUZZLE One F Rtt ODf I shirt will be given lo the first person to solve lha crossword puzzle every Tuesday and Thursday during tho summer' Coma to the OOf office i3rd floor I MU) to Claim your CROSSWORD By Eugcru'Sheffcr ACROSS 1 Spicy '»14# W 5 Circle '.ugnuinl 8 lop barnu » 12 Noun-.h 13 Card game 1 4 ( ylllVO 15 Capital of Sierra l oonu 1 7 Refrain 18 A . oasy 19 Alter 1 o f' 21 Ho wrote of Poker I lat cail 25 (Cti.itoa •• 20 1 ; ..» . :.tury 30 G odetj 31 Mii'.o * fioelry 32 l 33 1 D1 \ 35 Heart 30 Cla , cars 37 Hu! • >pt i • ■' laalufu 3d Run ..ujfOuf ! 4 t Capitol VIP 42 Best UUillfKJ author 43 t iboratuu 40 City »f •,ovon hill’-. 49 WWII < r j 50 Jamo , Carter 51 “f or Your ■On:/ abbr 53 It.i art DOWN 1 '»v. •’ - position 2 I? rjod 3 Light Morse Harry 4 l xpurls 5 l i!y plant 6 Hetty quarrel 7 I vvist.s ou! of shape 8 f aith 9 Kind of 10 Missile storage 11 Scorch 1G I venthe Peter 21 Ba< K baked Solution time 25 mins 22 Map<« genus 23 Carnival lure 24 Becomes frothy 26 Worries 27 Peasant of India 28 Architect Saarinen 29 Pilcher 31 Barbara or Anthony 34 O bluer ales 35 Moat for discussion 37 toga! matter 38 'uilair 39 City uii Hudson 40 ! loarfrost 411 or men only 44 .!i lor finial 45 A< Dawn Chong 4u 1) o a eagle 47 m i i' n or Whitney r l ; SJ fP» Wf lr)j l£Nf Wffl We ship your stuff home! 1 lo 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes '.Packaging rs Store 2705 Willamette 344-3106 FREE! «■-Jm mr* It your birthday is this month, place an ad (up to 3 lines) tor tree! Oregon Daily Emerald Room 300, EMU Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson